Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1056: Open the ancient gate of Tongxuan

? At the end of the chaotic channel, connected to the vast universe of foreign races, there is a wave of the most shocking emergence, the emperor wave, boiling the endless chaotic sea.


   is faintly visible, there is an indescribable stalwart existence, opened a huge sky, and looked over.


   "It's you, Taishenghuang. I didn't expect you to be alive after the ultimate war."


The icy voice of the supreme ancestor of the foreign race came, with supreme majesty and endless killing intent: "Taishenghuang, do you want to fight my world? But you are not the real Taishenghuang, just It's just a brand, far inferior to the deity, just want to fight against my clan like this?"


   The Supreme Existence of Foreign Race opens his mouth, telling the truth indifferently.




   Makes the strong in the Tenth Great Emperor's Pass discolored, even pale.


   The alien army was relieved, and even cheered.


   Taishenghuang is just a brand, but foreign emperors and emperors are real emperors. In contrast, the heights can be seen at a glance.


Taishenghuang's expression remained unchanged. He looked at the heavens, and there were epochs rotating in his eyes, even if the real secret was revealed by the other party, and he also said: "I am so, but you are the same. Although you won the first era, you also paid a huge price. I am afraid that since this era, you have been in retreat and meditating, hoping to recover from your injuries. I'm right, Emperor Kasaba."


   This is the secret of the emperor. In the last epoch, although alien races finally invaded the vast universe where the heavens and domains are located, they also paid a huge price.


  Even among the emperors and emperors of foreign races, such as this Kassapa Demon Emperor, was seriously injured and dying. He has been in retreat for countless years, hoping to recover as soon as possible.




   Devil Emperor Kaye snorted coldly, and with the endless power of destruction, he rushed to the tenth emperor pass.




The rumor of the tenth emperor pass was rebuilt by the mythical emperor and the emperor after the myth was shattered. It has their invincible brand and densely covered emperor marks. At this moment, it completely emerged, shining with the most brilliant brilliance, shaking the great The universe seems to have another emperor and emperor recovering.


   If the real emperor and emperor don’t take action, who can break this tenth emperor pass?


   Tai Sage Emperor took one step, and he actually left the Tenth Imperial Pass, rushed to the chaotic channel, and even rushed to the alien universe.


   "The Great!"


   In the Tenth Grand Emperor Pass, countless people are exclaiming, is Taishenghuang going to enter the alien race alone?


   Behind him, there are countless strong men rising to the sky, all wanting to rush to the alien race with the Supreme Sage Emperor, and kill them happily.


But the Taishenghuang waved his sleeves, emitting a vast and soft auspicious light, sending these people back to the tenth emperor's pass, and the voice sounded: "You don't need to follow, I am not the real body, just a brand, and go to a foreign race. The universe wants to settle a cause and effect, and it has nothing to do with you. If you wait for the past, it will be useless for you, and you will only die for nothing, not worth it."


   "But the Great"


Zhu Qiang wanted to say it again, but Taishenghuang had left the tenth emperor gate and fell into the chaos channel. The endless emperor Tianwei was dispersing, causing several horror existences in the alien army in the chaos channel to explode. It's broken.


   are the supreme powers of the alien races, the commander of the alien army of the Chaos Passage, but in front of the real emperor and emperor, even if it is just a brand, it seems so vulnerable.


   This is the supreme Emperor Tianwei.


   But Taishenghuang only killed a few people, and he didn't do the rest. This was to better temper the strong in the Emperor Pass.


  Because the blood and chaos in the future will be even more terrifying, and may even surpass the previous era, these people need to experience and fight in person.


   Finally, the Supreme Emperor disappeared, and the whole person entered the alien universe.


I don’t know how long it has passed, the alien universe burst into the most terrifying wave that caused the endless chaotic sea to completely boil, which was felt by the powerhouses in the tenth emperor pass, and they seemed to have heard far away. In the alien universe, there was an earth-shattering roar.


   "The Great!"


   The strong in the Tenth Grand Emperor Pass felt a sense of grief and were crying.


The Supreme Emperor returned, briefly reappeared in the world, taught the Chaos Avenue, walked the entire ancient emperor world, met the current emperor, and went to the tenth emperor, and finally entered the alien universe, and now everything is It's over.


  In the ancient emperor realm, the **** realm was half collapsed, and everyone in the emperor clan felt a sense of sadness emerging from their hearts, as if someone close to them had passed away.


  Emperor Wushuang and Emperor Wuming are even more so, the blood of the emperor in his body is boiling, and there is endless sadness, tears in the direction of the Taishenghuang departure: "Father"


   Has the supreme Supreme Emperor finally come to an end?


   All the great powers all spoke silently, and there was a sigh, that mythical emperors and emperors such as the powerful and powerful, such as the Taishenghuang, will all come to an end. Although this is only a brand, it is not a real Taishenghuang.


   The Emperor Clan's might clenched his fists, but loosened them weakly.


   Ye Chen had already entered concentration, the chaotic cauldron was entwined, and he was sent out of the **** realm by the sect master of Tianmen, and returned to the imperial city to enter concentration. The power of belief was surging, and the power of the emperor was also protecting and understanding the chaos.


   And it depends on the It is impossible to wake up in one hour or three, but no one bothers, in fact, no one can bother.


  All the attention once again fell on the ancient gate of Tongxuan, and now the Taishenghuang seal has been lifted, proving that the biggest obstacle has disappeared, and if you take another step, you can truly step into the land of good fortune and enter.


The great powers are determined to continue to open the door with the luck of the age of the gods, and the luck of the age of the gods has not been completely burned out, there is still one third, but it is even more terrifying, and the breath of the release feels The strands of supreme emperor's prestige is generally shocking.


   The chains of the Nineteen Primordial Avenues were all broken, and the last and most essence of the power of luck in the age of the gods was suspended in the gods, and was no longer used by the great powers.


   It's just that the great powers don't care anymore, because after the Tai Chi seal is lifted, everything left is not enough.




Apart from Ye Chen, there are 18 ancient powers, all of them shot at this moment. They shot each other out of the Great Dao of Divine Light, bombarding the ancient gate of Tongxuan, the majestic and majestic and shocking world, and the entire God Realm was in half collapse. In a ruined state.


The ancient gate of Tongxuan is very strong, even if the yin and yang and Tai Chi seals of the Supreme Sage Emperor are lost, there will be no surprises, because the eighteen ancient powers will work together, enough to push the heavens and the universe. Unless the emperor shot to resist.


   In the end, the ancient gate of Tongxuan was opened by the joint efforts of all the great powers. The inside was shining brightly, and there was a shower of light sprinkling, brilliant and colorful, which was thrilling.

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