Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 403: For my loved one

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Song Ning did not wait for the bargain, but the demon fairy man said: "Forty thousand spirit stones, this skirt, our lady asked for it."

There was an uproar, and the lady of the fairy fairy took this skirt? In this way, who dares to fight? Cai Chang was the most ugly at the moment, he just got proud, but suddenly he met the bargains of the demon clan. Even if he was a dude, he now understood that the demon clan ca n’t provoke them. , The consequences are unbearable.

This sudden change was naturally beyond Cai Tianyi's expectations. In Cai Tianyi's original plan, he was to force Song Ning to continue to sell things. He wanted to know what else there was in this person, but now the demon clan appeared. I ’m afraid that this person will be honest, so do n’t dare to provoke the demon fairy.

Even the red fairy, naturally, understands that no one will increase the price after the demon fairy comes out, so she is ready to announce the result.

But when the red fairy didn't speak, Song Ning suddenly took out another bottle of Elixir: "I said, I want this skirt, so I won't give up until I'm bankrupt."

Song Ning said that he threw the jade bottle directly to Zhu Yun: "President Zhu, the elixir in this jade bottle is exactly the same as the one just now. I want to sell it!"

At this time, even Zhu Yun couldn't help but look at the fourth floor. If the fourth floor wanted to bid for something, if he now bought Song Ning's panacea, wouldn't it be to help Song Ning to deal with the fairy fairy?

On the fourth floor, the man was about to speak, but suddenly heard the voice of the unmoved lady who had been sitting on the seat. The voice was elegant and sweet. Just listening to the voice made many monks excited. , Difficult to self-sustain.

"This Taoist, I bought a skirt and wanted to give you a gift, so you don't have to fight with me."


For the monks participating in the auction, this feeling is like a fairy falling from the sky, but the fairy fell directly into Song Ning's hands.

The support of the fairy fairy clan came too suddenly, and the favor of the fairy fairy clan for Song Ning also came too fast. It is difficult for everyone to accept at this moment, but whether they accept it or not, this is the fact.

What Song Ning wants, the lady of the fairy fairy family even helped the bidding, can this still be played? This is simply nonsense, but also auction a fart. Song Ning ordered whatever he wanted, even if the fairy fairy gave the starting price, no one dared to increase the price.

When Miss Yaoxian wanted to come, this matter directly told Song Ning, avoiding some unnecessary bids, saving time, and being able to show her favor to Song Ning.

But ... Song Ning doesn't need it at all!

"My friend's kindness was received by me, but I wanted to buy this skirt for my loved one. I don't need anyone else to pay for it. If the friend really wants to help me If you buy this skirt, don't stop me from selling medicinal remedies like Daoyou. "Song Ning said.

The monks who envy Song Ning just now think that Song Ning is a pure silly hat. He does n’t want to drop a pie in the sky. He must eat the grass roots? He was n’t afraid that the pie would kill him in a rage?

Sure enough, the man of the fairy fairy family was angry: "Don't give it to you ..."

"Shut up!"

As soon as half of the man ’s words were spoken, she was stopped by the young lady, and the young fairy fairy slowly came out from behind. This was the first time she stood in front of the auction crowd. These people shrank their pupils when they saw her. Although she was wearing a veil at the moment, she could not see her face clearly, but the temperament alone gave people a sense of detachment.

Her eyes fell on Song Ning, and then she looked at Qing Ning next to Song Ning. When she wanted to come, Song Ning might want to buy a skirt to compete with Cai Chang.

Qingning was slightly shy when he was looked at, and he couldn't help avoiding it.

The fairy fairy lady was a little surprised. She thought that Qingning was a beauties of the country, but now it seems that there is nothing surprising except for its appearance and purity.

But after all, the fairy fairy family knew that Song Ning was not the alchemist, so she did n’t care that this person would go to jealousy for the woman, and she said: "Your bottle of immortality, 300,000 spirit stones, I want it Bai Yao, pay. "

When she was finished, she returned to her seat without looking at Song Ning again. The man beside her took the Elixir from Zhu Yun's palm and gave Song Ning money.

After receiving the money, Song Ning increased the price: "I have forty-one thousand stone."

At this time, Qing Ning's body seemed to be a little deer bumping, she didn't expect that this predecessor actually spent so much money for her, she likes this skirt, she is thinking, if the other party will The skirt is given to her, does she want to agree with her body, but if the other party is just for fun?

Qingning is not just a casual person, but does such a precious thing, so direct confession, she not accept it?

After Song Ning's bid, the auction house fell silent. Song Ning's ignorance of lifting did not provoke the demon clan, which was really a miracle, but the demon clan may not have paid attention to such a person who did not recognize the lifting. ?

Cai Tianyi waited for the fairy fairy to speak, but did not expect that he was waiting for a fairy fairy man to say: "This skirt, no one should fight anymore? Can be finalized."

The Cai family can only say nothing, but Cai Tianyi got the information he wanted-Song Ning was not just a bottle of that kind of medicine.

Chihong Fairy hurriedly congratulated Song Ning: "Congratulations to the seniors for buying this ice silk skirt at a price of 410,000 yuan. Presumably the Qingning girl next to you must be very happy. Bless you, the beauty of the good night, this night must be an unforgettable night. . "

Chihong Fairy continued to say that Qingning's blush was hot, and he didn't dare to lift up to see Song Ning. At the moment, in the eyes of everyone, Qingning was a lucky person. In the mind of female practitioners, Qingning was envious and jealous of them. Object of hate.

But all these beautiful atmospheres were broken by Song Ning's suspicion: "I bought this skirt for my loved one, what does it have to do with Qingning?"


Qingning's face also changed, and she burst into tears.

At first, even the lady of the fairy fairy family thought that Song Ning was competing with Cai Chang for jealousy, but now at first glance, she finally found that she was underestimating Song Ning.

She looked closely at Song Ning's eyes again. From Song Ning's eyes, she saw a trace of recollection and a trace of love. Although these two moods are hidden deep, they are very real and very strong.

"It turned out to be a man with a story." Miss fairy fairy sighed in her heart. She thought Song Ning just wanted to be handsome in front of Qingning, but now when she thinks about it again, she instantly understands Song Ning's state of mind.

Buying the things you love with your own ability and giving them to the loved one, this kind of feeling may be for everyone, but not everyone can do it.

【Author's Digression】: 3 chapters

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