Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 178: Moxiu

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

"Xiao Xiao, the previous thing was the fault of me." Song Ning turned to face Leng Yuexiao: "It should be said that the person I am sorry is me."

Leng Yuexiao smiled gently, sighed softly, and glanced at the surrounding buildings: "Still ready to start looking."

Looking at the countless buildings of Yuan Qian, Song Ning nodded and unfolded his spiritual knowledge: "We are looking for it separately. This is my jade note. If something happens, I will crush the jade note directly and I will arrive as soon as possible."

Leng Yuexiao took the jade paper, turned her head and flew towards the other side, but she had n’t waited to get up, and two spiritual forces fluctuated in the distance. Looking closely, it was Liu Ruyan and Mo Mo .

Liu Ruyan saw Leng Yuexiao from afar, and frowned: "Are you injured?"

"Wang Yi secretly calculated." Leng Yuexiao said bluntly.

Song Ning was alert, although there was no evidence of Liu Ruyan and Wang Yi joining together, but after all, he had some feuds with the Liu family. It is impossible to guarantee that Liu Ruyan would not join forces with Wang Yi. If they suddenly attacked like Sun Xin, they would not There must be such good luck to escape again.

With such an idea in mind, Song Ning then found out that there was no such thing as Wang Yi and others, and he felt a little relieved.

Liu Ruyan said with a chuckle: "The man Wang Yi, mean and shameless, said that he secretly counted you, but I was not surprised, but why you had an accident, but the Song Daoyou beside you was safe and ruddy. ? "

"Wang Yi was planning to calculate me, Xiao Xiao saved me." Song Ning said.

Liu Ruyan laughed: "It's interesting, but I didn't expect that Lengyuxiao, the first beauty of Luoyu Kingdom, and the cold and unparalleled Leng Yuexiao, even saved herself to save a man."

"I don't have time to listen to you talking coldly." Leng Yuexiao said coldly, she sent a voice to Song Ning: "Although you have an enemy with the Liu family, but Liu Ruyan is very contemptuous of the Liu Qing's guests, so she may not think about it Before entering the fairy market, I thought Liu Ruyan would unite with Wang Yi. Now, it seems that Liu Ruyan should not have come with them. "

Song Ning said: "Let's act together, so as to avoid any accidents."

Leng Yuexiao agreed, standing next to Song Ning.

Liu Ruyan glanced at Song Ning, then looked at Mo Mo beside him, and sighed softly: "I know what you are thinking, I did not join forces with Wang Yi, nor in this fairy ruin Who are you going to shoot, after all, this poor and weak pity next to me, came in this time just to look for opportunities. "

Song Ning knew a little about this Momo, because his appearance was almost exactly the same as Lu Sheng. Song Ning saw that he had an inexplicable closeness, but this Momo's identity background was elusive, and he was able to follow Liu Mo It was unexpected to enter this fairy ruin by the side of the smoke.

Mo Mo scratched his head when he heard Liu Ruyan's words: "I don't want to come either. There is a high probability of death."

This Mo Mo is saying, there are several spiritual power fluctuations in the distance. This spiritual power fluctuation has a very strong demon spirit. Several people looked at it. There were seven people over there. To be precise, yes Eight magic repairs.

These seven people turned out to be all successful cultivation practices in the later period of Jiedan!

The place where they fell was the palace where the little girl was just now. Among the seven of them, one of them walked at the front and the clothes were the most luxurious. As soon as he fell, he glanced at Song Ning and others, and then The movement of the six people beside him quickly surrounded Song Ning and the others.

"Brother!" The girl's childish voice came from the palace. Her voice was crying. She fluttered at the brother with open arms and cried. The two braids fanned: "Brother, I was accidentally sent here just now. By the way, if it was n’t for a big brother and a big sister to help me break the barrier, I could n’t reach you at all. ”

The man's face was long-haired, his figure was slightly thin, his robe was there, and he opened his arms and embraced the little girl in his arms: "Can't reach me?"

The little girl opened her palm, and there were several broken jade notes in her palm.

The man smiled bitterly: "You must be careful everywhere in this fairy ruin, but you do n’t listen. Fortunately, someone helped you, otherwise what would you do? Wait a minute, my brother will deal with several human monks , Nothing good. "

The man hugged the little girl and fell next to Song Ning and others. He did not forget to ask: "Which race did the person who saved you just look like, do you remember? Go back and I will reward them. "

The little girl nodded: "Well, remember, it's a human monk!"

The man was stunned and looked at Song Ning and the others.

At the moment, Song Ning and the four others were ready to fight, but Song Ning suddenly saw the little girl, and was a little dazed.

The little girl was stunned when she saw Song Ning, pointing at Song Ning and saying, "Brother, just now this brother and the sister saved us."

The man gave Song Ning a meaningful look: "This Daoist, you and your fellow can leave, the remaining two, I am going to kill, please take a convenience."

This man's words are so indifferent, as if he is talking about things that are sparse and ordinary.

Liu Ruyan's heart tightened, and she was not afraid of the six monks who were in the later stage of the Great Dharma, but from the man holding the little girl, she could feel a sense of oppression.

Leng Yuexiao gave Song Ning an apprehension. Song Ning got a comprehension and clenched his fist: "Dear friends, I don't know if we can let the four of us go. We came in together. Some tasks are in our body."

The six people didn't speak a word, obviously they were followers and the like. Looking at the man again, their eyes always fell on Song Ning. Somehow, they always felt that seeing Song Ning was like seeing relatives. From Song Ning's body, he You can feel a familiar smell.

But when Song Ning finished saying this, he glanced at the few people next to Song Ning, and he suddenly smiled: "The man and the demon have been fighting for a long time. I am very close to the northern part of the Falling Nation. I'm right, this beauty is the cold man, right? "

In Leng Yuexiao's eyes, there is a murderous surge, and the body's spiritual power has been mobilized, ready to start.

The corner of Liu Ruyan ’s mouth rose slightly, and she did n’t like the demon, and now the demon recognized Leng Yuexiao. If it really happened, she wanted to return Song Ning and Leng Yuexiao ’s feelings of not turning away. .

"Brother!" The little girl looked at the man with sulking words.

The man touched the little girl ’s head with pride, and then said to Song Ning and Leng Yuexiao: "Several do n’t be nervous. Although we are fighting, I do n’t have any feelings for humans, but you saved my sister without harm, then I ’m not going to shoot you either. Just now you said that you have a task in your body. I think you are looking for the ice that can repair the enchantment? "

The man spoke while watching Leng Yuexiao's reaction.

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