Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1005: Host please

Far away in the sky, there are rows of ancient Ming soldiers on display, neatly and uniformly, wearing ancient armor, holding guns, big Ge, ancient spears, remnant swords and other ancient Taoist soldiers, in vertical and horizontal sequences, densely packed, Appearing in the evil spirit, with a tragic breath, as if a ghost is crying and howling, and the momentum is shocking.

This is a terrifying scene. The ancient underworld soldiers with thousands of troops actually gathered into a powerful legion, which is uniform and terrifying compared to any legion in the world, capable of destroying everything.

Don't say it was Ye Chen, even the three fairies were shocked. How long has passed since then, these ancient underworld soldiers appeared again, and there are thousands of troops, how to kill?

This ancient underworld army of thousands of horses must have a simple purpose behind it, it is impossible to spontaneously form a underworld army, it is more like a mysterious figure behind it.

Such a discovery made a few people look disillusioned.

"Brother Yue, let's go."

Yi Wu persuaded her that she looked at so many ancient soldiers with her dark, clear eyes. She was also a little worried. Once discovered and impacted, it would be absolutely devastating.

The goddess and Chen'er are also persuading: "We avoid them and need to look for them."

Ye Chen nodded. He also knew the terrible nature of this army of underworld soldiers. It was made up of so many ancient powerful corpses and psychics. It is not strong to be single, but it is terrifyingly strong when it is condensed into thousands of troops. It can definitely sweep everything. .

This **** battlefield is really evil.

A splendid golden haze flashed, and the group of people disappeared from the place in a flash, appearing tens of thousands of miles away.

Moreover, the Qi machine was cut off by Ye Chen, and those ancient soldiers could not sense the Qi machine of Ye Chen and others, so they could not be traced.

Several people continued to look deeper into the battlefield of the gods, and were more cautious. Because of the underworld army just now, they were worried that they would encounter the same evil existence.


There was thunder and loud noises in front of him. It was an even more terrifying battlefield. The **** evil and Yin evil gas were too strong to dissolve, and it was accompanied by countless **** lightning flashes, and the momentum was astonishing.

"This is the core area of ​​the old war. The great power-level overlord of the age of the gods is fighting here. Yiyi and the golden dragon are likely to be in it." Ye Chen said, and Chen'er's guidance was in it. .

After traveling for hundreds of miles, the front suddenly became dazzling, with all kinds of divine lights flying, and it was accompanied by many ancient weapons and weapons. The marks of the road were dancing and flashing with the law, covering this area. In the region, the air of terror is spreading.

Among them, there are the heavenly kings and Taoist soldiers flying, as well as the laws of existence and the scars flying, drawing the world and cutting the void.

This made a few people's expressions more solemn, because this was the rule of Dao marks played by the gods and spirits in the past, which can gather the essence of the world and last for a long time, turning this core land into a big killing field and destroying everything.

Among them, there are large energy level Dao marks cruising, which is even more terrifying.

Forcibly breaking in, even the king of heaven will be in danger of death.

Ye Chen opened the eyes of God, his eyes were as clear as thunder, he wanted to penetrate everything and looked to the deepest place.

With the gradual deepening of cultivation, the piercing ability of the Eye of God is gradually deepening.

It’s just that there is a special aura that obstructs his perspective, as powerful as he can’t penetrate completely, but still vaguely saw a white little beast and a little golden dragon appearing, it was Yiyi who was looking for Talk to the little golden dragon.

"Let's go, Yiyi and the little golden dragon are inside."

Ye Chen protected everyone with the Human Sovereign Tower, striding towards the killing field, and he was proficient in the formation method, and the profound method of changing heaven and earth in the holy method of fighting is also applicable to the big world, and there were golden lights under him, choosing the right one. The road is slow, but the safest.

Even a saint, as long as he follows the path shown by Ye Chen, it is possible to enter the deepest place safely.

Finally, half a day later, they passed through the terrible killing field and successfully entered the deepest place.

However, they all stopped, their expressions solemn.

Because there, they found a peaceful world of different degrees, a small world of magnificent and beautiful inner world, one island after another, and waterfalls pouring down, pouring down nine days.

Lingxiu mountains and forests, clear streams, blue sky and green gardens, everything looks so refreshing, people linger and can't bear to destroy this beautiful scenery.

This piece of inner heaven and earth is full of peaceful aura, diametrically opposite to the dead silence on the battlefield of God.

But the more so, the more jealous it is.

How can I think that there is such a peaceful inner world in the battlefield of gods, and it is very open, and there is a fairy mountain. I saw the colorful treasures of the heavens and the treasures here, and also saw some **** trees of different species of heaven and earth bearing great The great fruit, the glowing glow, the fragrant fragrance, makes the eyes greedy and linger.

This is simply a real Taoyuan Holy Land, which makes people have an urge to rush into it immediately.

"this is……"

Although the aura of this inner world is very peaceful, it is located in the battlefield of gods, and even in the deepest part of the core, so everything will look weird and gloomy, making a few people look jealous and never enter.

Ye Chen thoughtfully, stretched out his palm, and plunged into this peaceful inner world. With a grasp of the void, it turned into a cloud of shining green luster, full of majestic vitality, which is the origin of life.

He looked into the depths of the peaceful world. His perception was so keen and terrifying beyond ordinary people. He could perceive this peaceful world with a strong vitality.

This discovery is unbelievable. It is clearly a big killing field. In the Age of Gods, there are countless strong men who have fallen. There are also **** overlords in the Age of Gods, full of evil spirits, blood evil spirits, and strong death energy , Can corrode all the vitality in the But the whole is like this, Harmony World has the opposite majestic vitality overflowing.

Ye Chen's eyes squinted, and wisps of essence shot out, and he understood what was going on.

The end of life is death, and the end of death is life!

In the great killing field of the age of the gods, life was dying, and there were countless gods and strong men who died, but they gave birth to such a mysterious little world, which was accompanied by a vast sea of ​​vitality.

This is a reverse creation between heaven and earth, which seems impossible, but contains endless possibilities.

It also made Ye Chen's expression more solemn, and the extremes of things must be reversed, and they were performed to the extreme here.

Perhaps the peaceful inner world is also full of murderous opportunities to destroy everything.

At this time, an old man appeared silently, standing at the entrance of Xianghe Tiandi, bowed to Ye Chen and made a gesture of please: "A few guests, the host has please!" (to be continued .)

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