Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4360: Return (2 in 1, make up for yesterday)

Today, although the three highest heavens are the first to target the Pangu Tianzun Mountain, and the heavens and ancient greats only later appeared to support them, the immortal heaven knows that sooner or later the ancient greats will also need to face the condemnation of the highest heavens. Tian, ​​the Supreme Heavenly Venerable, responded, and then developed to this point.

Otherwise, if the Great Lord of Ancient Heavens does not come, I believe that Haotian, the Supreme Heavenly Lord, can also deal with the embarrassment of Ten Thousand Profound Heavenly Lord and others.

This kindness, the Immortal Tianzun naturally sees it, and dare not forget it.

"Thank you three gods!"

An ancient great sage, such as Buried Tianyuan and Kunxu, also paid great salutes to the three supreme sacreds of Ye Chen, Haotian, and Ziji to express their gratitude.

Of course, the great grace does not say thank you, they know that this kind of thanks can not be returned to the kindness, they can only remember it in their hearts, once the three Supreme Heavens need them, they will do their best to help.

The three of them nodded slightly. Although this battle of heaven was somewhat of mutual use, in the final analysis, they were still fighting together.

At this moment, Ye Chen looked at Haotian and said with respect: "Congratulations, Senior Emperor, for returning to the heavenly position."

Haotian is the Emperor of Heaven.

Moreover, as the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, Ye Chen now possesses the eternal way of heaven. Throughout the ages, he has almost known everything, just a little calculation, he has already understood everything here.

The Emperor of Heaven is the Vast Sky God, one of the thirty-three highest heavenly beings in the past, and is also called the Emperor of Heaven.

Ye Chen was a little emotional. He couldn't imagine that the Heavenly Emperor, one of the five overlords in the original world, had such a shocking origin, and was one of the thirty-three highest heavenly venerables in the place of origin.

However, he didn't know why he was exiled to the original world.

Tianzun is omnipotent, but not omnipotent.

Especially when it comes to the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, neither of them can deduce each other.

Therefore, Ye Chen didn't know why the Heavenly Emperor would be in the original realm and fell to the high heaven.

However, even if the same Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, Ye Chen still respects the Emperor, because he is the former sage of Pangu Universe, Ruoxi's father, Ye Junlin's master, and his guide.

Both love and courtesy are worthy of respect!

The Emperor of Heaven smiled slightly and said, "Yeah, you are now the Supreme Heavenly Venerable, Xiaoyou Ye. Very good, you really didn't disappoint us."

The Immortal Tianzun knew that the Heavenly Emperor was exiled from the original realm, and that Ye Chen was the highest heavenly being born in the original realm. He could not help but sigh: "The original realm deserves to be the source world reopened by King Pangu. It not only allows Haotian to return to the heaven. Now that Chaos Fellow has become the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, it's really amazing."

Other ancient lords also lamented that the original world was once considered an abandoned place by them.

Even knowing that Pangu Great God will reopen the world from the shattered original realm is just a wasteland where the eternal heaven is lacking. Otherwise, the great heavenly venerables would exile Haotian, the former celestial being, in the original realm. , It is impossible to return to heaven in the original world.

Unexpectedly, not only did the emperor return to the heaven, but also the supreme heavenly sovereign.

Moreover, some people have successfully risen in those exile places, attained the Heavenly Sovereign Attainment status, and become the eleventh highest Heavenly Sovereign in the place of origin today.

For the original world, it needs to be re-examined.

"The original realm is the place where King Pangu will not hesitate to sacrifice himself to reopen the world. Truly speaking, the original realm is the place of origin. The land of origin today is nothing but a big bred from the original realm. The world is only." Ziji Tianzun Dao, as the Supreme Heavenly Lord, he is already standing at the highest point of the heavens.

Therefore, it is far more and broader than ordinary people!

After chatting for a while, Ziji Tianzun said at this moment: "Haotian, immortality, chaos, I want to leave, and I will gather again in the future."

Saying goodbye, Ziji Tianzun took the Purple Sage and left.

The other ancient great lords also bid farewell one after another.

Now that the ancient greats can re-enter the world, they also have many things to do and cannot stay for long.

In the end, only three Supreme Heavenly Sovereigns, Ye Chen, Haotian, and Undead Heavenly Sovereign, remained.

While talking, from the Pangu Tianzun Mountain, a large group of figures appeared quickly.

Undead Tianzun glanced at it, a little surprised, because he found many people with extraordinary talents, even those with the appearance of Tianzun.

Especially when I saw that group of people, they all rushed in front of Ye Chen. Several of them rushed in front of Ye Chen for the first time, each of them pear flowers with rain, joy and tears, and couldn't help but stunned slightly. .

But when he saw Ye Chen, he suddenly realized it, and he sighed slightly: "It turns out that he is still a Romance of Heaven."

