Escape From Konoha

Vol 2 Chapter 1: Some thoughts and miscellaneous talk

Book Pages Collection Catalog Setting Daytime Thoughts and Miscellaneous Talks

2021-06-14 Author: Ye Xining

Some thoughts and miscellaneous talk

To be honest, at the beginning, I didn’t plan to write any original plot, get too many original characters, open up other branches, and delve into the things that the original Naruto did not have.

Because creating too many original characters and branches in fan fiction means that it is no different from courting death.

Once the grasp is not good, the subscription will go crazy.

And keep in line with the original plot, no matter how badly written, there will be no collapse of the plot, at most you will be scolded, but the subscription will be relatively stable, and it will drop slowly.

Anyway, I'm used to being scolded. I'm a glass-hearted person. I never read it in the comment area, which affects my mood.

However, after some serious thinking, I think I should try harder.

Asami Masumi, Chiying, Avatar and other characters that are not in the original work, the previous Valley of Hypocrisy and the next plot of the Kingdom of Bears, and the earlier extension of the Hanzo plot are all the results of testing the water again and again.

It's good to be able to make money while lying down, but if you don't have a dream, what's the difference between a person and a salted fish?

Someday this fanfic will only have the part that overlaps with the original story, and the rest of the story will not be in-depth Surprised, because I must have been lying down by then, not like I can still twitch a few times now.

As for Masumi Asami, Chi Ying and other original characters who take refuge in Shiraishi, they will be written in the extra part. Unless necessary, I will not make sensational memories in the main part.

The plot of this volume is a chapter in the rise of the country of ghosts as the sixth power, and it is closely related to the subsequent chapters such as the Chunin Exam, Kakashi's Revenge, Operation Akatsuki, and the Fourth Ninja World War. The camera will slowly shift back to the trio.

There is a high probability that the next book will not be a fan. The writing of a fan is too restrictive. Various rules and regulations will limit the development of the plot, and it is not easy to grasp the scale. However, it is still early before the next book, so I won't go into details here.

(End of this chapter)

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Escape from Konoha

2021-06-14 Author: Ye Xining

Some thoughts and miscellaneous talk

To be honest, at the beginning, I didn’t plan to write any original plot, get too many original characters, open up other branches, and delve into the things that the original Naruto did not have.

Because creating too many original characters and branches in fan fiction means that it is no different from courting death.

Once the grasp is not good, the subscription will go crazy.

And keep in line with the original plot, no matter how badly written, there will be no collapse of the plot, at most you will be scolded, but the subscription will be relatively stable, and it will drop slowly.

Anyway, I'm used to being scolded. I'm a glass-hearted person. I never read it in the comment area, which affects my mood.

However, after some serious thinking, I think I should try harder.

Asami Masumi, Chiying, Avatar and other characters that are not in the original work, the previous Valley of Hypocrisy and the next plot of the Kingdom of Bears, and the earlier extension of the Hanzo plot are all the results of testing the water again and again.

It's good to be able to make money while lying down, but if you don't have a dream, what's the difference between a person and a salted fish?

Someday this fanfic will only have the part that overlaps with the original story, and the rest of the story will not be in-depth Surprised, because I must have been lying down by then, not like I can still twitch a few times now.

As for Masumi Asami, Chi Ying and other original characters who take refuge in Shiraishi, they will be written in the extra part. Unless necessary, I will not make sensational memories in the main part.

The plot of this volume is a chapter in the rise of the country of ghosts as the sixth power, and it is closely related to the subsequent chapters such as the Chunin Exam, Kakashi's Revenge, Operation Akatsuki, and the Fourth Ninja World War. The camera will slowly shift back to the trio.

There is a high probability that the next book will not be a fan. The writing of a fan is too restrictive. Various rules and regulations will limit the development of the plot, and it is not easy to grasp the scale. However, it is still early before the next book, so I won't go into details here.

(End of this chapter)

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