Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3836: Long live

Naturally, no one dared to veto the words of the warlord against the sky.

   "The land of origin fell into the secret realm of the Chaos Sea?"

   Everyone was surprised, the secret realm of "Forty-Nine Immortals" actually had such a source?

Battle Emperor Dao: "I also suspect that the quasi-immortal king-level Dao body granted by the'Forty-Nine Immortals' secret realm is likely to be related to your essence. You are the strongest eternal emperor comparable to the emperor of the times and chaos. The cultivator is also the owner of the original universe."

   "War Emperor Shizu, do you know the source of the blood-stained future? Is it an alien?" Ye Chen said suddenly.

   In fact, at this point, he is still not sure what the real source of the blood-stained future is.

   A long time ago, he thought it was an alien ancient universe, even related to the Primordial Era.

   But, it is only limited to thinking, and it is not completely determined.

  The Emperor of War, the big disciple of the Lord of Heaven-defying Warlord, in fact, is also the disciple of the ancestor of the fighting war. Following the endless years of the Lord of Heaven-defying Warlord, he will surely know many secrets.

   As for the Great Heavenly Sovereign, although he is an eternal giant, he has not been enlightened for long after all, and he has been in the ancient chaos universe where the ultimate ancient road is located for a long time. No war emperor knows more.

  War Emperor shook his head: "It's not an alien."

   Everyone was surprised, but they were expecting it. After all, if it was really done by a foreign race, the Primordial Immortal Realm would inevitably unite with other chaotic ancient universes to suppress the foreign ancient universe together. It is impossible to let the blood stain the future.

  Blood-stained future, even the most miserable future that the giants of the ages cannot escape.

   In fact, as a supreme, who can still be psychic, foreseeing a corner of the future, not to mention the eternal giants such as the strongest emperor and immortal king, who naturally knows the terrible future of blood staining, and can see more future fragments.

   The whole world is dying, and the ancient chaotic universe is more than one or two destroyed. It is a future that no one can completely avoid.

   It’s just that, since it’s not an alien, what makes a bleeding future.

  The Emperor of War just said: "The secret of heaven cannot be said."

   Everyone is awe-inspiring, and it is as strong as the battle emperor to speak like this, and it must involve the most terrible taboo, otherwise, the battle emperor, which is among the strongest quasi-giant, would be so jealous.

   Ye Chen's quasi-immortal king Tao body finally entered the fairy king cave mansion to practice.

   The Immortal King Cave House of the Zixiao Immortal King is connected with ninety-nine immortal veins, enough to provide a large eternal giant, a quasi-immortal king, and two eternal emperors to practice simultaneously.

   Ye Chen's deity returned to Chaos Tianfu.

   After truly returning to the Pangu universe, he clearly felt the gap between himself and the fairy king.

   He is indeed very powerful, standing at the pinnacle level of the quasi-giant, and it is only one step away from the eternal giant. It is much stronger than the quasi-giant such as Emperor Wanyan, and can also be vertical and horizontal in the prehistoric immortal world.

   But after all, it is not the most extreme stage, there is still a way to go, otherwise, in the prehistoric immortal world against the essence and blood incarnation of the Zixiao Immortal King, there is no need to use the promotion secret method to force the promotion to that step.

   In the next time, he will become stronger.

   Especially to reach this point before 30,000 years old.

   Thousands of years ago, he had a conversation with the Space-Time Emperor. The Space-Time Emperor mentioned that the current Pangu universe is still in chaos, because the ultimate battle will not break out in 30,000 years.

   When the aliens invaded, he had doubts about the words of Emperor Time and Space, because the aliens invaded.

   Later, he discovered that the so-called Ultimate Battle was not as simple as an alien invasion at all, but should be the final outbreak of the blood-stained future.

   Thirty thousand years, and now more than six thousand years have passed, and now he has reached the pinnacle level of the quasi-giant, not far from the eternal giant level.

