Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4311: Coming forcibly


It can be seen to the naked eye that the extremely flaming Origin Heaven is trembling crazily, and the light is dimming at an alarming speed.

"Do not!"

Pantheon was too horrified, crazy to stop.

However, his real body was cut in half by Ye Chen and was also forcibly suppressed.

As for the origin of the sky, there is no other way, all the rules of the **** pattern cannot be stopped, and it is easily torn apart.

That big hand contains a kind of terrifying power that can crush the **** pattern of the Supreme Realm rules.

This kind of power, he had only felt in the Supreme Heavenly Venerate before.

Could it be that this person in front of me is really the Supreme Heavenly Lord?

But, it shouldn't be, because the birth of the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign must have caused a huge shock in the place of origin, and even the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign will be alarmed.

Like the Primordial Heavenly Venerable many years ago, it even led to several Supreme Heavenly Venerables that couldn't be traced out of the chaos in the hidden world.

If the person in front of him is the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, it is impossible to be ignorant.

"The origin of the ancient ancestors of the gods is being attacked by outsiders every day, so we must stop it!"

There was a loud roar in the Supreme Universe. Naturally, it is impossible to lack the strongest in the original world of the ancient overlord like the Supreme Supreme.

In addition to the ten thousand gods of the vast world, there are also two Taizhen-level half-step overlords here. There are also many sky-reaching and Taixu-level giants, leading all the Supremes into the sky, attacking That majestic big hand.

However, that majestic hand remained motionless and was not affected at all.


Ye Chen was condescending, and his eyes were heavenly, and with a loud shout, the two great half-step overlords of Shengsheng would roar to pieces and exploded.


Just as this thought turned, the Heavenly Origin of the Supreme Realm, which was hundreds of millions of miles in diameter, was grasped by the big hands of the sky, and torn apart by half.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

In the supreme universe, an infinite and terrifying avenue of wind has arisen out of thin air, sweeping everything, tearing the supreme universe of the supreme realm overlord to open countless horrible spatial cracks out of thin air, seeming to shatter everything Like.

The origin of the sky is transformed by the origin of the Great Dao of All Gods. Once an accident occurs, it will have an unprecedented huge impact.

The world is falling apart and the impact is immense.

The vast world of ten thousand gods, because they are too close, disintegrates directly one after another, creating an extremely terrifying world collapse.

In the blink of an eye, more than a thousand great worlds have collapsed, and even the supreme gods in the world have also died.

In front of Ye Chen, even the Supreme seemed extremely weak.


In the next moment, more than half of the Supreme Source was torn and seized, following Ye Chen's big hand, it directly sank into his body.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

Within the body, countless eternal shackles have been cut off, and the connection between the origin of eternity and the place of origin is even more clear. There are countless places originating from the place of origin, and black holes have appeared one after another, devouring huge amounts madly. The power of the Great Way of Consummation restores Ye Chen's eternal origin.

Another two tenths of the eternal shackles were cut off.

Now, more than three-tenths of the eternal shackles have been cut off.

Because more than half of the origin of the Supreme Supreme was captured, the Supreme Supreme of All Gods suffered an unprecedented severe damage, and his breath plummeted rapidly.

The Taishang Universe suffered a devastating blow. The vast world of tens of thousands of people collapsed more than half of the time, and many of the strongest in the universe were also affected.

Wan Shen Taishang couldn't resist, so he could only watch this scene helplessly, full of endless fear.

This was the first time he was so frightened since the dusk of the sky.

The last time, during the twilight period of the heavens, I followed the Ten Thousand Profound Heavenly Sovereign to fight the heavens, and witnessed the powerlessness of the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign's battle, the collapse of the heavens and the earth, and the crushing of the land of origin.

No matter how strong he is, he is already so small in front of the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign.

Unexpectedly, after more than two Chaos Epochs, his ancient overlord, who was immortal during the twilight period of the heavens, now has the emotion of fear again, and is also facing an unprecedented crisis of fall.

"Wanxing Xiaozu, please save me!"

Ten thousand gods could not help but ask for help from the three great gods of ten thousand stars.

Naturally, the Ten Thousand Star Supreme, who was crossing the gate of heaven, also witnessed this scene with his own eyes, seeing the tragedy of the Ten Thousand Gods, full of endless anger.

"Who are you? Who gave you such courage, but anyone who murdered my Ten Thousand Profound Celestial Clan!"

He is even more powerful than the Ten thousand gods, even in the realm of the Supreme Realm, he is definitely a first-class overlord of the world, powerful and unmatched, and there is an unparalleled blood of the gods flowing in his body.

Under Heaven, it can be said to be invincible.

However, for a while, it was difficult for Wanxing Taishang to successfully descend to Patch Sky City.

It is only because the Lord of the Sky Patching City, the Tianzun ancient city, and the incomplete Tianzun ancient soldiers, resisted his coming Even if Wanxing is too powerful, it will not be able to successfully descend in a short time.

However, Ye Chen didn't pay attention at all, just wanted to constantly tear apart the origin of the gods, turning into majestic power again and again, cutting off the eternal shackles in his body.

The sonorous sound is endless.

As the chains of eternity were continuously cut off, his eternal origin was restored to its original state, and the power of the Supreme Heavenly Lord became stronger.

As Ye Chen continued to seize the origin of the Ten Thousand Gods, the Ten Thousand Gods became weaker and unable to stop it.

"damn it!"

Wan Xing Taishang was furious. He looked at the City Lord of Patching Sky below, and said angrily: "Originally, I only wanted to come slowly, but now the remnants of Patching Sky Clan dare to go with others and murder my Ten thousand Xuan Celestial Clan. It’s unforgivable. Punish!"


Behind him, there are not only superstars, but also a terrifying stone halberd that traverses the heavens. The stars are so small and dusty, revealing the annihilation of the heavens.

Even with the isolation of the sky curtain left by Butianzun, the fierce power of the stone halberd still penetrated the threads, making it unbearable for countless people in the Tianshan City to press the top like Mount Tai.

That is the eternal stone halberd, which belongs to the Tianzun Wanxuan.

At this moment, Wanxing Taishang's huge and boundless body grabbed the eternal stone halberd and directly recovered in full, showing the power of the heavenly sovereign.

Suddenly, the power of the Ten Thousand Star Supreme directly climbed to another height, as if the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign descended, piercing from top to bottom.

The eternal stone halberd, with the power of destroying the world, was caused along the way, annihilated numerous voids, penetrated through the heavenly gate, and countless eternal sky patterns were pierced and crushed by the stone halberd.

The rumbling sound is endless.

At the next moment, the eternal stone halberd penetrated directly through the sky of the city of Patching the sky, and blasted towards the Lord of the City of Patching the sky from top to bottom.

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