Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3863: Quasi-giant is a waste

how is this possible?

Is it possible to possess the power of the extreme quasi-giant as an emperor?

After all, in the recognition of many supreme, quasi-giant, and even eternal giants, the Fighting Saint King has long been regarded as a true extreme quasi-giant, but he is not very clear about its true state, and he must think it is a real quasi-giant state. .

The City Lord Wangu was also taken aback. He didn't take it seriously earlier, and the aura emitted by Ye Chen was too majestic. But now, under careful sensing, he perceives that Ye Chen's realm aura is indeed an emperor.

It's just that the emperor is too strong.

The realm of the emperor, the extreme quasi-giant-level combat power against the sky.

"Yes, Fighting Saint King is the master of Chaos Avenue. He specializes in Chaos Avenue. In the future, he will use Chaos Avenue to prove his Dao, but it is not easy to say that chaos proves." Zhuan Yan Xianzun said, sighing slightly. People can prove Dao success, no one would think that Ye Chen was just a mere emperor.

The immortal king Taishi exclaimed: "It is worthy of being the strongest enchanting Tianjiao who is comparable to the emperor of the sky and the beginning. The quasi-king period is the person on the path of eternity, but the eternal emperor is actually against the sky to such a point."

Not to mention that it was all respected, and the tycoons were also shocked, all because the fighting saint king really escaped the evildoer against the sky, the whole world is vast, who can be compared.

The only one, I am afraid that only the mysterious emperor is eternal.

The Emperor of Longevity said: "Although the Fighting Saint King is not the Supreme, he is a chaos cultivator and a quasi-giant level in the extreme realm. It is more suitable than the Supreme, and more suitable to go to the place of origin."

The giants of all parties also looked at Ye Chen. The Immortal King Zixiao also had murderous intent towards Ye Chen and said indifferently: "I agree with it."

"I agree with it."

"I agree with it."


The holy demon emperor, holy, and ancestors of the early Yuan Dynasty also spoke, and several other giants also expressed their approval, and the foreign quasi-giants and supreme naturally also agreed.

If you can kill the fighting king here, it will undoubtedly cause the alien ancient universe to lose a future eternal giant full of potential, and even the existence of the emperor of heaven and the first generation. The alien is naturally very happy.

"I don't agree with it. Elder Ghost, you just want the most powerful arrogant of my Pangu universe to fall."

The ancestor of fighting war refused, but the eternal magnates such as Taishenghuang, Heaven-defying Warlord, Yandi, Pandao Immortal King, Hunshi Immortal King, Taishi Immortal King naturally did not agree.

Dandi also expressed his disagreement.

The numbers of the two sides are almost the same, and neither of them has much advantage.

The emperor at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty said in a Yin test: "The Fighting Saint King, as a member of the ancient path of origin, if you don't lead by example, it's a little unsuitable."

He is trying to suppress people with a general trend!

"Old dog, isn't it better for you to lead by example? Anyway, if there are more foreign races, you are not more, and you are not much less." Ye Chen sneered mercilessly, not caring that he was an eternal giant, so he yelled.

Hearing that, the emperor's expression in the early Yuan Dynasty did not know how gloomy, as an eternal giant, who would dare to blaspheme, today was insulted by a junior, and immediately said: "Insulting the eternal giant is a capital crime, and should be punishable!"

Ye Chen sneered: "If you insult you, then you will insult you. Isn't it afraid that you won't succeed? The big deal will be a big fight. Even if you can kill me, I can put aside the cruel words. At least I have seniors from the Pangu universe present and drag it down. It’s not difficult at all for your old dog to be buried together. It’s even possible that the old dogs like the Elder Dog, the Saint Demon and the Saint Dog will be buried together."

He was unceremonious, taking a mouthful of an old dog, using it on the foreign giant, and the others present were dumbfounded, the supreme trembling, and the quasi giant also had a tingling scalp.

That is to say, fighting the Saint King, otherwise, I would never dare to speak like this when I changed to anyone. It would be an insult to the eternal giant, and it would be a death penalty.

The faces of the giants of foreign races didn't know how ugly they were, they just looked at the fighting saint ancestor and others standing behind Ye Chen, but they were shocked.

Because the fighting ancestors, the warlord against the sky, and the supreme sage emperor are all at the level of the first generation giants, what Ye Chen said is not bad at all. It is not impossible to drag him to death, but dragging a few of them.

If you really want to smash to the end, it is entirely possible for the Pangu Universe party to do it. By then, after a desperate battle, the first-generation giant, the Emperor of Longevity, may also perish.

At this time, Ye Chen said to the Emperor of Longevity: "Elder Dog, since I want to make sacrifices, I have a very good candidate, even better than me."


Hearing Ye Chen's name, the Emperor of Longevity was not a bit angry. After all, the grievances between the two sides had long been there, and the dying person was quite surprised at the choice of the former.

A more suitable candidate than him?

Ye Chen suddenly spoke to Taishenghuang and other eternal giants: "Teacher, Patriarch, seniors, please buy me some time."

"Okay, just do it if you have anything." Tai Shenghuang said immediately.

"If you want to do it, we have to bear everything." Fighting Saint Ancestor's words are concise, but quite rigid.

"it's him!"

Ye Chen pointed to the man, everyone noticed him, and he was immediately stunned. He was a quasi-giant of a foreign race, named Immortal Ancient Emperor, a prestigious quasi-giant of a generation, and the parent and child of the Emperor of Longevity. He hoped to become a new giant .

When looking at the ancient immortal emperor, Ye Chen had endless killing thoughts deep in his eyes.

The immortal ancient emperor is not just the parent and child of the emperor of longevity, but more importantly, in the past, the Pangu universe myth was shattered, and he personally participated in that battle.

In his hands, there was emperor blood, and the ancient emperor of the Pangu universe was killed by him.

Even, the undead ancient emperor once turned the slain ancient emperor into food, bit by bit in front of hundreds of millions of beings in the true Pangu universe.

It can be said that the undead ancient emperor is an executioner, hated by the Pangu universe.

The ancient emperor who guarded all living beings, a wise and immortal existence, had no choice but to become a blood eater, which was an unforgettable hatred in the Pangu universe.

Now, Ye Chen can't wait to kill the Undead Ancient Emperor.

The undead ancient emperor's expression changed.

The voice of the Emperor of Longevity was suddenly cold: "Battle Saint King, you really want to die!"

"What's the matter, isn't it just a quasi-giant? Isn't the foreign race so reluctant?" Ye Chen sneered, "I know you, the immortal ancient emperor, it's been five epochs, but it's really useless, it's just a quasi-giant That’s it, if I were you, I would want to die. Everyone is a monk, but you are so wasteful. It is the greatest use for you to make you a victim. Come out and become a sacrifice, otherwise you are so wasteful Giants, I can’t find a few here."

"So, are you unwilling? Just now, your Lao Tzu said it very loudly. It is easy to let others lead by example. It is not enough to let you be a waste. It really is not that one family does not enter the house, it is a group of old dogs."

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