"Sorry, I'm back!"

Ye Chen hugged several sweet wives directly. Although they were the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, they were also tender at this moment, and wiped away the tears from their eyes.

Ruoxi, Yaya, Ye Jing, Chenxi, Qianxun, Ye Junlin, Ye Xuan, Ye Wudao, Ye Fei and other sisters or children also came.

Just a few women, but both Qianxun and Ye Junlin had tears in their eyes, and they all said that the men had tears and would not flick them lightly, but they were not sad.

Nowadays, I was crying with joy.

It is undoubtedly happy to be able to see my father again, and it also confirms the long-standing view that my father cannot be killed and will inevitably come back from the dead.

"You guys."

Ye Chen gently stroked Ruoxi's head, as always, even for the Supreme Heavenly Venerable, treating Ruoxi as before.

No matter Ruoxi has become the Taizhen half-step overlord now, she is still his sister.

The same is true for several children.

Of course, Ye Chen said nothing about Qianxun, Ye Junlin, and Ye Wudao's father-son love.

This is the case with men.

But for the daughters of Ya Ya, Chen Xi, Ye Jing, Ye Xuan, and Ye Fei, they showed their love.

Probably, every father spoils his daughter.

Zhan Ancestor, Supreme Sage Emperor, Time and Space Emperor, Human Emperor, Wild Demon Lord, Corpse Devouring Insect Emperor, Will... a group of seniors or former companions all appeared, surrounding Ye Chen.

Similarly, they all couldn't believe it. It was only an epoch. Ye Chen not only rushed out of the original realm to the place of origin, but now he is the invincible Supreme Heavenly Venerable in the world.

"Hahaha, the little moon has become the Supreme Heavenly Lord, and the place of origin is so big that it can run rampant,” Wilhaha laughed, his eyes shone with special light, "beauty of the place of origin, my chaotic heavenly Lord—brother is here !"


The Emperor Corpse Eater also roared excitedly.

With a brother of the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, they are consciously fearless of everything, the world is so big that they can go away, and they don't need to be ashamed as before.

Ye Chen just smiled, even as the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, but the brotherhood of the past will not be forgotten.

"Father, I haven't seen you in an era, do you miss us?" Ya Ya is as ghostly as ever, even if she is still a vain-class giant, she is still like this, as if she will never grow up.

By her side, the daughters of Ye Chenxi, Ye Jing, Ye Xuan, and Ye Fei have perfectly inherited the beauty of their mothers, and they are all beautiful goddesses.

Qianxun, Ye Junlin, and Ye Wudao are the gods of abundance, such as jade, and heroic gods.

An epoch has passed, and they have all preached, even the youngest Ye Xuan, Ye Fei, and Ye Wudao are already imaginary giants.

Originally, even if they came to the place of origin with their talents, it was impossible to become a Taixu giant so quickly, which was a little worse. However, as Ye Chen was promoted to the high heavenly sovereign, he awakened the bloodline of the heavenly sovereign in his body and directly Is reaching the peak of the Taixu level.

Even, Ru Ye Jing is the real Taizhen level half-step overlord.

The most terrifying thing is Ye Jun, who can be called the Chaos True Dragon. Moreover, he is a direct disciple of the Emperor of Heaven. He is extremely talented. He was a Taizhen half-step overlord many years ago, and he awakened the blood of the Heavenly Lord not long ago, which has a huge impact. , Almost directly rushed to the upper boundary.

As heirs of Tianzun, they receive the greatest benefit from Tianzun's bloodline. They can directly save the endless years of cultivation skills, and suddenly reach an unbelievable level that countless Xeons can hardly look up to.

"I thought about it." Ye Chen smiled lightly, how could he not think about it.

He looked at the children and was very happy.

Now, not only are his wife and children safe and sound, but their cultivation bases have reached a higher level.

However, he swept the crowd around, frowning abruptly, "How about Senior Emperor Qingtian?"

In the old days, he broke the realm, stormed to the highest heaven, and came to the land of endless emptiness. Qingtian Great and others followed him.

However, they did not appear at Pangu Tianzun Mountain, which made him feel a little worried.

"Emperor Qingtian didn't come."

Taisheng Huangdao also frowned.

Pangu Tianyu is the place where the powers of the original realm gather. It is impossible for the Qingtian Emperor and others to know it.

However, after so long, it has never come, and I have to worry a little bit.

Ye Chen tried to deduction, but found no results.

There are only two reasons.

Either they were captured by the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, or they strayed into the Tianzun Ruins.

It's about the Supreme Heaven, that he is the Supreme Heaven, and he can't deduct it.

However, Ye Chen could sense that they did not fall.

Because, before going to the place of origin, they all left the corresponding soul lamp in the original realm for investigation.

"Where did they go?"

