Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3860: Hard to shake the eternal giant

Ye Chen changed color, and the power contained in the rule projection of the Eternal Giant Avenue was too huge, it could be described as vast and endless, as powerful as him, at this moment, I only felt that the Chaos Eucharist could hardly bear it.

It can be clearly seen that his chaotic sacred body, an inch of flesh on the surface of his body, is cracking, and the immortal chaotic sacred bone is also cracking, almost exploding, it is difficult to suppress.

It must be known that with the immortality of his Chaos Eucharist, it is simply stronger than the quasi-giant Taoist soldiers and immortal, and only the eternal giants can be better.

But at this moment, this phenomenon also appeared, one can imagine what terrible power he is bearing.

Next to him, the Supreme Sage Emperor saw this, his expression was slightly solemn, and he immediately stepped forward, and his generous palm fell on him, inputting a wave of majestic and endless chaotic power, which resonated with the chaotic avenue in Ye Chen's body, and then suppressed it. The power of the eternal giant avenue rule projection in his body, otherwise Ye Chen might not be able to bear it.

Immediately, within Ye Chen's body, a circle of yin and yang Tai Chi diagrams emerged, evolving from Taishenghuang's avenue, completely suppressing the power of the eternal giant's avenue rule projection, and sealing it somewhere in Ye Chen's body.

Tai Shenghuang said with a serious face: "This power is too powerful. The teacher is currently sealing it for you. You should not force refining, return to the Pangu universe and then try refining. Otherwise, if you are a little careless, you will be in danger of life. ."

Because once Ye Chen is refined, he will inevitably take the opportunity to try to break through the shackles of the extreme realm, which will be very dangerous.

Unless there is an eternal giant guarding by his side, the extreme quasi giants like Ye Chen will also have a crisis.

"Understand." Ye Chen nodded, he could feel that the Supreme Sage Emperor completely suppressed this power in the depths of his original universe with Yin and Yang Tai Chi diagram.

Even so, there is still a trace of power constantly escaping, that is excess power, which cannot exist in the body, and must be consumed.

Ye Chen rose up into the sky and came to a projection of the rules of the Great Avenue of the Ancients. With a long roar, the Qi of his body suddenly soared, and the Qi of the Extreme Quasi-Giant could no longer hide.


With a punch down, the sky and the earth broke apart. Facing the projection of the eternal giant avenue rule, Ye Chen's figure only retreated 300,000 miles without any damage.

On the contrary, the light radiating from his whole body became more and more glamorous and eye-catching, just like the same round of the sun blooming and erupting on his body, the unparalleled brilliance of the road is shining, which is unparalleled.

Even the hair is full of the most flaming glory.

Ye Chen grinned: "It looks like the rule projection of Wangu Giant Avenue is nothing more than that."

Boom boom boom boom boom--

He rushed forward again, alone, against an eternal giant road rule projection.

As if two great eternal giants are fighting, the power of the extreme of terror is continuously dissipating, annihilating the heavens and the earth, and crushing the heavens.

By his side, every supreme and quasi-giant must retreat, and the aftermath of these battles is extremely dangerous to their level.

"So strong!"

The deities were shocked, the Fighting Saint King was so strong that he could hardly shake the rule projection of an eternal giant's road, and he was almost not at a disadvantage.

Several quasi-immortal kings such as Haotian, Nangong, Beiming, and Ziyang were dumbfounded and unbelievable.

Is this still a quasi-giant?

It is clearly an eternal giant!

"This kind of breath is very special and familiar!"

The quasi-giants of all parties, and even the eternal giants in the fierce battle were also alarmed.

Finally Yan Xianzun said nothing, but a smile appeared in his eyes.

Eternal City Lord was also slightly amazed, and said, "Is this the most enchanting Tianjiao of the ages, who is known as the emperor of the emperor and the youngest generation? When I saw it today, it is really extraordinary, and he has such a combat power. Once I break through, I am afraid it will not Weaker than me."

The evaluation was very high, and it was obvious that he could see that Ye Chen's realm was an extreme quasi-giant.

The Emperor of Longevity looked very gloomy, and said coldly: "Extreme Realm, what a fighting holy king, at such a young age, he has reached the level of extreme quasi-giant!"

When the words fall, the world is silent!

The extreme quasi-giant, known as the strongest quasi-giant, has the supreme ability to attack the eternal giants, and it is extremely terrifying.

Now, the younger generation of the Fighting Saint King has actually reached the level of the extreme quasi-giant?



Immortal King Zixiao was also shocked, an extreme quasi-giant!

This junior, who was only raising his hand to kill 20,000 years ago, has now become an extreme quasi-giant, even in the face of eternal giants, he can smash, and he can challenge himself.

Such a growth rate is really incomparably against the sky, and it can't be overstated.

Accompanied by pieces of time flying out from here, submerged in the sea of ​​chaos, but also captured by the strong existence of all parties, learning about this scene, was shocked.

The Fighting Saint King has actually become an extreme quasi-giant.

That is the strongest quasi-giant that deserves to be, and it can beat the eternal giants, even better than it.

Naturally, it is said that the ancient alien universe is the most discolored.

The growth rate of Fighting Saint King is too appalling. It has only been about 30,000 years since his debut. It would take dozens of millions of years to take a nap and retreat at the supreme level, making him extremely young.

A little ant that can be pinched to death has become a gedai existence standing in the realm of the chaotic sea.

I am afraid that from now on, under the eternal giants, the fighting king will be invincible.

In the extreme depths of the Chaos Sea, a mysterious figure stands, looking at the deepest part of the ancient road of origin, a ray of exclamation is revealed: "In the past, we were two eternal quasi-kings side by side with this seat. I did not expect that only 20,000 years have passed. The fate of is really against the sky, the King of Fighting. However, your Chaos Avenue is too difficult to prove. This seat was once a giant of the ages, and now it is only a matter of time to return to the giants of the ages. Stronger than you."

He is another eternal quasi-giant of the year, eternal eternal!

Thirty thousand years have passed, and he has used the background of his previous life, and he has naturally been the peak of the eternal emperor for many years, and his strength is no less than the level of a quasi-giant.

At this point, Emperor Yongheng truly realized that the path taken by the Heavenly Emperor and the First Generation was against the sky. The Emperor's period was no less than the quasi-giant, and it was indeed the most powerful and invincible existence in the Chaos Sea.

Ye Chen ignored the opinions of others. The extreme quasi-giant's combat power exploded, shaking the earth, with one punch and one kick, all containing the terrifying power to crush the supreme, slamming the eternal giant road rule projection.

In the palm of your finger, opens up the galaxy, derives the world of the big world, and emerges from the world, as if the world dominates the attack and shakes the opponent.

The boundless light sheds light on all parties, fully demonstrating the power of the extreme quasi-giant.

Above the head, the Great Ding of Chaos stands standing, facing the infinite Chaos Qi, creating a world of heaven and earth, multiplying all souls and races, just like an ancient Chaos universe.

In a daze, the shackles were broken, and Ye Chen transcended himself and became an eternal giant, overlooking the eternal era, covering the sky with one hand, and pointing at Broken Galaxy.

The heavens and all worlds emerged behind them, temporarily opened for them.

His power is manifested to the extreme at this moment, the world is vast, no one can rival!

In the blink of an eye, Ye Chen collided with the Wangu Giant Avenue Rule Projection for thousands of rounds, and he hadn't lost much of a disadvantage, and it shocked everyone on the ground.

Is this an extreme quasi-giant?

It's really too strong!

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