Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4389: Invincible

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In Chaos Tianfu, although Qianxun and others were grateful for Hun Wuji to stand up at this time, they also felt that Hun Wuji was too arrogant.

Because, in the same realm to deal with the five great kings, even the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign was not so arrogant in his youth.

At the scene, the atmosphere was very calm.

But Kunxu, Buried Tianyuan, and Zisheng are all ancient great lords, their eyes fell on Hun Wuji, and they saw more, and when they looked at each other, they all showed shock.

Obviously, Hun Wuji is not easy.

Hun Wuji entered the cosmic battlefield and saw that the other four Supreme Kings had not entered. He looked at Gai Wushen and said, "It seems that you don't believe me."

"Stop talking nonsense, one hand in this seat is enough to suppress you." Gai Wushen directly showed the most powerful cultivation base, the majesty of the supreme is boundless, stronger than any person in the previous war, I don't know how much.

No matter how strong the King Taizhen is, it is difficult to keep up with it.

However, there is a huge gap between Tai Shang and the king of the Supreme Realm Gai Wushen.

This is also why City Lord Patching Sky was the supreme supreme overlord, but he was far inferior to the ten thousand star supreme as the heir of the heavenly sovereign.

The cosmic battlefield was shaken, and Gai Wushen stepped forward across the sky, faster than when Chihiro used the profound meaning of time before. The battle gun evolved from the rules of the ether is flowing with the light of life and death, simple and direct The ground blasted towards Hun Wuji.

This changed the color of many Supreme Overlords in the Chaos Temple, because that blow could definitely severely injure a Supreme Overlord.

Obviously, Gai Wushen was really moving.

However, facing the terrifying blow of Gai Wushen, Hun Wuji raised his hand and grabbed it without evading it.


The upper realm that had just been repaired by Ye Chen with the help of Tianzun collapsed immediately.

It was a terrible collision in the world.

However, what shocked countless people was that Hun Wuji took a shot from Gai Wushen, and he was safe, even unscathed.

Obviously, the power of the flesh is beyond the extreme.

"Able to block a shot from Gai Wushen, this person's body is so strong!"

Everyone was shocked and resisted the fierce offensive of an overlord with their bare hands. Even if the overlord did not display supernatural powers, it was definitely not trivial.

Gai Wushen's eyes shrank suddenly, and the double light of life and death erupted on his body, evolving into a Tai Chi picture of birth and death.

Among them, in the yin and yang eyes of Taiji Tu, two Gai Wushen walked out at the same time, strikingly a dual body of life and death, directly killing Hun Wuji.

Death Gai Wushen is holding a battle spear and is infinitely dead. He interprets the world of death and stabs Hun Wuji.

Life covers no gods, and the ancestor tree of life emerges behind you, but the vines are hanging down, and each of them contains terrifying power. Hundreds of millions of vines are hanging down to condense into a giant pillar, shining with the infinite light of life, crash Smash to Hun Wuji.

There is no doubt that Gai Wushen knows that Hun Wuji is very powerful, so when he meets the second time, he uses the dual body of birth and death to show the strongest attack.

Under such a terrifying offensive, it is even better than before, and it is absolutely possible to blow up a supreme overlord.

However, a chaotic halo appeared on Hun Wuji's body, covering himself, turning it into absolute defense.



The peerless attack of life and death covered Wushen fell on the chaotic aperture. Although it was violently trembling, it was actually blocked and there was no broken defense.

Such a scene stunned everyone.


Everyone was horrified, and there was a terrible glow in the eyes of the ancient Great Lord.

Ye Chen also showed a hint of surprise.

Life and death Gai Wushen was shocked, his life and death dual body peerless attack, unexpectedly failed to break through the opponent's defense, how terrifying the defense is, it can be called the absolute defense of the upper level.

Hun Wuji lifted his palm and took a shot forward. The most flaming chaotic light was contained between his fingers. It was obvious that there was a cycle of life and death here, which also evolved the Tai Chi diagram of birth and death, and at the same time hit the body of the **** of life and death.



Gai Wushen retreated violently.

At the same time, the Hun Wuji body cage life and death Tai Chi diagram, showing the ultimate speed at once, and there are also time fragments surrounding him, just like Chihiro not long ago, but much more extreme, like stepping on a long river of years to attack. The son descended in front of Gai Wushen's dual body of life and death.

The left hand evolves a prehistoric ancient monument, which seems to record the ancient history of the place of origin. There are endless avenues, chaotic light, and ten runes appearing, which is surprising.

Because it was a rune of Tianzun, which was actually evolved by Hun Wuji.

On the right hand, it was pinched and imprinted, revealing an ancient tower of Heavenly Dao, which can have 33 floors, and on each floor there is a supreme stalwart sky shadow, which is very similar to Yutian Tower.

Hun Wuji slapped Gai Wushen's dual body of life and death with his left hand and the right hand.


The prehistoric ancient sky stele blasted the death Gai Wushen to the wound, his body burst, and a lot of blood emerged.

Death Gai Wushen roared, trying to break the suppression of the prehistoric ancient Tianzhu, but ten runes of the gods appeared on it, circulating the power of the Supreme Heaven, so that Death Gai Wushen could not break free immediately, but was The ancient monument of prehistoric times was pressed with blood continuously flowing across the vast universe.

On the other side, the thirty-three-story ancient tower of Heavenly Path suppresses life and covers Wushen, and every layer is in a trance, as if there are stalwart heavenly shadows sitting cross-legged, like the thirty-three supreme gods of the past.

Behind the life cover Wushen, there is an ancestor tree of life supporting the The crown of the tree covers the starry sky of the universe, and the infinite stars appear infinite in front of this ancestor tree of life.

However, when the thirty-three-story ancient tower of Heavenly Path fell, countless thick branches burst into pieces, even if it had incomparable vitality, it couldn't support it at all.

The ancestor tree of life exploded, leaving only the life-gathering without gods and whistling, disheveled, and struggling to lift its head against the 33-story ancient tower of heaven, and a lot of blood emerged from the pores of his body.

In the Chaos Temple, everyone was shocked.

Dignified, godless, heir of the Heavenly Venerable of Life and Death, the Supreme King on the list, invincible of the same order, overwhelming the first generation, but in the universe battlefield, in just a few rounds, he was given a name that was never known before. Hun Wuji's shot, strongly suppressed the dual body of life and death.

"Impossible, that is the little ancestor of our race, the unparalleled Supreme King!"

The strong face of the Celestial Clan of Life and Death showed incredible expression, but it was the little ancestor who was known as the supreme heavenly position of Proving Dao, and he was known as the Supreme King, who could attack the position of Tianzun in the future.

Today, he was suppressed by a five-name Hun Wuji.

This makes it difficult for them to accept.

At this time, the Supreme Kings of the other four eternal Celestial Clan looked solemn, and Yan Tianjun of the Asura Celestial Clan said solemnly: "This person is very strong, and one-to-one. I may not be his opponent."

Although they are all the overlords of the Supreme King, they also know that they are no better than Gai Wushen.

Since the opponent can suppress Gai Wushen, then one-on-one, they are afraid that they are not Hun Wuji's opponents.

Although I don't want to admit it, I have to admit it!

Taichu said: "In this case, let's enter together and ask for advice."


After the words fell, the four great supreme kings simultaneously entered the cosmic battlefield and exploded with the most terrifying power of the supreme.

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