   But the difference between this step, for how many quasi-giants and quasi-immortal kings have not known since the Era, it took so many epochs and never completely stepped forward.

   If possible, Ye Chen hopes to successfully take this step before the arrival of 30,000 years, and truly possess the mighty power of an eternal giant.

   This is not impossible, because he still has the "Ultimate Supreme" fairy relationship.

   "Ultimate Supreme" fairy fate, even Ye Chen could not fully comprehend it.

   Besides, he can still comprehend the way of heaven.

Soon after, Ye Chen called the goddess and other wives and children, as well as familiar friends such as Peacock King, Corpse Devourer, Wang Ming, Sun God, Will, etc., because he used the fairy king goddess he obtained from the Zixiao fairy king Constructed a quasi-giant cave mansion that is infinitely comparable to the Immortal King cave mansion, filled with infinite avenue essence, and is located in the sun of heaven, which can make people feel the supreme avenue more clearly.

   Time does not treat people, Ye Chen hopes that before the final battle, everyone can improve their strength.

   Twenty thousand years seems to be very long, as far as Ye Chen and others are concerned, it is only in the early ten thousand years.

   But 20,000 years is also very short, because for the ascetics, a million years are just a finger.

   The higher the level, the harder it is to improve.

   is as strong as Ye Chen. By the time he was in his early 2000s, he had already attained the position of eternal emperor, able to kill the supreme.

   When he was more than 6,000 years old, he stood at the top level of the quasi-giant, and could surpass thirty-nine levels.

   However, facing the eternal giant level, it is still impossible to achieve, and there is not enough confidence.

   Years are long, the wheel of time is turning.

   After returning from the prehistoric world, more than three thousand years have passed.

   In this year, Ye Chen has been ten thousand years old, which can be described as a longevity in the true sense.

   10,000-year-old Ye Chen was undoubtedly standing in the youngest and heyday, with immeasurable vitality, unparalleled avenues, boundless strength, and better than ever.

   The past three thousand years of sitting and enlightening Dao, undoubtedly, in terms of his most enchanting aptitude in the ages, he has gone a step further and reached the highest level of quasi-giant.

   is only a fine line from the eternal giant level!

   Today, even if he faces the incarnation of the essence and blood of the Immortal King Zixiao again, he can be killed alone within a hundred rounds without resorting to the secret promotion method.

Because of his appearance, it condensed the luck of the entire Pangu universe for an era. With his stronger, the Chaos Dao also led the entire Chaos Ancient Universe to further prosper and become In the golden age.

   During this period, Pangu Universe did not know how many arrogances were born.

   In this world, as powerful as the saints thousands of years ago, there are many gods and kings, and the quasi-princes and the primordial kings do not know how much. An unprecedented blowout has occurred in the golden age.

   In this year, the number of emperors in the entire Pangu universe has exceeded a hundred, which is extremely amazing. It can be seen that many emperors have also been born over the years.

   Even with the emergence of Emperor Jie, Emperor Shura took the lead in proving Dao supreme and became Emperor Shura.

   It's a pity that the unphased emperor and the emperor of the early days have not yet been able to prove Dao supreme, breaking into the realm of the eternal giants. They are still cultivating in the Immortal King Cave Mansion, which requires a long time of accumulation.

Of course, the power of the Pangu universe has reached the peak of this era, and with the passage of time, it will become stronger and stronger, and more and more powerful people will be born, and even the ancient ones. Emperor.

   However, it still cannot be compared with the Mythical Era.

In the era of mythology, the Pangu universe is as powerful as it can be directly compared to the prehistoric immortal world and the alien ancient universe. There are many giants in the ages, and there are more than 30 ancient emperors. It is not like the supreme emperor who needs to borrow the ancient road of origin to come. Sit down.

   However, Ye Chen alone is comparable to many supreme combat powers.

   He was looking at the sky, whispering: "I wonder if the Pangu universe will reach the mythical era in 20,000 years?"

   It's difficult, he doesn't have the slightest confidence.

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