Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 194: Depot

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

"What about this dress?" Song Ning took away the Dragon Soul Forged Pill Dan carelessly and began to fiddle with the clothes he just took out.

Youyue stared at the clothes, a little bit, and said with emotion: "Invisibility clothes ... you really don't know what **** luck has gone."

Song Ning frowned, although Youyue could not be transformed into an entity now, but Song Ning could see the appearance of Youyue when she looked inside. Such a beautiful woman, regardless of temperament or appearance, did not lose her half. Such is the case with exports, which is really unacceptable.

"What can be hidden?" Song Ning asked.

"After wearing it, you are like the air." Youyue sighed: "It's amazing, it's really amazing, even in the fairy world, this stealth clothes can sell for a large price, but unfortunately you take it in your hand now The invisibility cloak that was worn is damaged, it should be that the owner of the invisibility cloak suffered a lot of trauma when fighting with people. "

"Can you hide even if you're damaged?" Song Ning unfolded the cloak and put it on his waist. Sure enough, the waist part disappeared.

Youyue regretted: "Yes, now this invisibility cloak, when you put it on, others can't see you, nor can you feel your cultivation, but the duration is only ten breaths."

"Is it ten interest?" Song Ning was somewhat disappointed: "Forget it, there is not much ten interest. If you are really fighting, you can decide life or death with a single breath."

Seeing Song Ning was not too disappointed, Youyue applauded: "Too many words were told to you today, and I am a little tired. I need to recuperate and recharge. If there is no emergency, do n’t wake me up."

"Can I take the initiative to wake you up?" Song Ning asked.

"Yes, what's wrong?" Youyue said.

Song Ninglue hesitated: "I went to a fairy ruin before. If I knew that I could wake you up, I would call you. It just so happens that you can absorb some fairy spirits in the fairy ruin."

When Youyue heard this, Qi almost rolled her eyes and fainted. She clenched her teeth tightly. It seemed that Song Ning was inside her teeth. With such force, Song Ning could be killed.

"Don't call me when something is wrong, unless you are not far away from death, you wake me up, I will come out and celebrate with firecrackers!" Youyue said arrogantly, and disappeared directly.

Before Song Ning's mood was not good, even though it was a breakthrough, Ke Leng's affairs were always in his mind.

But because of the appearance of Youyue, he was in a better mood, but now that Youyue is sleeping, Song Ning's mood fell again.

"Leng Family, within ten years, I will go back to marry Leng Yuexiao. Then I will see who else wants to drive me away, and who dares to disagree!" Song Ning held his fist and looked at Leng's place. .

Before coming out of Xianxu, he wanted to live in Lengjia for a period of time, but he did not expect that Lengjia's people even drove him away. Song Ning understood that in the final analysis, he still had his own strength. Some people in the Leng family did not like it and did not dare to drive it away.

He obviously helped the Leng family so much, but the Leng family treated him like this. Even if his mood was so good, Song Ning had no feelings for the people of the Leng family at this moment.

In the middle of the sky, Song Ning was flying fast. The first one without a foothold thought of going to Li Qingling. After a period of time, he should also go back and see sister Li Qingling and Mu Xuezhao.

However, when Song Ning changed his direction and flew towards the Li family, he suddenly felt that the space seemed to be trembling, and a mighty force was sweeping over and over.

Song Ning was appalled, quickly lowered his body, and looked at the source of power.

The previous moment was still a few hundred miles away, and the next moment was already in front of him.

It was a woman's face. Song Ning had never seen this woman, but when the woman held out her hand, Song Ning felt a breath of death.

The woman just waved a seemingly inadvertent palm, and Song Ning felt that the surrounding world seemed to squeeze, her body could not move, and the air around her body burst open.

"Yueyue!" Song Ning shouted when this power had hit Song Ning's body.

Youyue is brewing and going to sleep. Suddenly she heard Song Ning calling her. She wanted to quarrel with Song Ning, but suddenly she felt the power strike, and her pupils shrank, and a fairy power popped up.

That fairy force is extremely fast and wraps Song Ning's whole body.


A palm fell on Song Ning's body. Song Ning flew out like an arrow off the string, crashing into the ground, and deeply embedded in the ground a dozen feet deep.

If it were n’t for the promotion of the Shinto Scriptures, his body was strengthened again, and even the impact just now was enough to crush him!

Youyue's illusory figure began to fade: "Invisibility clothes!"

Song Ning put on her cloak with difficulty, and looked at Youyue who had to sleep in the past. She was horrified. Youyue just used Xianli to protect him. The power of Xianli was still there, but she couldn't last long.

In the midair, the woman was shocked. She is now practicing in the later period of the deity. The palm just now, not to mention the monk of the Tandan period, even if it is in the deity period, it will certainly die, but did Song Ning survive?

She swept through her consciousness and found no place for Song Ning.

The invisibility cloak was put on Song Ning, and the invisibility effect of Ten Breath began.

The woman snorted and fell in the air with a palm!


This lightly pressed the palm down, the ground shuddered suddenly, and a palm-sized palm-sized handprint smashed on the ground, and the whole ground sunk.

In this earth, there is Song Ning!

In the invisibility cloak, the protection of Youyue ’s immortal power disappeared. Even though Song Ning was not crushed by this palm, due to the squeezing, many bones broke and almost died.

In the air, the woman frowned at the hundred-foot depression on the ground: "The first blow before, it seems that ... there is a feeling of fairy power, is there a fairy in the boy ?!"

The woman's pupil shrank sharply. The first thing she thought of was the Burning Sky Sword in Song Ning's hands. There were sword spirits in the Burning Sky Sword. So it seems that the Burning Sky Sword must be a fairy sword!

Coming today, she is for the burning sword, and she must not let Song Ning run away.

Above the earth, Song Ning reluctantly climbed up, counting the time silently in his heart.

Five interest ...

Six interest ...

He suffered a neck injury and could not look up at the woman in the sky, but even if he did n’t look at this time, Song Ning already knew the identity of the woman. He exhausted all his energy and began to escape. Compared with pain, life is the most important of.

The woman looked down at the ground and her voice was cold: "You can live, but the sword must stay. If I can't see the sword, then everyone related to you will die!"

Seven Breaths.

Song Ning started to flee frantically, screaming in her heart: Are you going to die? The Leng family and the Liu family are all related to me. You have the ability to let them die!

The woman frowned and raised her hand again. If this palm fell again, Song Ning could never escape.

But at this moment, there was a sudden wave of fluctuation in the air, as if a monk of the **** of transformation came, the woman gritted her teeth, snorted coldly, and turned around and disappeared in place.

Song Ning never saw the woman's face from beginning to end, but her hand was deeply engraved in Song Ning's mind.

Because that hand is the hand that broke through the space in the fairy market that day and took away the red woman's storage ring!

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