Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 168: That trace of feelings coincided

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Leng Yuexiao stopped talking, and the words turned: "I am afraid that the soldiers of the Leng family will be seriously injured or injured. I will not mention these for the time being. Although you have to help me find the ice in the Fairy Market, don't forget to go. The other purposes of Xianxu are all treasures in Xianxu, and what you can get is your blessing. "

Song Ning's expression was solemn: "After you go, find the piece of ice and talk about it."

Leng Yuexiao didn't dispute with Song Ning, but felt warmth to Song Ning's solemn statement. For a time, her heart moved slightly, and it seemed that her feelings for Song Ning had increased. A question suddenly appeared in Leng Yuexiao's heart.

"Song Ning, if you are allowed to fight the cold abyss for the Leng family, would you be willing?" Leng Yuexiao asked.

Song Ning smiled: "To fight for the Leng Family? If you are fighting in the abyss of ice, it is not the Leng Family, but the country of falling feathers, tens of thousands of mortals, and thousands of souls. Although I have tasks in Song Ning, I have to do a lot Things, but if even the Abyss of Ice is lost, I will not be able to live for a long time, so if the battle of the Abyss of Ice needs me, then I am obliged. "

Leng Yuexiao's lips opened and closed, slightly trembling, unable to speak, the star eyes flashed on Song Ning, watching Song Ning's free smile, listening to Song Ning's bland but generous words, her feelings spread. .

She had never heard a man say this, even the father, when referring to the abyss of ice, only regarded it as the responsibility of the cold family, not the responsibility of a monk.

There is no self in front of Dayi. If the country is going to be a country and the border is lost, how can we talk about our homes and ourselves?

Leng Yuexiao is very warm and sweet in her heart. This feeling is the first time in 18 years.

However, the only regret in her heart also came out. Song Ning ’s cultivation practice was still too low, and his strength was still too weak. He had no background behind him, no support from any forces, and Wang Yi, who could bring huge resources to Leng ’s family. Song Ning is still much worse.

Leng Yuexiao sighed in her heart: "Just put everything on that ice."

There was nothing more in the Spirit Boat.

Half a day passed by, and when their spirit boat fell, the other six were already waiting.

Walking down from the spirit boat, Song Ning felt the murderous Wang Yi at first glance.

Beside Wang Yi, there is also a woman in red dress. The woman is extremely feminine and has an amazing appearance. It is faintly fascinating.

At the same time, Song Ning also felt another kind of bad gaze. This gaze came from Qing Sha Nuxiu. Just from the perspective of her great consummation in the later period of the Dandan, Song Ning could guess that this Nuxiu should It was Liu Ruyan.

What surprised Song Ning was that the man who followed Liu Ruyan turned out to be the Momo who tried to assassinate him before!

Mo Mo saw that Song Ning was at a loss for a while, then immediately waved his hand secretly and grinned awkwardly.

"This is Song Ning and Song Daoyou who killed our Liu family and broke the surface of Wang Yi's divine power? Fortunately, I would have asked for advice without family permission." Liu Ruyan is like him Name, sound like smoke.

"The people killed by Song Ning are all virtuous people with no virtue and no way. If they were killed by Song Ning, it would only prove that they were not worthy of living." Suddenly, a young monk appeared in a place where everyone had not cared.

When Song Ning's pupils shrank, he didn't expect to see this person here at all—Lin Suifeng!

Liu Ruyan looked at Lin Suifeng, who was talking about Song Ning in the early days of Jie Dan: "What are you? What do you say when Liu Ruyan speaks?"

"Yo, it's really interesting. I heard a few disciples of Shui Yunzong report a few days ago that they saw that Liu Thirteen of the Liu family was chased and killed by Song Ning. Gee, the Dazheng monk in the late period of Jiedan was built by a monk. The monks in the early period of the chase ran all over the sky, and the scene was a joy. You are also embarrassed about the Liu family ’s shameful thing, Liu Ruyan, Liu Ruyan, you are not shameful, I will feel shame for you. Lin Xiufeng, dressed in a gold coat, smiled.

Song Ning feels a little inexplicable. The fifth-level cultivation family, the Leng family is him and Leng Yuexiao, the Liu family is Liu Ruyan and Momo, the fifth-grade cultivation group, the Taoist school is Liu Yi and the red woman beside him, and the water Yun Zong was his brother Lin Suifeng who was once in the Tianyuan School and this female in gold dress.

During the speech, Lin Suifeng came to Song Ning: "Brother Song, do you remember me? I am Lin Suifeng."

"Of course I remember, just Brother Lin, why did you get into Shui Yunzong?" Song Ning was surprised.

"I seldom stayed in the school. Basically, I traveled and practiced everywhere. On that day, I was met by the head of Shui Yunzong. He forcibly fed me the pill. He said that I was his disciple and brought me into Shuiyun Zong, I heard that Tianyuan sent something, and then went back to see it, and then I learned the details, so I left Tianyuan School and became a disciple of Shuiyun Zong. "" Lin Suifeng explained.

Song Ning punched Lin Suifeng with a fist: "Congratulations to Brother Lin."

"Hey, do n’t call Brother Lin anymore. My cultivation is based on the Elixir, but you are different. You can kill the perfect scum of the late Jiedan in the early stage of foundation, now you are falling Among the younger generation of China, they are as famous as the three of them, and they will call me to follow the wind in the future. "Lin Suifeng said.

Leng Yuexiao next to Song Ning frowned slightly. Outside the Fairy Market, the Lagang faction was normal. She thought they might be helpless this time, but now it seems that the situation is not what she thought before. Song Ning It has some popularity.

"Sister Sun, this is Song Ning." Lin Suifeng introduced.

Sun Xin walked in front of Song Ning and smiled: "I saw one of the three Shui Yunzong disciples who chased and killed Liu Thirteen, one of them was my cousin. Thank you for not killing and killing your mouth."

Song Ninggang was about to speak, and Lin Suifeng first said: "Sister Sister's words, the people killed by the younger brother are all scum. He will not do things that kill people and kill their mouths. After all, he is surnamed Song and not Liu."

"Ha ha ha ha, interesting and interesting." Sun Xinjiao laughed.

When several of them talked, Liu Ruyan's face changed with anger. Now Leng's family and Shui Yunzong have formed a united trend, and Hedaozong's and Liu's family naturally formed an alliance.

"Leng Daoyou, don't come unharmed." Sun Xin clenched fist at Leng Yuexiao.

Lengyue Xiaoran: "Sun Daoyou, thank you for your immortality before."

"Well, when it comes to Elixir, the master gave me a lot before I came. Among them, four of them are the most precious and can instantly improve the strength. It is said that after taking it, it can increase the strength to the previous two in a short time. Oh, come on, everyone one by one, so as not to wait to enter the fairy ruins and fight to lose. "

Sun Xin said, while demonstrating to Liu Ruyan and Wang Yi, etc., the three outstanding young monks of Luoyu Kingdom, there were Liu Ruyan, Wang Yi, and Leng Yuexiao. Song Ning, without her Sun Xin, was naturally uncomfortable in her heart.

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