Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 122: Are you guys fast?

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If Elder Lv heard something else, he might not be angry, but he could not bear to hear the other party humiliating his spirit boat, so he could not bear it: "Boy, do n’t be proud, since you say your spirit boat is good, then we Compare and compare to see who ’s boat is flying fast! "

Elder Lv said this, the bang of the spiritual force in his hand flowed into the Spirit Boat.

Li Qingling just wanted to stop, and the spirit boat had broken through the air, and for a while, the speed was like wind.

Elder Lv's spirit boat speeded up, and the spirit boat ahead also speeded up.

One after the other, the boat in front is driving smoothly, but the boat in the back trembles violently and may collapse at any time.

"You have settled down for me, I must give the kid some color to see today!" Elder Lu said, and the spiritual power increased again.

Spirit boats have their limits. How could this already damaged spirit boat withstand elder Lv's increasing spiritual power? As soon as the spirit power was poured in, only the sound of "Boom" was heard, and the spirit boat broke.

Elder Lv was dumbfounded, but in a hurry, he did not forget to save people. He grabbed Mu Xuezhao in one hand and Lu Sheng in the other. He grabbed people and shouted: "Song Ning, you protect Tang Yue, Li Qingling, you Grab Mu Xuezhao, don't fall! "

The spirit boat slowed down in front of me, and the youth above laughed aloud: "Haha, ah ha ha ha ha, laugh to me, where is the tease, is it funny? The three fairies are not as good as me Pick you up on the spirit boat, Mo must walk with these lunatics. "

The young man said he was about to jump off the spirit boat, but when he got up, his pupils froze.

Spirit boats are not uncommon. They can be bought with money. Everyone knows that the art of swordsmanship is different. Although the art of swordsmanship is widely circulated among the four levels of cultivation disciplines, it can be practiced during the foundation period. Good people are rare, and even a few of the younger generations in their families can't master master swordsmanship.

But ... the young man at the beginning of the foundation, actually mastered the sword art? !

Not to mention this young man at this time, even Elder Lu was stunned. He did n’t know about Song Ning ’s skill in swordsmanship. What ’s even more ridiculous is that he just wanted Song Ning to protect Tang Yue, but now Song Ning is very good Standing above Jianguang, and Li Qingling and Tang Yue both standing behind Song Ning, such a chic posture, but it is much more beautiful than he grabbed the two people in the sky.

"Elder Lu, take Mu Xuezhao and Lu Sheng up." Song Ning said with his hands behind his back.

At this moment, Elder Lv felt that he had face again, and immediately pulled the two onto Song Ning's sword light. This was his first flight with the sword, and it was natural to be happy.

Above the Spirit Boat, the middle-aged monk who had been driving the Spirit Boat frowned, looked back at Song Ning, and his eyes showed incredible colors.

The young man on the reef boat sucked and looked a little ugly.

Song Ning raised a corner of his mouth: "Is your spirit boat fast?"

During the talk, the light of the sword flashed under Song Ning's feet, and the speed increased sharply, directly catching up with the spirit boat: "But why didn't I feel it?"

Not to mention the youth, even the middle-aged monk who had never spoken could not bear it. His spiritual power increased, and the spirit boat made a roar, but it was just a blink of an eye. Quickly, you can see it.

"Provoking me? You are chasing me, you are chasing me, my swordsmanship, what's so great?" The young man shouted excitedly.

But he felt a bit dazzled. Why did the man behind the sword disappear?

He was rubbing his eyes to find, but heard the sound coming from the front of the spirit boat: "Yu Jianshu is nothing great, but your spirit boat is too slow."

The youthful tooth tickles: "Catch up! Catch up with him!"

The middle-aged monk couldn't swallow this breath, the spiritual power continued to increase, but no matter how he increased the spiritual power, Song Ning always appeared in front of him. , And they are just flying in spirit boats, how can this speed be compared?

"Catch me! I must catch up with him today, only the swordsmanship!" The young man shouted.

But just after his voice fell, the spirit boat exploded with a bang.

In the midair, above the sword light, Lu Sheng and Mu Xuezhao were excited, recalling the scene just now, it was really suffocating.

But the two of them were okay. Elder Lv, who was standing at the end, could not help but yell at the moment: "Stinky boy, oh, I used to take out the spirit boat just for fun, you are even our martial arts The disciple's swordsmanship can't catch up, what are you arrogant about? You come chase me, come, chase me. "

Elder Lu's heart-like nature really made several people feel speechless, but after all, he was an elder, and no one would say anything about him.

The two in the rear are still screaming, but Song Ning is accelerating, and he is not willing to have too many disputes with them. Before listening to Li Qingling's words, the Spirit Boat should only be bought near the core of Luoyu Kingdom, that is to say, these two People come from the inside, their identities should be higher, and they are entangled with them too much, for fear that they will cause unnecessary trouble.

Elder Lv saw Song Ning throwing away the other party, and looked at Song Ning with approval: "I knew you were not something in the pool before, Song Ning, you really are a child of a large family who went out and went to our Tianyuan School, Really wronged you. "

Song Ning smiled bitterly: "Elder Lv, you know my background too. Taihe Mountain, Tianhe City, Tianyuan School, I don't have any background, so don't talk nonsense, this swordsmanship is just me I got it, practiced it, and succeeded. "

"What a joke? Can Tianji Shi obtain Royal Sword Technique? Even if it is really available, you can practice it yourself without anyone teaching?" Elder Lv questioned.

In fact, it is not only Elder Lu that is curious about this matter, but several other people have not asked about it before.

Song Ning did not like to explain to Elder Lv. After Jianguang received it, everyone landed: "Elder Lv, it's time to teleport."

Although Elder Lv has such a character, people are not really stupid. Song Ning does not want to say, he will not force Song Ning to say, and he starts the teleportation array and returns to the Tianyuan School.

Seeing that the teleportation was bright, Tianyuan sent his disciples to bow and salute immediately.

Upon seeing this, Elder Lu was very proud: "It's okay, you all go to practice, don't be so polite."

Who knew he had just spoken this word, he heard many disciples say: "Congratulations to Brother Song."

Elder Lu's face was really green at the moment. He flicked his sleeves and left quickly. While walking, he heard a disciple whisper: "Why did Elder Lu wear a green hat?"

Cuckold? What's wrong with Cuckold!

Elder Lu's beard was blowing, but because this kind of thing was not worthy of being angry with his disciples, he accelerated his pace.

Beside the teleportation line, Song Ning clenched fists against many disciples and then said goodbye to Li Qingling, Tang Yue and others: "I will go back to Qinglong Academy first.

He and Mu Xuezhao just wanted to leave, but suddenly he felt his wrists being pulled. The skin of this hand was extremely delicate, but it was slightly cold ...

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