Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 130: Zhan Jiedan

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

"Who dares to spread the wild in my Tianyuan School?"

No one arrives, the sound comes first.

Tang Yue was overjoyed by the familiar voice. She looked at the sky, and her eyes sparkled with crystal: "Dad!"

Many disciples of Tianyuan sent their bows to salute: "Head!"

There was laughter in the air, and a middle-aged man with one face fell. His sword and eyebrows were Tang Zishan, the head of the Tianyuan School.

Tang Zishan looked at the monk Jiedan, and then looked at Song Ning lying on the ground, and said coldly: "Where did it come, I dare to hurt my Tianyuan disciples!"

Monk Jiedan raised an eyebrow: "Liu Family, Liu Yunfeng!"

When Liu Yunfeng spoke, he took out a Liu family token.

Tang Zishan's pupils shrank and his attitude changed: "It turned out to be a Liu family Taoist friend. I don't know what mistake my Tianyuan sent disciples made. Why did Daoist friends be so bullied?"

Tang Yue saw his father's attitude change, and immediately stepped forward and said: "Dad, he wants to kill Junior Brother, you must not let him succeed!"

Tang Zishan frowned, and he didn't understand the character relationship, but he didn't care about Tang Yue's words, but looked at Liu Yunfeng with a smile.

Liu Yunfeng said in a cold voice: "This person killed me two of the Liu family, and one of them was my three young Liu family Liu Zhonghe. Today I killed him to protect you.

It is said that Tang Zishan's heart is tense, the Liu family is famous for protecting the calves, and now it is the Liu family's young master who is dead, which is not easy to handle.

Seeing Tang Zishan's expression, Tang Yue looked moved, but Liu Yunfeng was proud.

Liu Yunfeng said sharply: "Executing Song Ning, spare you the Tianyuan School, otherwise ... the Liu family will come and the Tianyuan School will be destroyed!"

This voice echoed in the Tianyuan School. Although it did not contain any spiritual fluctuations, it made everyone's heart tremble.

"Dad! A few days ago Hong Da wanted to use me as a furnace. If there was no younger brother, I would have been ruined by Hong Da. If the younger brother died today, then I would explode and ..."


Before Tang Yue's words were finished, he was stunned by the spirit of Tang Zishan and fell in his arms.

Tang Zishan gave Tang Yue to Elder Bai: "Take Tang Yue back."

"Yes, the head." Elder Bai bowed.

This Tang Zishan's approach has already explained everything. Song Ning's paralysis on the ground has been lifted, but his body is in pain. If he is not physically strong, he may be dead at this time. He sits on his body and takes a long breath. Swallow a few pills and start to recover.

Mu Xuezhao and Lu Sheng immediately turned their heads and knelt in front of Tang Zishan: "Master, please save Song Ning, please ..."

"Noisy!" Tang Zishan's big sleeves flicked, slamming Mu Xuezhao and Lu Sheng aside, the two rolled around on the ground a few times, covered with scars, and passed out.

The disciples of the Tianyuan School were all silent. Although they did not want to save Song Ning, the practice of taking charge of the head was too much, even the disciples did not let go.

Liu Yunfeng was very satisfied with Tang Zishan's approach: "You are doing well. When I take this man's head and go back to life, I will explain everything to the owner. You are very competent, and the owner says you will not be rewarded."

Tang Zishan smiled all over his face: "Haha, Yunfeng Daoist talked about the idea. I was injured a few days ago, and I want to go to the strong Liu family to discuss a Fuyuan Dan. If Yunfeng Daoyou can give me a Huiyuan Dan's words ... "

Liu Yunfeng laughed haha: "Ha ha ha ha, Fu Yuan Dan only, I will give you one now, you take this Song Ning head off to me, and we are considered to be good friends."

Liu Yunfeng said, flipping his hands and taking out a Fu Yuan Dan and throwing it to Tang Zishan.

Tang Zishan was overjoyed, and reached for ...

But when Tang Zishan just stretched out his hand, he suddenly felt that the sword light was flashing in front of him. Looking again, that Fu Yuan Dan had already reached Song Ning's hands. Without saying anything, Song Ning swallowed Fu Yuan Dan directly. After chewing, his face turned ruddy.

Although he resumed meditation just now, no one expected that he would be able to recover his movements so quickly, and he did not expect him to be able to resume using Sword Art.

‘Yujianshu, Shift’ cannot be used continuously for a short period of time, because the spiritual power consumed by each teleport is several times the previous one, but if it is used after a stop, there will be no such drawbacks.

Tang Zishan's eyes widened and he roared: "You are looking for death!"

Song Ning smiled faintly, the power of Fuyuan Pill in the body circulated, his strength quickly recovered, and his injuries were also recovered.

He asked back, "I am also dying of robbing, and I am also dying of not robbing, so why not robbing?"

Tang Zishan narrowed his eyes, his eyes were vicious, but after all he refrained from doing it: "You have saved Tang Yue, I will not kill you, but you will die!"

Liu Yunfeng also understood that Tang Zishan didn't do it, then he did it. If Song Ning recovered, then there would be more troubles and swordsmanship. It was not easy to kill.

Liu Yunfeng moved, and Song Ning also moved.

"Don't let him run away, if he runs away, we will all die!"

I do n’t know who among the many disciples of Tianyuan School shouted, all the disciples of Tianyuan School moved and rushed to the direction of the teleportation array. No one except the head of Tianyuan School could pass through the enchantment at will. Rely on this teleportation.

Song Ning didn't want to run. Now when he sees the disciples like this, his heart is half cold.

The sword light flickered, shuttled under the control of Song Ning, and thrust into Liu Yunfeng.

Liu Yunfeng was terrified. He never thought that Song Ning could even use the sword technique in this way, and could apply the sword technique to this extent. Who is this young man in front of him?

However, Liu Yunfeng was too late to be surprised at the moment, and he drew out the flying sword when he dodged and began to resist.

Sanqing means!

Five Thunder Fingers!

No matter how Liu Yunfeng attacked, he had a short pause when he cast the spell. Song Ning's Jianguang would pierce his body through this momentary gap. After one or two visits, Song Ning was not injured, but Liu Yunfeng was already injured.

In the early days of foundation, was he really just a monk in the beginning of foundation?

Tang Zishan looked at Song Ning in amazement. He did n’t return to Tianyuan School for a while. He had already miscalculated too many things. On that day, according to the orders of the Liu family, he let Ono enter the Tianyuan School as a hidden secondary disciple. He gave some permission so that he could do whatever he wanted in secret, but that Ono was killed by Song Ning ...

Seeing Liu Yunfeng injured, how could Tang Zishan stand idly by?

While Song Ning was concentrating on controlling Jianguang, he suddenly felt a killing intention coming from behind, spiritual force raging, and attacked in an instant.


Song Ning roared, turned around and pointed out.


Tang Zishan was already injured. Even in the mid-term cultivation of Jie Dan, he was also injured in this broken finger. He stepped back, his blood in his chest rolled, and almost a spit of blood spewed out.

On the other hand, Song Ning flew out and fell heavily on the ground. He felt that he was falling apart, barely propping himself up from the ground, but Kegang came together, but spit out blood ...

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