Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 977: 10 heavy days

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In a real close battle, Ye Chen was afraid of anyone.

Tianhuang attacked, and also swung out his other hand, attacking with several major moves in the sacred law of fighting.

Although there are only three types of Shaking Hand, Crossing Heaven Finger, and Zhentian Seal, each of them is the strongest attacking move developed by the Fighting Ancestor, and it is even more demonstrated in the hands of Ye Chen Wushuang Fighting Saint Body Out of shocking power.

The holy method of fighting battle hardly smashed the world Tiange several times, without any damage, and even attacked Shenrong's body, blooming with brilliant lights, causing the opponent to cough up blood, and the dark armor cracked and cracked.

Obviously as powerful as the emperor, it is impossible to completely resist Ye Chen's close attack.

The holy method of fighting with the most invincible fighting sacrament, the collection is too unreasonable, the emperor and children can not bear it, and even a few ribs on the chest were broken.

On the other hand, Shen Rongshe caught Ye Chen’s flesh and blood at the very beginning, and now it is difficult to harm Ye Chen in a close battle. Most of it is blocked by the battle clothes formed by the shackles of the law, and Yu Jin can hardly harm his power. Grade physical body.

This made Shen Rong frown. This Qian was even stronger than the fighting saints in the myth age, and his flesh was beyond imagination. It seemed that his own emperor-level flesh was somewhat difficult to match.


In the process, Shenrong finally couldn't help it, showing the true means of the emperor's level. In the collision, Ye Chen blew up, his aura soared, and the tenth heaven appeared, but it did not condense like Ye Chen. Being one, it is no doubt the ten heavens.

Sure enough, the emperor all had the descendants of the ancient emperor, and they were basically born in the age of mythology. How could there be any shortage, but the nine heavens.

The ten heavens all appeared on his body, which resonated with the ten rounds of the sky, unexpectedly attracted endless divine glory, blessed his body, and could eternally be without divine power.

This is the absolute advantage of the tenth heaven, and it is the extraordinary of the ancient emperor world, created for the ancient emperor, can continuously bless the owner of the tenth heaven.

"Ten Heaven, the ancient legend is true!"

Once the tenth heaven appeared, many people changed color and were shocked.

The history recorded on the oldest stone tablet of the Emperor Realm is indeed true. Rumor has it that in the last epoch, the nine heavens are not the limit, and there is a ten heaven called the myth. It is perfect and the real Dzogchen realm.

However, this era seems to be complete, but in fact it lacks an important opportunity, which makes it flawed and unable to break through the tenth heaven of myth.

The emperor was different. They were all born in the age of mythology, and had the means of reaching the sky of the mythical emperor.

Now it has shown that it resonates with the ten-wheeled sky. In this world, many people feel the nine heavens in the body resonate, but there is a shuddering feeling, as if they are surrendering, as if a courtier met the emperor.

The world can feel it, showing the glory of the Queen of Ten Heavens, and the strong aura emerges from her body, which is not weaker than the heavenly gods.

It is not to step into the realm of the heavenly kings, but to wait for the power of the heavenly kings, so that sentient beings look up and cannot be surpassed.

Moreover, the rules of the Ancient Emperor Continent were only for the Heavenly Kings realm, not for having such combat power, so they would not be forcibly sent to the God Realm.

"Qian, Fighting Saint King, come and lead to death!"

On the opposite side, Shen Rong spoke coldly and quietly, his whole body covered with pitch-black battle armor, gleaming with icy light, which made people fearful.

Only a few words were spit out, but it was terrifying, it seemed like Death was proclaiming Ye Chen's fate.

Ten heavens, Ye Chen had spent so many hardships in the past, and it was a coincidence that he reached this step, but the other party had inherent advantages like this, which made people feel helpless.

And it was too strong to be weaker than the King of Heaven. How could he contend, no matter how strong Qian was, he could not be Shenrong's opponent.

It’s just that Ye Chen’s expression didn’t show much horror. He was always calm and smiled indifferently: "What are you doing, the emperor is nothing but the real ancient emperor. In my eyes, you are just a humanoid with the emperor’s blood. You can provide the emperor’s blood for me to study at any time."

He calmly and calmly, sitting on the purple unicorn, has never been afraid, even if God Rong is the supreme emperor of the tenth heaven.

He has experienced countless battles in his life, rising step by step from a weak childhood, and later pushed the invincible hand of the same generation, inheriting the invincible posture of the fighting saint.

Fought against heavenly kings, fought against ancient mighty powers, fought against alien kings, and even felt the power of the supreme existence of alien races over the years to survive.

He is a sage in fighting, unparalleled in fighting, and invincible in fighting. He is a world-famous talent, how could he ever be afraid.

The emperor of the foreign race is not afraid, not to mention just an emperor, far from having that qualification.

This arrogant remark caused many people's hearts to jump. Does Qian have other means? This is impossible, the gods are so powerful that they can't think of anyone else who can compete with him in this realm, except for the nameless emperor of the emperor world.

Invincible in the world, whoever competes with each other is the best interpretation.

"Just now it was only my Nine Heavens method, now let you see what the Ten Heavens method is."


On Shenrong’s body, the emperor’s blood is boiling, and the ten heavens resonate with ten rounds of the sky. A terrifying aura like the explosion of a sacred furnace and the eruption of millions of volcanoes are surging, making the ancient continent appear other Terrible rift.

"Very strong!"

In the 72nd pass, the appearance of the five strongest men changed drastically, and they were almost comparable to the heavenly kings and unmatched.

"Are you deceiving me and being imprisoned?" Ye Chen has wisps of golden blood released on his body, becoming a golden light curtain on his own, resisting the opponent's strong breath, and staying still.

"Yes, what about deceiving you!"

Shen Rong laughed, full of arrogance, his black hair exploded, and he rushed over on the God Tiger Moss while holding the Shishi Tiange, and the tenth heaven was added to the Tiange, and he smashed it all at once.

This blow was like an emperor from the mythical age, raising his hand to kill everything, unmatched.

The shining brilliance even flooded the nine layers of Cangyu, causing the split ancient continent to show signs of collapse again.

It's just that at this moment, Ye Chen smiled very cold and stern: "I'm afraid you don't have that qualification."


Ye Chen's eyebrows burst into the sky with a divine light, bursting into the sky, and standing high.

The avenue in the body began to recover at this moment, with a deafening thunder and sensation.

And there are multiple divine auras emerging on his body, condensing the immortal ring, and the ten-fold divine aura is added to one's body, and there is a world of immortal glory that floods the body.

When the sky smashed, it hardly shook the world and Tiange, and Ye Chen even displayed the mark of the great treasure bottle, floating on the top of his head, the mouth of the bottle was aimed at the gods, and the world-killing beam was sprayed out, and he was hit in an instant. Flying, blood flowed.

The situation reversed instantly!

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