Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 138: Jian Ling, Xiao Fen

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Song Ning put down the tea cup, looked at the stunned Li Qingxue, looked at the expressions of the Li family, and said lightly: "Several predecessors, the matter of the Tianyuan School, the love is not good. Do you want to hear it? If you can, I do n’t want Sister Li to have an accident. "

The Li family was originally very afraid of Song Ning, and was very afraid that Song Ning would slay a killing ring because of the insults just now. But now when he hears Song Ning saying "Sister Li", he knows that Song Ning is not such a person.

The second uncle embarrassed and said: "Song Ning, it was really ... We didn't understand the situation at that time, we just thought that you harmed Qingling, so you are speechless, please forgive me."

The third uncle also hurriedly asked for an apology, but Song Ning raised his hand to stop it: "I will not mention this matter for the time being. It is normal for you to worry. Can you tell me more about the matter now?"

Li Qingxue's mother immediately told Song Ning the details.

Song Ning nodded and couldn't help smiling: "The Tianyuan School is a third-level cultivation school. Although the Liu family is a fifth-level cultivation family, they can't just destroy the Tianyuan School casually, but even so, if they kill Some people who have a good relationship with me will not cause anger. "

The teacup pinched in Song Ning's hand had broken apart somehow, and the tea flowed over the table.

The people of the Li family dare not speak at the moment, but in front of them, the monks who can be killed by the Danqi, what can they say?

Although they insulted Song Ning in their mouths before, they knew that since Song Ning had ran away from the Tianyuan School, if he went back to the Tianyuan School to save people, it would be moral. Will you know you want to die?

Song Ninglue groaned a little: "But know what Liu Xiu went to this time?"

Mother Li hurriedly said: "It is said that the group of three people are all in the late period of Jiedan."

The monks in the Tandan period, for Song Ning, are actually not much different. Whether it is in the early, middle or later stages of the Tandan period, under normal circumstances it is impossible to beat ...

It was almost dead that day, it was the burning sword in the hands. Ever since Song Ning woke up, he hadn't taken a good look at the burning sword. Now it's time to take a good look.

Song Ning knew that the foundation-building monk could save the spiritual power in the jade paper. If the jade paper was destroyed, he could feel something, so he took out two jade papers with his backhand and injected the spiritual power into it.

One of them was given to Li Qingxue and the other was given to Li Mu.

"You hold this jade paper. If someone from the Wang family comes to seek revenge and smash the jade paper, I will come as soon as possible. The Tianyuan School will handle it as appropriate, and I will say goodbye." Song Ning clasped his fists.

Before waiting for several people to speak, the blue light flashed under Song Ning's feet, and his figure disappeared.

Even Li Qingxue has seen Song Ning's imperial swordsmanship, but now he still sees his heart beating with excitement, not to mention the rest of the Li family.

"Yu Jianshu, shift!"

"This is the second stage of imperial swordsmanship. Who is this Song Ning? Is it the mysterious Song family?"

The Li family looked at each other with an uncertain look on their faces. When they thought of their insult to Song Ning just now, they cursed Song Ning to death, and Song Ning was not angry.

At this time, in their minds, they could not understand the young man Song Ning. When they wanted to come, most young and promising monks were very arrogant, let alone insulted, even if they disobeyed their meaning, I am afraid they will Angered by its anger, Song Ning has such a measure, which is really not comparable to ordinary people.

Li Qingxue had never thought of Song Ning's identity background before. Now, as soon as people in the family say, he immediately thinks of the Song family in Luo Yuguo who has always been 'declining and mysterious'.

"Perhaps ... only that kind of identity can be worthy of him." Li Qingxue suddenly felt a trace of concern when the three priests of the late Dandan, Song Ning, if they went back, what would happen?

But after she had such an idea in her heart, she immediately shook her head and comforted herself: "Even if you are worried, you should be worried about your sister. After all, my sister and Song Ning have known each other for a long time."

In the air, Song Ning sneezed and rubbed his nose: "Someone scold me?"

He did not directly return to the Tianyuan School. After all, the return to the Tianyuan School is in vain. The three monks in the late Tang Dynasty, not to mention confrontation, were afraid that they would be killed in the same way.

Yujian flies in mid-air, where the clouds are misty, the aura is full, below is the mountains, the mountains are stacked, and the vertical and horizontal interweaves are extremely dangerous. At first glance, this is a good place for retreat.

Song Ning lowered his body and searched for hidden holes in the mountain range.

As expected, Song Ning saw an extremely hidden cave in the mountain stream, he leaned over and flew towards the cave.

The cave is surrounded by weeds, and the vines almost completely cover the hole. If you don't look closely, you won't find it here.

Away from the vines, Song Ning entered the cave.

Inside the cave was dark, Song Ning raised a spiritual flash in his hand, illuminating the front.

The cave is long and narrow, and at a glance, you can't see the end. The dust in the cave is extremely thick, obviously accumulated for a long time.

Song Ning disperses the spiritual consciousness, while searching, while walking forward.

After walking for dozens of feet, Song Ning found that the cave was still at the end, but now the mouth of the cave is extremely narrow, and it will be able to pass a person. The wall of the cave is a little wet, covered with moss-like things.

Despite curiosity and want to prompt Song Ning to take a look, the surrounding coldness is extremely heavy. Even though Song Ning's current cultivation and his roots are like ice, he still feels cold all over.

"Well, let's go back and practice well." Song Ning sighed and turned back to the edge of the cave.

He flicked his sleeves, and a gust of wind blew away, blowing the dust off the ground, and then sat down.


Song Ning took out the long sword. He had heard the word "Burning Sky Sword" in the air before. He had only heard that some ancient artifacts or fairy tools used by powerful people had spirits, but he did not expect himself. Unexpectedly, the rewards obtained from that day's machine stone even had a sword spirit.

Hum ~

Song Ning Lingli infiltrated into this burning sword.

Burning Sky Sword flickered rapidly, and the faint blue gloom of the cold light was extremely dazzling. Just as this light flickered, there was a sound inside the sword body.

"Master ~" Although the voice was cold, it fell in Song Ning's ears but felt very sweet, as if the person speaking was very happy.

"You ..." Song Ning was very familiar with this voice. He was very familiar with Tianyuan School that day: "You are ..."

Hiss ~

Fen Tianjian in Song Ning's hands became heavy. Song Ning let go, Fen Tian Jian fell to the ground, a woman like a phantom appeared in front of Song Ning naked, she was extremely enchanting, convex and concave, ice muscle jade bone , When it appeared, the whole body shone with a faint blue light.

As soon as she appeared, she sat directly on Song Ning so unguarded ...

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