Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 997: Walk the world (1)

Ye Chen's arrival, even if it was just an avatar, caused a sensation in the entire Land of Land and attracted the attention of the world.

Because it was him, the invincible Thousand, who was recognized as the number one powerhouse in the ancient emperor continent, and now came to the land of one of the 36 empires.

Not to mention other people, even Lan Guo was confused and unsure of the answer, and there was tension, but there was not much fear.

Because Xia Miao'er also came, bringing her here proved not to be a big problem.

And in the Hundred Wars Mountains, everyone knows that Qian once bestowed two blood beads to the two princesses of Land, and Land of Land never targeted Qian.

"Welcome Mr. Qian to come to Languo, it is the glory of our country."

In the imperial capital of the Kingdom of Land, the Emperor of Land of Land, wearing a dragon robe and crown, hurried forward. The peerless emperor of the 36 empires is among the highest in the world, but facing Ye Chen only A moment of restraint.

Behind him were a number of important royal family members of the Land of Land. Almost all the direct royal families came out of the country. Even the old undead who were in retreat and meditate and ignored world affairs all came out with their attitude. Looks very respectful.

"The lord, you are polite. When you come this time, Miao'er missed you, so I took her back." Ye Chen is very easy-going, and did not release coercion, just like ordinary people, but even so many people Tensed and dare not really relax.

After all, the name of the person, the shadow of the tree, and every move of Qian have attracted the attention of the world, and whoever dares to care is really casual.

Xia Miaoer walked out from behind Ye Chen, and she had already recovered her lovely and innocent side. The first thing she threw into the emperor's arms, she hugged her father hard.

"Father, Miaoer missed you."

Generally speaking, as a princess, you need to obey etiquette on such important occasions. However, no one blames it. On the one hand, most of the royal family members of Xia Miaoer have shown a conniving attitude, on the other hand, it can also be seen. Ye Chen has a very good relationship with her, so some of the high-ranking imperial families who were going to oppose stopped talking, but were very happy to see this scene.

Xia Bing'er on the other side also hurriedly walked out and pulled Xia Miao'er over, a pair of sisters with deep feelings.

Ye Chen watched this scene gently, and didn't worry, and said to Xia Miao'er: "Miao'er, go back with your sister. I have something to discuss with your father."

Xia Miao'er nodded, and said crisply: "Goodbye, big brother."

After all, the two sisters left, leaving him and a group of high-ranking royal families, but the originally mild atmosphere became tense.

The emperor of the Kingdom of Lan is also an extraordinary person. Knowing that Ye Chen is not malicious, he proactively speaks: "I don't know what Mr. Qian is doing. As long as the Kingdom of Land can complete, I will definitely not refuse."

Ye Chen said something that shook the entire land of the royal family: "I hope to be able to read all the relics and ancient books of the land of the land, about the age of the gods, and even everything from the early days to the present, and I hope to meet the king of the land of land. Ancestor."

The previous information about the historical sites from the early days to the present is nothing more. But the ancestors of the heavenly kings are the people who guard the luck of the empire. The most important thing is that they have never ascended. Background, used to deter the enemy at critical moments.

Moreover, Qian Ke can kill the enemy of the heavenly king, this kind of risk is very high, and the heavenly king ancestors can't easily awaken.

Seeing they hesitate, Ye Chen said: "It's okay, you don't have to worry, I am not hostile to Land of Land, I just want to learn something from the ancestors of Land of Land."

The emperor of the Kingdom of Land is also a man of great ambition. He focused his head and said, "Mr. Qian, come with me."

In the end, under the leadership of the emperor of the kingdom of land, the sleeping ancestor of the kingdom of land was awakened...

All this news was blocked. The royal family members have never been mentioned by outsiders. No one knows what the main purpose of Thousands of Lands is, and some people think it is just to send Xia Miaoer back.

But some people always feel that Qian's arrival is unusual.

This stay is three days.

Three days later, Ye Chen left Lan Country without taking Xia Miao'er, but let her stay in Lan Country temporarily.

Immediately afterwards, to the surprise of many people, Ye Chen did not immediately return to the imperial city. Instead, he went to another 36 empire, which was the state of Hunan, and had forged some enmities in the Hundred Wars Mountain Range. The arrival of the high-level people in Hunan worried.

However, after learning about Ye Chen's purpose, Xiang Country readily agreed, because they knew that it would not work if they didn't agree, and they took advantage of this to resolve their enmity.

This stay was another three days, and Ye Chen left again.

In the time that followed, the incarnation of Ye Chen walked through the territories of the human race. Each of the 36 empires stayed for three days with the same purpose. Reading the ancient monuments collected by the empire is also similar to the ancestors of the empire. chat.

It’s just unexpected that there are only twelve empires with the heavenly ancestors suppressing the luck, and none of the other twenty-four, because they have basically entered the realm of God.

Even the ancestors of the heavenly kings with five empires have passed away, and self-proclaimed is not good enough. After all, they are no match for the erosion of the years, and they are sitting in the world.

There are also some empires that are not so powerful on the surface, even the heavenly kings are incomplete, lacking the strongest foundation of the empire, but they are well hidden, and the outside world has not known it, otherwise it is very likely that they will withdraw from 36 The position of the empire will also be threatened by other forces.

These empires almost begged Ye Chen not to spread the word around the world ~ ~ Ye Chen naturally promised.

Three months later, he had basically learned about all the monuments of the 36 empires, and also had conversations with the ancestors of the twelve heavenly kings.

After all, the news leaked out, shaking the world, shocking many people, not understanding Ye Chen's true purpose.

Why did you study the historical sites, and why you talked to the ancestors of the thirty-six empires? What kind of hidden intentions all these have? Countless people in the world are speculating about Ye Chen's intentions, but they have no idea.

Ye Chen ignored it. After leaving the Thirty-Six Empires, he obtained an accurate map of the Ancient Emperor Continent. It was quite detailed, and even the signs of some forbidden areas were clearly displayed. Twelve ancient countries.

I didn't pay much attention to it before, but after earnestly studying for a long time, he rushed to the starry sky again and looked down at the territories of the human race, his expression became very strange.

In the end, instead of visiting the Seventy-two Ancient Kingdom, he asked the holy masters and heroes of the Ancient God Continent who followed him to visit and collect information on his behalf. (To be continued.)

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