Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3884: I'm Ye Chen, I'm back!

Even in the core territory of the Chaos Sea, there are many territories, and many ancient Chaos universes are far away from each other.

It will take some time for the Supreme to return.

But Ye Chen is an eternal tycoon, and even the master of Chaos. For the control of Chaos, throughout the ages, I am afraid that only the Supreme Sage can be compared. Shuttle in the Chaos Sea is amazing.

In just half a day, he traveled through many realms and returned to the realm of Pangu universe.

When I opened my eyes, the majestic and boundless celestial bodies of the Pangu universe were still there, falling steadily in the chaotic sea, occupying half of the field of vision.

This made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the Pangu universe is dependent on it, has never been destroyed, and still exists.

It’s just that around the Pangu universe, especially in the area before Pangu Pass, there are endless blood and corpses. There are countless creatures here, the lowest, the highest, and the highest. drop.

Even Ye Chen felt the momentum of the quasi-giant.

The three of them were separated by infinite boundaries and saw this scene.

Obviously, the Pangu universe had a terrible battle with the alien ancient universe, which killed many people, hundreds of millions.

There are even battle marks from the eternal giants.

Ye Chen was nervous. He was worried that the Pangu universe would be captured by another race again within 20,000 years, and that his relatives and friends would be robbed.


Even if he breaks through the shackles of the extreme realm, there is still a sense of regret. The wrath of the giants immediately derives infinite visions, which alarmed the nearby Chaos Sea area. Some Supreme was shocked. Looking at this place, secretly frightened, and the eternal giants wanted No war?

The battle of giants has long been a common occurrence in the past 100,000 years.

Naturally, when the giants go to war, the impact is also very serious. Every so often, the heavens and the earth will collapse, and the world will be annihilated. For the entire Chaos Sea creatures, it is a terrible disaster.

Ye Cangqiong said: "Don't worry, I can sense that the mark left at Pangu Pass is still there, and there are still many old people who depend on it, and it should not have been broken."

"Relax, it is not without the presence of other giants in the Pangu universe, and the emperor is awakened, he is the Emperor of Samsara completely awakened, even if the alien races invade, he must be jealous.” Shenrong said, the Emperor of Samsara is not an ordinary giant of the ages , Mythical Era is famous and famous, the extreme quasi-giant breaks and then stands, powerful and unmatched, and has a brilliant record.

During his awakening years, Pangu universe will be more stable.

Otherwise, the human emperor would not choose to leave the Pangu universe at this time, looking for the opportunity to prove the supreme.

Ye Chen nodded slightly when he heard the words, but his eyes were still cold, and the chaotic avenue under his feet disappeared. With a step, he straddled the sky of unknown number of tens of millions of miles and arrived at the place of Pangu Universe.

He saw that Pangu Pass was still there, still standing on the border, guarding the safety of the entire Pangu universe.

But it was already very dilapidated. It had long been stained red by blood, intertwined with endless battle marks, and there were dense traces of the Supreme Emperor.

There are too many corpses on the battlefield before Pangu Pass, and there are countless pieces of soldiers, and even Ye Chen saw a few fragments of the Emperor Sword, scattered on this boundless battlefield of Chaos Sea, and it still contains what he has Familiar air machine.

Shura's supreme Shura Emperor sword.

It has been shattered, and I can feel the disintegrated Asura Supreme Emperor's mark on the battlefield.

Ye Chen seemed to see that tens of thousands of years ago, the Supreme Asura tried his best to guard Pangu Pass and went to war with other races. In the end, the body of the Supreme Emperor was exploded in the first battle, the origin collapsed, the emperor soul was annihilated, the emperor sword shattered, and the blood fell here. Dyed on the vast battlefield.

The fragments of the emperor sword still contain the blood of the supreme Shura and the blood of the enemy. They are so strong that they will not disperse for tens of thousands of years, just like they left yesterday.

Ye Chen felt a pain in his heart. The Supreme Asura was his elder, who had shot for him and protected him, but now he has fallen, the emperor's way collapsed, and the emperor's blood stained Pangu Pass.

He was very upset, almost roaring.

Although he is a giant of chaos, he is emotionally dependent and will not be deprived. He fluctuates at this moment.

Even the supreme Shura was also lost. One can imagine how terrible the Pangu universe has been in these years.

Moreover, not only the supreme Asura, but also a few familiar supreme qi machines, the supreme qi machines of other Pangu universes, were all lost.

The only good news is that they are not the ancient emperors born in the Pangu universe, but the ancient road of origin followed.

Even so, they have the emperor pill bestowed by the emperor pill. Under this circumstance, they are still perished. This shows that the situation in the Pangu universe is really serious.

Ye Cangqiong and Shenrong sighed slightly, silently sacrificing the fallen Pangu Universe Supreme Emperors.

Especially the supreme Asura, before leaving that year, this supreme still saw them off. Unexpectedly, after 20,000 years later, after they proclaimed the supreme, the supreme who was not the Pangu universe died for the blood of the Pangu universe. A respectable supreme.

This vast blood-colored battlefield is very empty and empty, but there are endless battle marks intertwined and cruising, turning the endless battlefield into a dangerous place. Ordinary people who dare not enter at all will be affected by this battlefield. Supreme Murder, Emperor Mark, etc. were strangled to death.

The kings of the ancient times did not dare to enter easily, and were in danger of perishing at every turn.

Therefore, no one found the existence of Ye Chen and others.

Ye Chen silently collected the fragments of Shura Supreme's Emperor Sword, but he did not find his emperor skeleton. He expected to be taken away and buried by the Supreme Emperor of Pangu Universe.

Even so, the three of them buried the fragments of the emperor sword silently, mourning the former Shura Supreme.

After a long time, Ye Chen walked out of his sorrow, with bright eyes, ascended to the sky alone, reaching the same height as Pangu Pass.

Ye Chen saw Guan Shun, and there were quite a few Pangu Universe's Xeons sitting around, some familiar and more unfamiliar ~ It can be seen that after 100,000 years, Pangu Universe has also cultivated A lot of the strongest.

He felt very fortunate that Pangu Pass still existed after all and was not breached.

"A foreign race is coming?"

At Pangu Pass, there were many super powers sitting in town, and there was no lack of supreme. Ye Chen's appearance was immediately alarmed.

"Who, this is Pangu Pass?"

The strongest person at Pangu Pass did not act rashly. The heroic young man in front of him has unknown origins. Although it is likely to be a supreme existence of a foreign race, they are not afraid of Pangu Pass.

For 100,000 years, relying on Pangu Pass, they have resisted the attacks of foreign races time and time again.

Even the supreme giants of foreign races personally attacked, but they were resisted again and again.

Ye Chen touched his back to basics and handsome face, and said softly: "I am Ye Chen, I am back."

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