Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 200: Playing dogs also depends on the owner

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

"Zhang Liang! This matter has nothing to do with Song Ning. If you are still a man, don't involve Song Ning!" Luo Yi gritted his teeth and stared at Zhang Liang fiercely.

Zhang Liang sarcastically looked at Luo Yi: "Man? Do you have pig dung in your head? I am a fairy now. You ants like me do n’t even give me a ** toe in front of me. I let him Kneeling down and begging for mercy gave him a way to live, and even let him follow me behind. This is his great blessing! "

"You ..." Luo Yi looked at Song Ning with apology in his eyes.

"Now I don't need you to kneel down, as long as you say" Luo's father and son, pigs and dogs are not as good as ", I authorize you to follow me!" Zhang Liang raised his finger to Song Ning and said with pride.

Luo Zhengfeng looked at Song Ning: "It is the most important thing to live!"

When Zhang Liang heard this, he smiled more happily, almost crazy.

Luo Yi and Luo Zhengfeng are looking forward to the situation now. The elder husband should be able to flex his energy, and with all three of them dead, they hope Song Ning can survive.

Song Ning said.

All eyes are on Song Ning's mouth.

Luo Zhengfeng and Luo Yi twitched slightly, smiling.

Zhang Liang grinned grimly.

Those warriors looked at Song Ning's eyes full of disdain, although at this time, I am afraid that everyone would follow the trend, leaving Qingshan in, not afraid of no firewood.

But it is Song Ning, not them, who is soft at the moment. They naturally look down on Song Ning.


When Song Ning said it, everyone was stunned.

"More than ten years ago, someone said something similar to me. After that, he died and his bones were gone. Today I will give you two options, either kneel down to apologize to the master, take your people away, or die. The whole body. "

Around, dead.

Not to mention Zhang Liang and others, even Luo's father and son were stupid.

Although Song Ning's words are imposing, what does it mean to say them?

Luo's father and son were annoyed. At this time, could Song Ning just take a soft one? Why do you say such things for their previous feelings and do such stupid things?

Zhang Liang's eyes were full of bloodshot eyes and his green muscles were exposed. The horror looks like a monster.

"All killed! Split corpses!" Zhang Liang roared.


Ten martial arts soldiers started their hands, slashing their swords at Song Ning, and the murderous outbreak made people tremble.

Luo's father and son raised their swords to meet their enemies, but they didn't wait for their attack to come out, only to feel the sword flash in front of their eyes, and the ten or so soldiers stood motionless, standing still, as if frozen.

The sword rises, the sword falls.

The Liuyun sword in Song Ning's hand didn't seem to come out of the sheath, but it clearly had a sword that cut off the wind and crossed it.

Quick, almost unbelievable, and no one except Zhang Liang saw how Song Ning made his sword.


Everyone fell to the ground, no matter who they were, no matter how tall or short, kung fu was strong or weak, and a sword sealed their throats!

The father and son of Luo's mouth were half open, and Song Ning was very powerful. They knew that they hadn't expected it to be so powerful. In ten years, he had been able to reach this level. This is still without Dantian. If there is Dantian, Able to practice Qi, is he not invincible?

Zhang Liang also froze for a moment, but then, his mouth raised, looking at Song Ning like a dead man, and patted his hands a few times: "Okay, good, I was inconvenient before, but now you kill If you have so many people, do n’t blame me for killing you as a beast! ”

Between Zhang Liang's speeches, a flick of his fingertip flew out.

This spiritual force is invisible and colorless. Ordinary people can only feel the impact of a force but can't see where it is.

However, Song Ning once cultivated in the early days of Dandan, and his strength was comparable to Yuanying. How could he not know where this spiritual power lies?

At this time, Song Ning can be sure that this bright cultivation is weak, and the strength is weaker. Now this is already his killing trick, but it is just a pop of spiritual ball to attack.


Song Ning's body moved, avoiding the spiritual attack, and his feet were moving, and he came to Zhang Liang in the blink of an eye.

Zhang Liang was startled, and finally his eyes showed horror. He quickly backed away, and the speed was extremely fast, but he was fast, and Song Ning was not slow. While the two kept their distance, Song Ning threw out a sword, that Zhang Although Liang escaped, there was already a trace of sword in his throat, and blood oozed out.

Even if it was only broken, the mortal Wufu could actually hurt the monk, which is too amazing!

The speed of Song Ning's feet was not reduced, and his wrist turned.

Ethereal Sword Domain!

However, just when Liuyun Jian just started to flip, suddenly a spiritual force flew. This spiritual force did not attack Song Ning, but forced Song Ning to retreat. The "Empty Sword Territory" that was about to be exhibited also disappeared.

"He is not good anymore. He is also a little medicine boy of Shui Yunzong. He also depends on the owner to beat the dog. Are you a bit excessive?" The voice came, and then a young monk flew.

This monk looked like he was in his twenties. He should have just built the foundation for his cultivation. He flew in a distance. Everyone in the ancient sword city saw this and bowed down on his knees.

The panic dissipated in Zhang Liang ’s eyes, and he immediately knelt on the ground and kowtowed to the young monk: “Master, he dared to hurt me. I ’ve already mentioned the master ’s name to him, saying that the master is a disciple of Shui Yunzong, but Not only did he not listen, he also insulted his master, and he made a rant, saying that even if the master came, he would kneel and beg for mercy! "

Zhang Liang spoke very fast, and he heard that the roots of Luo's father and son were itchy, and he wished to divide his five horses into corpses.

Song Ning raised an eyebrow, but did not explain.

The young monk of Shuiyunzong glanced at the body, and then his eyes fell on Song Ning.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it. At this moment, his face suddenly changed greatly.

Once upon a time, he had a dream for a month in a row. In the dream, a young monk of the early foundation foundation similar to him was flying in mid-air, chasing a Liujia monk who was a great consummation in the later stage of the kiln, and the monk foundation was calm During leisure, between raising his hands and throwing his feet, he killed the Liu family monk who was the great consummate in the later period of Jiedan.

This scene, he still remembers to this day.

That person is the goal of his lifelong efforts.

Just as the young monk of Shui Yunzong's face changed greatly, Song Ning also recognized him. At that time, Song Ning was exhausted after killing Liu Xian, sitting on the ground, and happened to meet the three of Shui Yunzong. The famous disciple, one of them, is the young monk in front of him.

"Master, this beast is too rampant, and I have killed a dozen mortals. I am about to take the place of Heaven. In addition to his scourge, now you are here, master, it is you ..."


Halfway through Zhang Liang's words, he only felt a force of energy hit his face. His body flew out, his face was deformed, all his teeth were broken, and most of them swallowed directly into his stomach.

Zhang Liang was extremely shocked. He didn't even know why his master shot suddenly, but what shocked him even more was still behind ...

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