Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 176: Swordsmanship, escape

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Shackled by an immortal lock?

Do not!

It is the wind that binds them. The wind is too strong, so there is a feeling of restraint, not the bundle of immortal locks that have been chasing behind.

In the blink of an eye.

In the eyes of Wang Yi and others, Song Ning and Leng Yuexiao suddenly disappeared, and the bundle of immortal locks froze in mid-air, wondering where to go.

Song Ning appeared in front of a boulder holding Leng Yuexiao, and Song Ning looked up, and it was the red stone pillar!

Song Ning immediately went behind the stone pillar to hide, his eyes were unbelievable.

Lengyue Xiaoxiang's tongue licked her lips and couldn't help exclaiming: "Yu Jianshu, escape ?!"

In the third stage of Yujianshu, "Yujianshu, Dun", it is a thousand miles away.

Song Ning doesn't even know how he did it, but now that he is far away thousands of miles away, then he completely got rid of the bundle of immortal locks.

"Being able to comprehend the third stage of Yujianshu at a critical juncture, it seems that your practice all the way up to now is not just the merits of the Shen Dao Jing." Leng Yuexiao sighed with emotion.

"Not completely comprehension, but just too crises just now, accidentally used." Song Ning said: "Thanks to this, otherwise it is difficult to escape the shackles of the bundle of fairy locks."

Speaking of tying the immortal lock, Leng Yuexiao's eyes fell: "I knew Sun Xin was a man before, but she didn't expect that she should join forces with Wang Yi, and that Wang Yi's master Dao Tianren was even more outrageous. All were given to this apprentice to make them do whatever they want. "

"Absolutely defensive enchantment, supernatural power, is that naive man Wang Yi's father?" Song Ning also questioned.

Leng Yuexiao shook her head: "I heard that it was just a relationship between mentor and apprentice. Now I think about it, it's really not normal." Leng Yuexiao seems to be thinking about the relationship between the two.

"We look for the palace as soon as possible after our cultivation. No matter what his relationship with the innocent person is, what he did to you, I will get back from him sooner or later."

In the impression of Leng Yuexiao, Song Ning is not the kind of person who is easy to impulse, but now Song Ning is so easy to exhale murderousness, it must be extremely murderous.

"Isn't it just that you saw me being frivolous by Wang Yi and jealous?" Leng Yuexiao asked, frowning.

As soon as these words were spoken, Song Ning's murderous dissipation suddenly dissipated, and he was flushed with blush instead.

"I, I just ..." Song Ning was at a loss.

Leng Yuexiao didn't expect Song Ning to show such an expression. Looking at it like this, it really looks like a child.

"I just laughed, Wang Yi behaved like that, but everyone with blood flesh can't see it, let alone you?" Leng Yuexiao smiled.

Song Ning shook his head and scratched his head: "If you didn't save me before, I'm afraid it was seriously injured. Even if I didn't feel the power of Qianshazhi, I can probably imagine that seeing you hurt and seeing the king Yi wants to be light on you, so I feel sad. "

Leng Yuexiao saw that Song Ning's eyes were distracted when she talked, and she realized that the teenager also had a good opinion of her.

For Leng Yuexiao, things like emotions are very delicate. She practiced all her heart, and since she was born, she has placed her eyes on the abyss of ice. The final destination of Leng's family is the abyss of ice, so Leng Yuexiao never thought that she would be emotional with a man.

But now, it seems that this relationship is also very beautiful, at least they are together at the moment, have experienced life and death, have experienced tribulation, can face each other, can be together.

"If there is no war, how good it should be." Leng Yuexiao said in his heart that he said it directly.

Song Ning said with a smile: "You can block the gap if you find the ice? If you can block the gap, will Leng's condition improve? Then the war can be avoided."

Leng Yuexiao nodded happily, throbbing in her heart, it seemed that they had expected to find the ice in the near future.

The two began to meditate and adjust their breath. Thousands of miles away, even if Wang Yi and others wanted to rely on the flight, it would take a while, not to mention that they still do n’t know the approximate location of Song Ning, and Song Ning ’s spiritual consciousness always unfolded Even in this immortal ruin, his spiritual consciousness can unfold a hundred feet, and the spiritual consciousness of Wang Yi and others can unfold at most seven or eighty feet, so before Wang Yi and they found Song Ning, Song Ning could find them first. .

Song Ning was not injured before, but recovered his spiritual power naturally and quickly. After he recovered almost, he began to replenish the Sky Burning Sword, supplementing the Sky Burning Sword while observing the surrounding terrain.

After a short observation, Song Ning found that they should be in a group of buildings at this moment, and the red stone pillar leaning behind was like a gate pillar.

He looked at the buildings in front of him. The buildings were almost broken, but he could still see that this was a palace group.

palace? !

Song Ning's eyes lit up and found that the palace was somewhat similar to the distribution of buildings on the map taken by Leng Yuexiao.

Leng Yuexiao was seriously injured before. Although there was a recovery at this moment, she was still injured. She felt Song Ning pacing around and opened her eyes. She said softly, "Song Ning, what are you looking at?"

"Xiao Xiao, look at this palace, is it similar to the one we are looking for?" Song Ning pointed to the palace in front.

Leng Yuexiao was startled, and then looked at the palace pointed to by Song Ning.

Sure enough, Leng Yuexiao smiled on her face: "It's it!"

"You can cultivate yourself, since we have found it, we are not in a hurry." Song Ning said.

Leng Yuexiao was already unable to sit still: "I am now able to move freely, but I can't exert my full strength, and the internal organs need to be recovered for a long time. Now that I have found this palace, let's go into the search quickly, so as not to cause more trouble outside. "

Song Ning glanced at Leng Yuexiao and found that she did not really matter now, and she agreed.

In front of them, the palace group had a huge range. If they didn't vacate above Baizhang, they wouldn't be able to see the palace group at all. Now Song Ning and Leng Yuexiao are worried about being besieged by Wang Yi and others, so they won't vacate to observe.

Although the palaces have been damaged to varying degrees, they still stand upright. Song Ning can feel that these palaces are made of things such as spirit stones. Even now, they can still feel the building materials. Weak spiritual power fluctuations.

There is a road directly in front of them. This road is tens of miles long and leads to the largest palace. Of course, this largest palace is also the most damaged.

Around this largest palace, there are countless small buildings, and it looks like a palace.

"You can only find one room after another." Leng Yuexiao said.

Song Ning nodded, and the two marched into the palace group.

"Bang bang, bang bang."

As soon as they walked in, they heard a weeping sound in a small palace. This sound is strange and not like an acquaintance, but from the immature sound quality, it can be felt that a young girl is crying ... …

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