Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3867: Dark beam

The parties were horrified.

The Burial of Origin was too terrible. It was just the aftermath of the battle, which made the Supreme unable to bear it. He exploded directly, and his body and spirit were gone, and he fell helplessly.

What a terrifying existence this is.

The giants were also discolored and looked ugly.

As powerful as them, they also feel a sense of crisis. If they are careless, they are also in danger of perishing!

The burial owner of the origin, the eight heads represent the eight origins of gold, wood, water, fire, earth and thunder, yin and yang, and the ninth head stands for the origin of death. When the head of the origin of death spit, the breath of death turned into an endless avenue of runes. The boundless land, visible to the naked eye, the princes could not evade, were overwhelmed by the breath of death, deprived of their vitality, and fell straight away.

Not long after, a full 13 of the supreme were lost.

Among them, two quasi-giants are included!

It was just a breath, and thirteen supreme or quasi-giants were killed.

An eternal giant's face was extremely ugly: "Is it because I waited for a full blow, afraid that I would reach such a power?"

I am afraid that only the first generation giants such as Final Yan Xianzun, Eternal City Lord, and Fighting Saint Ancestor have the strongest blow to do so.

However, the burial owner of Origin was just a breath of death, but it caused such a devastating disaster.

The Lord of Eternal City looked very ugly, with a roar, he pressed down with the fully revived Eternal Town, one person resisted the ninth head, and said to the venerables: "This seat is here to resist this head, you wait for it!"

The giants also stepped forward one after another to suppress the other eight heads and tails of the origin burial owner. How could the supreme and quasi-giant attack even more frantically, trying to suppress the origin burial owner and return to the dark universe.

However, what is desperate is that the defense of the original burial master is too terrifying, and it is difficult for the supreme and even the quasi-giant to hurt it.

The eight source brilliance circulated on the body surface, resisting all the supreme attacks.

The deities were horrified. Under their combined attack, all the giants of the ages had to explode, and the ancient universe of chaos would also be annihilated, but they could not break the defense of Origin Burial Lord.

The Lord of the Celestial Clan of the Origin Saint Clan said in a deep voice: "The Burial Lord of the Origin is a half-step eternal existence, with infinite mana, and a truly immortal body. Only the giants can hurt him. We need to restrain him while shooting."

The giants understand that only they can harm Origin Burial Owner.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

At the same time, the half-step eternal existence of Origin Burial Lord, with endless dark power around his body, is rippling wanton, drowning Liuhe and Eight Wastes, and hundreds of millions of dark beams shoot out.

There is no way to avoid it, a supreme, quasi-giant was shot by these dark beams.

However, the supreme who was shot by the dark beam actually screamed at this moment.

It can be seen to the naked eye that each of these supreme bodies is gradually showing signs of decay. The supreme immortal bodies, which are known as the immortality of the years, are being soaked in darkness little by little, and are being corroded and decayed.

As more and more dark beams were hit, the faster the Supreme was decayed.

In particular, several of the supreme beings were hit by tens of thousands of roads by the dark beam, and they were wiped out on the spot. This is the true form and spirit.

The world is terrifying!

What kind of weird and terrifying power is that, it is even more terrifying than the previous chaotic light, capable of decimating the Supreme.

"Everyone, be careful, these dark beams contain the dark blood of the original burial owner."

An eternal tycoon shouted, the origin burial master has infinite power, beyond imagination, a drop of blood also contains unmeasurable dark power, contained in the dark beam, even the supreme will decay.

Of course, on the other hand, it also represents the situation of the burial owner of Origin. When it is extremely dangerous, how can he smelt his own dark blood in the dark beam and attack the deities.

Almost all the supreme present were hit by dark beams of varying degrees and suffered injuries to varying degrees.

The quasi-giant is no exception. These dark beams contain special and demonic power. Once they are invaded, the consequences are extraordinary, injuries occur, and their energy is suppressed.

The eternal giant also looked solemn, but relying on the body and Taoism of the eternal giant, it was able to resist it.

In the final analysis, they are the most terrifying existence.

"Everyone, be careful, especially the tenth head of the origin burial owner!"

Zun Yan Xianzun shouted in a low voice, squinted his eyes, and stared at the tenth most mysterious head of the origin burial lord. The attributes of the other nine heads are understood, but the tenth head is mysterious and unknown.

It's just that the head is always asleep, it just opened its eyes at first, and then it has been closed tightly.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

Countless dark beams burst again.

The supreme avoids, the giants resist.


With a scream, only a group of alien ancient universe giants headed by the Emperor of Longevity took action, attacking one of the heads of the origin burial owner, causing the skull to open and a large amount of dark blood splashed, and it was more terrible The power of the avenue, as well as the infinite dark beam shining.

"not good!"

Suddenly, Ye Chen changed color, because the longevity **** emperor and other foreign giants disappeared, countless dark light beams and drops of dark blood rushed towards him suddenly.

Ye Chen was about to evade. At this time, the void was suddenly blocked.

The eternal giant made the shot, and it was not the ordinary eternal giant, but the eternal emperor's shot, blocking this chaotic sea from the air.

Rao Ye Chen, as a quasi-giant of the extreme realm, broke out with all his strength for the first time and broke through the blockade of time and space, but it didn't work either, endless dark beams and dark blood spilled down.

Under the crisis, he had to do his best to hit these dark beams and dark blood to offset them.

Unfortunately, in the end, unfortunately, he was hit by hundreds of thousands of dark beams.

Among them, there are tens of thousands of drops of dark blood following the beam of darkness, submerged into his Not good, the dark power contained in these dark blood is too terrible, even the Chaos Eucharist cannot resist. . "Ye Chen's complexion changed, and the extreme quasi-giant couldn't do it either. He only felt that the terrifying dark power was rippling in his body wantonly, and it actually shattered his powerful Chaos Eucharist.

At the same time, more terrifying dark light beams burst out continuously, and eventually crashed into Ye Chen's body.

"What a terrible power, this is only a light beam of darkness that can't be reached by a million. I feel that my chaotic body can't bear it, and it's about to disintegrate. What kind of power are these dark powers? Even the giants of the ages cannot do this."

Ye Chen's expression changed, he could feel the speciality of these dark beams, even the chaotic divine power in his body could not resist.

Moreover, the divine power of chaos was also immersed by these dark powers, gradually becoming darker.

This is the first time I have seen it.

For a long time, his chaotic Taoism has always been unfavorable, but now there has been an accident.

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