Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4401: No end penalty zone

Behind him, three ancient great lords followed in.

They also want to know what dangers are in the endless penalty area.

Of course, as the ancient great elders, who can challenge the existence of the supreme heavenly elders, they also have enough confidence to protect themselves.

However, because the Forbidden Zone is too evil and evil, the former Tianzun Wuzhu suddenly died here, and even the ancient great one who had a cultivation base to reach the sky was gone forever. This caused the three ancient greats to fail. Dare to set foot here easily.

In the rear, outside the restricted area, countless forces looked over, and they wanted to know the true colors of the endless restricted area.

Because even they can't get a glimpse of the true face of the endless forbidden zone, and they are always shrouded in the **** mist all year round. What they can see is only the tip of the iceberg in the endless forbidden zone.

Now, the Emperor Chaos, who is the Supreme Heavenly Venerable, enters strongly, and he is bound to be able to see the full picture of the endless forbidden zone.

In the endless restricted area, the blood-colored giant mountain weighs billions and stands in the restricted area.

It can also be seen that on the earth, not only the giant Yue, but also the endless horrible star skeletal, broke and fell here.

There are also huge and excessive fragments of the eternal celestial realm floating, and there are also space-time fragments like light particles floating, distorting and annihilating the surrounding space.

There are also huge super-race powerhouses, among them.

There is no end forbidden zone, and I don’t know how many Xeons were buried.

Throughout the ages, all those who enter, without exception, are gone forever.

Even, including an ancient great deity.

It is precisely because of this that before the birth of the ancient city of no end, even the great elders of the ancients would not dare to enter easily.

After these years of playing, after the birth of the ancient city of endless, there are not knowing how many Xeons have personally entered this Tianzun restricted area, which is more than the 13 life restricted area.

Of course, they are basically gone forever.

Among them, there is a group of people from Chaos Tianfu.

But there is no doubt that Ye Junlin and others are envious, because the Supreme Heavenly Venerate came to rescue them personally.


The Chaos Avenue stretched over, but everything that blocked it, even fragments of the eternal heaven, or fragments of time and space, or the terrifying Celestial Secret Rune, was forcibly knocked away, and could not stop a Supreme Celestial from passing through.

Along the way, Ye Chen led Ye Junlin into the deepest part of the forbidden zone without any hindrance.

The three ancient masters quickly followed, marveling at him.

This is the Supreme Heaven, the world is so big that it can go, where can it be stopped?

In exchange for them, although they are strong, they are still a little afraid to face these, especially the Tianzun Secret Rune, they all need to be careful, and if they are not careful, they will get injured.

Outside the endless forbidden zone, the forces from all sides showed awe, and the existence of Tianzun really needed ancient and modern look up.


Abruptly, a huge eternal celestial fragment blocking the front exploded, and in the endless world contained within, a terrifying figure with a disheveled hair rose to the sky. It was extremely huge, standing in the infinite forbidden zone, and the hair could be swept away. The sky and stars are extremely terrible.

That was a Taizhen level half-step overlord, but his condition was very good, his eyes were blood-red, he lost his mind, and he yelled at Ye Chen like a madman.

Thousands of huge Xueyue quake, almost collapsed.

"Emperor Xuantian, it's him, I didn't expect to be alive!"

Outside the restricted area, someone recognized the identity of the half-step overlord, who was the emperor Xuantian from many epochs before, who was once famous and extremely powerful.

Back then, he also entered the forbidden zone of No End to pursue the inheritance of No End Heavenly Sovereign, and never returned. I did not expect to appear at this time.

It's just that now he is like a madman, his eyes are blood-red, and he exudes a strange aura, with a terrible momentum, he rushes to Ye Chen and others.


The infinite glow is appearing at once.

Chaos and confused, that was Ye Junlin. He rushed up and shot, and blasted the emperor Xuantian in a state of madness. He crashed into the ground and collapsed multiple blood-colored giant mountains.

As the fifth Taizhen King on the current Origin Taizhen list, Ye Junlin was a king of the same rank. Even though Emperor Xuantian had become Taizhen for multiple epochs, he was not his opponent and was defeated by the face.

However, Emperor Xuantian fell into a madness and lost his reason, so he rose up into the sky again and slew towards them.

Before coming to the front this time, he was suppressed out of thin air, falling to the ground, unable to move.

That was Ye Chen's shot.

Moreover, a clear breath sank into his body, dissolving the madness, and the blood red in his eyes was quickly dissipating.

Afterwards, his eyebrows pierced through, and a strong blood-colored light group appeared. Upon closer inspection, it was full of strange runes.

It is unprecedented.

Emperor Xuantian gradually awakened from the madness, looked at everything in front of him in amazement, and said to himself: "What's wrong with me?"

"You have lost your reason and entered a state of madness." Ye Junlin said.

The Great Emperor Xuantian raised his head and looked at the few people who suddenly appeared in front of him, but when he felt the aura of the five people, even the lowest level Ye Junlin was stronger than him, and the other four people were far above him. He trembled physically and mentally.

Especially for the majestic and majestic youth who stepped on the Avenue of Chaos, Emperor Xuantian felt the supreme power, like an ant facing the supreme god, and immediately realized it, and even performed a great salute: "Xuantian worships Tianzun. !"

He has never seen the real supreme heavenly sovereign, but he has felt the ancient soldiers of the heavenly sovereign in the past. They are generally no different and contain supreme majesty, but the person in front of them is far more powerful.

Therefore, it can be inferred that it is the Supreme Heaven.

At the same time, he was also quite curious, because he had never seen this Supreme Heavenly Venerable.

The thirty-three supreme deities of the heavens, all of them have been handed down, and the world can watch them.

Ye Chen did not inquire about the memory of Emperor Xuantian, because such a Taizhen level half-step overlord, even if he knew it, would not be too much. There is no danger of the end forbidden zone, which limits the exploration of this level. It's better to search directly.

With a flick of his sleeves, Emperor Xuantian disappeared directly into the Forbidden Zone and appeared outside.

"Emperor Xuantian!"

Outside the restricted area, many forces surrounded them, some of whom were deceased from the same age. After greeting each other, they then asked about everything about the endless restricted area.

Emperor Xuantian curiously asked, "Who is that Supreme Heavenly Venerable?"

He has been lost in the endless penalty zone for many epochs, and he doesn't know what happened outside.

"That is the Chaos Emperor, the newly promoted Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, comes from the land of the original world, and is also the youngest Supreme Heavenly Sovereign in history." Someone explained that it was shocking and respectful for Emperor Xuantian to understand the truth.

Ye Chen drove the Chaos Avenue and dashed through the Infinite Forbidden Area along the way, but everything that blocked, whether it was fragments of the eternal heaven, or fragments of time and space, or the fragments of Tianzun Mountain and the secret patterns of Tianzun, were all unstoppable. Being knocked away one after another, Ye Chen couldn't stop Ye Chen for half a minute.

This is the invincible place of the Supreme Heavenly Lord, in the world, without fear of everything.

Even the Tianzun-class restricted area is unstoppable.


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