Ye Chen showed a hint of surprise.

At this time, in the land of origin, the twelve overlords of the Supreme Realm rushed for eternity, and the calamity was unlimited.

In the meantime, some people died and disappeared.

The eternal calamity is extremely terrifying, even in the most glorious age of the heavens, so many Gedai Tianjiao with the appearance of the gods were born, and then only 33 succeeded in the end, and there were more than 100 failed in the clearance, and they were lucky not to die. , Became a great master.

Now, the twelve Heavenly Venerable Overlords of the Supreme Realm rushed through the barrier, and finally nine people were killed.

The remaining three people all came from the eternal Celestial Clan, and ultimately saved their lives under the Celestial Clan at all costs. Half of them stepped into the eternal realm and became the Great Lord.

Among them, there is Taishang Zhenyuan, a former deceased from the original world.

A generation of Taishang will eventually become a great deity. Although there is no hope for the highest heaven, it can be regarded as completely above another level.

The Heavenly Clan of the Zhenjie will also have a higher status because of the new-born Great Lord Zhenyuan Taishang.

"Congratulations, Great Lord!"

The heavenly clan of the town, all the clan, congratulations to Zhenyuan Taishang, becoming a great figure.

The birth of a great deity also has an absolutely important meaning for the entire town heaven.

The Supreme Lord Zhenyuan, perhaps called the Great Lord Zhenyuan, sat high on the first throne of the heavenly clan. This is the seat of honor. In the past, only the heavenly Lord could sit.

Now that Zhenyuan Dazun has become the first person of the Heavenly Clan, he is naturally qualified to sit, and he can use the legacy of the Heavenly Lord to be more stable and stronger.

Even if you become a great deity, you need to stabilize your realm and become stronger.

Just like the Immortal Heavenly Sovereign, that is, in the body of the Great Sovereign, possessing the Heavenly Sovereign's combat power, but the only one in the world.


The Great Lord Zhenyuan sat on the throne of the Tianzun of the former Tianzun Tianzun. On the throne, there is the legacy of the Tianzun, who can perceive the eternal way of heaven and increase the speed of cultivation, but he still has regrets.

Failing to attain the Supreme Heaven, this is a major regret.

Throughout the ages, everyone has hoped to become the supreme deity, not a great deity who lacks the way of heaven.

However, the way of Tianzun is too difficult to prove. Throughout the ages, many generations of Tianjiao who possessed the appearance of Tianzun have all died during the catastrophe. Only a few people survived and became the great deity, and even a few people became the supreme deity. .

"Great Lord, it's no shame. The road to Heavenly Lord is full of dangers. Throughout the ages, how many heavenly arrogances have died, and there are even those who can fight against the Supreme Heavenly Lord in their youth and never lose the wind. Owned, you are already invincible in this world."

Below, there are the strongest openings of the Celestial Clan in the Among them, there is the ancient ancestor of the heavens.

In the past, he also got a place where he was relics of Tianzun, and he was lucky to get part of Tianzun's inheritance. Now, after the ancient ancestor of Tiandao returned to the place of origin for an era, he has been completely released under the suppression of the original world and has become a generation of Taishang. .

The Great Lord Zhenyuan raised his eyes and looked at the highest point of the sky, the eleventh round of Heavenly Sun, the place of origin, and said: "It's still a pity that now, the eleventh Supreme Heavenly Lord was born. Who is it?"

In fact, everyone is wondering where the eleventh Supreme Heavenly Sovereign is.

It's just that, because in the endless emptiness, the heavens fight, the heavens are shielded, the endless eternal sky pattern is blocked, and the overlord of the supreme realm can only observe the pre-war part of the sky for a short time.

Therefore, there is no idea who the eleventh Supreme Heavenly Venerate is.

All I know is that the eleventh Supreme Heavenly Sovereign has entered the endless emptiness and participated in the ultimate heavenly battle.

However, the only thing worthy of affirmation is that the new Supreme Heaven is universally recognized by the world as the former Supreme Heaven respected and returned to the heavenly position.

Because, among the twelve people who crossed the robbery in the current age, there was no one Supreme Heavenly Sovereign.

At this time, in the ancient temple of Tianzun, the strongest of the Celestial Clan came quickly from the outside and prayed to the Great Lord Yuan Yuan, who was high above the top: "Great Lord, there is the latest news of the ultimate heaven war. The identity of the new Supreme Heavenly Lord is also I got it."

"who is it?"

The Great Lord Zhenyuan spoke, and the other strongest heavenly clan also looked towards those who came.

The strongest heaven clan said: "Report to the Great Lord, it is the Heavenly Lord of the original world!"

The voice fell, and many heavenly races were as strong as being struck by lightning, and I couldn't believe it.

PS: Like the title, two in one, forgot to update yesterday...


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