Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 135: You either roll or die

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

After hearing Wang Long's words, Li Qingxue shuddered. If it weren't for the disparity between cultivation bases, she wouldn't spare this volatile person.

She glanced at Song Ning and said daringly: "Wang Long, don't be too much. He is just a mortal. You want to kill even mortals? Don't forget, the monks killed mortals at random, because they were condemned of!"

Wang Long laughed: "Why? Li Qingxue, do n’t you pretend to be tall, do n’t you treat every mortal, and pity every life? You and your sister Li Qingling will be my playthings sooner or later. Can it cost more for a mortal life? "

Li Qingxue's body shivered. She came back this time to hope to rush home before this Wang Long, but she didn't expect Wang Long to be blocked in the city gate.

What Wang Long said fell in Song Ning ’s ears. Hearing that Song Ning was interesting and ridiculous. What was interesting was that Li Qingxue was indeed Li Qingling ’s sister, and ridiculously, Song Ning found the type of person he hated In the realm of comprehension, it is really a large number.

Playing with women, has it become the only way for monks to relieve boredom?

Seeing that Song Ning did n’t feel timid and unhappy, Wang Long grabbed Song Ning: "Mortal people, my Wang Long wants to kill, just like killing an ant, Li Qingxue, I ’ll give you 10 breaths to consider, your decision is Will affect a life. "

Li Qingxue clenched her fist, and she regretted it very much at the moment. If you don't save this person on the road, this kind of thing will not happen.

Song Ning still did not speak, waiting quietly.

After ten interest, what decision will Li Qingxue make?

Song Ning still remembers that he was under siege in Tianyuan School before, but Li Qingling wanted to help, but was stunned by Elder Lv. Now the decision that Li Qingxue has to make is no easier than Li Qingling's decision at the time.




There was no sound around, Song Ning could even hear Li Qingxue's heartbeat.

"Ten breath is here, let's talk." Wang Long looked at Li Qingxue proudly.

Li Qingxue gave Song Ning a complicated look, and his teeth clenched, squeezing out a few words from his teeth: "I agree, but you have to let him go first!"

Wang Long was stunned, and apparently did not expect Li Qingxue to agree. After he was happy, the hand holding Song Ning's neckline was also released.

Everyone present at the moment, including Song Ning, was very surprised. Although Song Ning had thought that Li Qingxue might agree, the chance was too small, but now it seems that Li Qingxue is really kind.

"But I have something to say to him, and you have to swear that after verifying your body, you must let him go." Li Qingxue said.

Wang Long raised his hands and pretended to be innocent: "No problem, let go, as long as you are still virgin, as long as he doesn't defile you, then I will let go."

Li Qingxue pulled Song Ning to his side, posted it next to Song Ning's ear, and said in a low voice: "My sister's name is Li Qingling. It is six hundred miles away from Tianyuan School. After he let you go, please go to Tianyuan School. My sister is informed of these things, and I am not spoiled by this king. "

Song Ning smiled, he couldn't figure out what kind of mood such a girl used to say this, and what kind of mood he used to make a decision, but even if he couldn't understand it, he knew it was difficult.

Even as Wang Long said, sooner or later she was in the bed of Wang Long, this kind of decision also required great courage.

Song Ning looked at Li Qingxue's eyes, and there was a sorrow, helplessness from her eyes.

"Ten Breath." Song Ning suddenly said.

Li Qingxue frowned, obviously not understanding what Song Ning was talking about.

Song Ning turned his head to look at the puzzled people, and said lightly: "Ten breath, you will either roll or die."


Everyone looked at Song Ning with a fool's gaze, is he kidding? How dare you talk to Wang Long like this? Not to mention that the two people behind Wang Long were in the late period of foundation construction. Even Wang Long and Hui Ling ’s later period of cultivation wanted to kill this mortal, but it was just a matter of breath, not even pinching.

Wang Long was stunned first, and then laughed loudly: "Scared silly? Want to save the hero? Do you know who I am? Do you know who you are talking to? Silly roe deer."

Song Ning looked at Wang Long indifferently: "Seven, eight, nine, ten."

Seeing that Song Ning was so calm, Wang Long waved his hand at Song Ning's head and grabbed it: "I am a corpse who is a lowly person like you who is not eye-opening."

His voice floated into Song Ning's ears like a devil.

Li Qingxue was startled, and subconsciously pulled Song Ning back.

Lao Zhang and others looked at Song Ning inexplicably. They saw a lot of people who were impulsive to commit stupidity, but they were the first time they were stupid to this degree.

But at this moment, just as Wang Long's hand was about to fall on Song Ning's head, Song Ning's body surface suddenly burst into waves.

Gathering period.

Huiling period.

Foundation period!

Song Ning's cultivation climbed up gradually until the foundation was built, which stopped.

The hand of Wang Long was hit by this powerful spiritual force and could not fall, and the two late monk monks behind him were shocked when they saw this scene, grabbed Wang Long's shoulder and quickly retreated: "Master, this person is too strange If it ’s just the initial cultivation of the foundation, it ’s impossible for the two of us to realize it first without even realizing it! ”

Wang Long has been scared so little at the moment, where can he deny the words of the two late monks?

These two monks in the late period of foundation building were extremely fast, pulling Wang Long away.

Song Ning narrowed his eyes and looked at the three Wang Long, with a quiet voice, mixed with spiritual power, like a wind, falling in the ears of the three Wang Long: "At ten breath, you have to kill me, and twelve breaths just want to leave, is it ... Late? "

Seeing that he had run away at this moment, Wang Long shouted angrily: "There is a species you chase, you can catch up and talk!"

At this time, the five people beside Song Ning could not close with their mouths open, especially Li Qingxue, who couldn't believe that standing beside him turned out to be an astonishing predecessor.

Song Ning looked at Li Qingxue calmly, with a very calm tone: "What is the background of this royal family?"

"Very, very strong, and will soon become a huge existence of the fourth-level cultivation family." Li Qingxue hurriedly answered.

Song Ning's mouth raised, thinking of Wang Long's words about Li Qingxue and Li Qingling, he felt sick.

The mind moved, the sword light flashed underneath, Song Ning's cold blue light flashed under his feet, disappeared in the blink of an eye, just when Li Qingxue's words fell, he appeared ten miles away, in midair, blocked In front of the three Wang Long.

"At your speed, do I still need to chase?" Song Ning looked at the three men with cold eyes, raised his hand, and grabbed Wang Long ...

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