Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 153: Worship Song Ning

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How long has Leng Ling been humiliated since childhood? But now he can't match the three early monsters in front of him, but in desperation, he can only succumb to perfection. Now, at this time, it's a fool to hold on, and he's so stupid that he's gone. Big head garlic?

The sword light flashed under his feet and came behind Song Ning with ‘Yu Jianshu, Mi’.

Seeing the three monsters, they rushed toward Song Ning with a terrible look.

Song Ning's arm shook, and a violent spiritual force set off a violent wind.

Leng Ling suddenly felt such a strong spiritual power, and his heart was terrified. He felt the fluctuation of the spiritual power that came from less than a foot in front of him. His body stepped back a hundred feet without listening, which made him tremble. Stop.

At this time, in his eyes, Song Ning was standing in the center of the violent wind, his hair fluttering, and the ice-blue sword in his hand was raised like a god.

"Is this, is this still a human being! It is definitely not possible to build at the beginning of foundation, absolutely impossible, he may have completed the final stage of Dandan, even ... even Yuan infantile period!" Leng Ling swallowed madly, for Song Ning , Respectfully.

The three monsters quickly retreated under this violent spiritual impact. Before Song Ning cut it out, they scrambled into the gap. What was even more eye-popping was that the three monsters noticed the crowd In the gap, I almost stuck there.

Upon seeing this, Song Ning's sword was not slashed, but his hand was loosened and he gave up the attack.

When the surroundings calmed down, Song Ning glanced back. Outside Baizhang, Leng Ling flew back awkwardly, bowing to Song Ning just to bow: "Senior!"

"Oh?" Song Ning looked at Leng Ling with a smile.

Leng Ling bowed his head without raising his head, and continued: "If it weren't for seniors, I'm afraid it was already dead. Before I knew that seniors had such strength, I laid a lot of words in front of them and asked seniors to forgive sins.

Song Ning was taken aback, but he didn't expect Leng Ling to apologize. In Song Ning's thought, Leng Ling's character should coincide with those of the Liu family.

"Senior, I don't know what kind of cultivation you are. Why didn't you cut the sword just now?" Leng Ling asked.

"In the early stage of building foundation," Song Ning joked: "I didn't cut out that sword just now, but you have ran a hundred feet. If I cut it out, wouldn't you have to run out of a hundred miles to be at ease?"

"This ... Senior, I was really lost before. Please ask Senior not to mock me." Leng Ling smiled bitterly.

Song Ningdeng did not continue to laugh at him, but solemnly said: "I was just a sword, no one can stop it under Yuan Ying, although I am not claiming to be big, but now the enclave has broken, if it is me A blow hit the enchantment, causing the enemies to rupture at a faster rate. Am I not a sinner? "

Leng Ling figured it out. In his heart, he respected Song Ning a little more. When he thought of Song Ning's saying, "Under Yuan Ying, no one can stop", Leng Ling felt shocked.

"Senior, do you really cultivate at the beginning of foundation construction?" Leng Ling couldn't help but asked again.

Song Ning nodded: "My name is Song Ning, I don't have to call my senior in the future."

"Yes, senior!" Leng Ling bowed to salute.

Before and after the performance of Leng Ling is not like pretending, in Song Ning's view, Leng Ling is also a person of true nature, unruly is his character, and worshipping the strong is his nature, so when he sees the sky , Leng Ling was completely surrendered.

It is really not easy for the people of the Leng family to have this kind of character, which also made Song Ning's attitude towards Leng Ling change a lot.

"You and I are working together in front of this gap. When Sister Tang finds your high-level monk from Leng's family, I will leave." Song Ning finished and walked to the enchantment gap and sat down.

Leng Ling immediately followed up: "Senior, that fairy is your sister? But I think her cultivation is ..."

"Don't call your senior again." Song Ning said.

Leng Ling slapped himself with a slap: "Song Ning, I will be Song Daoyou in the future."

Song Ning said: "Before in the school, she started early, be my sister."

Leng Ling suddenly realized: "I don't know which school of Song Daoyou? Shui Yunzong? Or He Daozong?"

Song Ning shook his head: "No, I'm in a small and unknown school, so you don't need to ask."

Now Song Ning is so powerful, saying that he is a monk who came out of an unknown little school. Who would believe it? But Leng Ling's extreme worship of Song Ning would naturally not think that what Song Ning said was false: "Song Daoyou, your surname is Song, and your cultivation behavior is so amazing. If I guessed right, you should be the person of the Song family. And repair for? "

Song Ning smiled and shook his head: "I have no father, no mother, no family, and I was adopted by a small sect that was not even a third-level cultivator."

Speaking of which, Song Ning suddenly thought of Leng Yuexiao and smiled: "Yes, Leng Ling, I am asking you for someone, and that person is also Leng's, and it should be considered a status in your Leng's family."

"Oh? Song Daoyou, please." Leng Lingdao.

"Leng Yuexiao, do you know?" Song Ning asked.

Leng Ling was stunned: "Leng Yuexiao is my cousin. Among the younger generation of the Leng family, the cousin's cultivation is the highest. At home, even the elders, no cousin has a high status."

Song Ning smiled: "So it turns out, what is your cousin's practice?"

Leng Lingdao: "Hey, it's a pity that both of her cousin's two avatars were destroyed, otherwise she should have broken through to Yuanying at this moment."


Song Ning sighed, if Leng Yuexiao Yuan Yingxiu was doing something, then even if he used the burning of the sky, he could not compare with Leng Yuexiao. The gap between people is really too big.

Seeing that Song Ning did not speak, Leng Ling continued: "Hey, in fact, with the talent of my cousin, she should have broken through to Yuanying long ago, but she wanted to get the" Shen Dao Jing "and the ice beast, so she turned into an avatar. After the Tianhe City was waiting for the ice beast, the other avatar was barely breaking through the gap of the first heaven and entering the isolation space to find the "Shen Dao Jing". At that time, the family spent a lot of resources, and the cousin did not hesitate to lower the cultivation behavior. "

"The result?" Song Ning asked.

"The result is good, the ice beast is missing, the" Shen Dao Jing "has not been found, both cousins ​​are destroyed, the mind is damaged, the cultivation is delayed, and the retreat began some time ago, and it has not been out yet." Leng Ling resented.

If Song Ning had some resentment towards Leng Yuexiao before, now she can no longer mention the idea of ​​a little bit of resentment. Leng Yuexiao needs the ice beast, and the ice beast was collected by him with a gossip mirror, Leng Yuexiao spent It took a lot of money to enter that space, and finally got the "Shen Dao Jing", and the "Shen Dao Jing" was also taken by him.

However, the most important thing is that Song Ning listened to Leng Ling's words and understood her. Leng Yuexiao concealed the truth. Her purpose may be just to protect him-Song Ning.

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