Era: Starting from Modu Translation Studio

Chapter 118 Who dares to advertise on the full page?

On the second day, all citizens who purchased the Oriental Metropolis Daily saw similar advertisements in the same section.

However, in the middle of the pattern of the empty bottle, another line of words appeared: Add high-quality lotion essence.

Combined with the information previously displayed in the newspaper 12 rare Chinese herbal medicines, readers have determined that this should be a food advertisement.

Hey, this is Xiaojiang,

Hu Xiao, who was sitting in the office of the translation factory, pointed at the Oriental Metropolis Daily and smiled at Lu Yi: The whole advertisement is different from others.

Team Leader Lu smiled and shook his head: Are you reading this newspaper too?

Hu Xiao always kept his composure, and the next second he said: How about... you call Lu Xiao over and ask, what kind of advertisement is Xiaojiang selling this gourd?

I asked before, Team Leader Lu didn't need to remind him: She ignored me.

How did you become a brother? Hu Xiao had no choice but to turn to another page: You're not even married yet, and your heart is gone?

Team leader Lu didn't care at all: People should hurry up and get there!

Read this quickly. Suddenly, Hu Xiao's voice rose.

Team leader Lu quickly took the newspaper.

Soon, he saw an article in Oriental Metropolis Daily:

Translation speaks from the heart, upholds integrity and innovates. All the staff of the translation factory, under the leadership of Director Hu Xiao, treat their work as artistic creation and bring it to the masses...

As Team Leader Lu read aloud, Hu Xiao, who was leaning on the office chair, nodded happily. Jiangshan understood me: Read it again!

At the same time, Gu Zhengzheng, who was sitting in the TV station, was also holding the newspaper with a cheerful expression:

This advertisement aired by Pujiang TV on the first day of the Lunar New Year has been unanimously praised by foreign media: This giant ship carrying the dreams of a billion people has set sail from the fog and sailed towards a new era full of glory.

In the courtyard of No. 51 Anhe Street, Li Ruocheng closed the newspaper with an expressionless face.

The next second, he quickly opened the drawer and took out the scissors.

Completely cut out the tofu cubes from the Daily English Corner in Oriental Metropolis Daily.

In the upper left corner of the Chinese and English novel series The Chronicles of Narnia, a line of small words is clearly printed [Chief translator of this newspaper: Li Ruocheng]

Today, Jiang Shan is an official editor of Oriental Metropolis Daily.

At this moment, he was sitting in the office where the Advertising Planning Department sign was hanging, drawing a little book.

After carefully reading the original book of Les Misérables, Jiang Shan decisively put it aside.

Let's draw my Cooking Wine and Discussing Heroes first. Compared with comic books, Jiang Shan prefers comic books.

In the empty office, except for a set of wooden cabinets, there were only two desks.

Such an environment makes Jiangshan's pen tip smoother.

There was a coal stove in the house, and an aluminum kettle was boiling on it. Jiang Shan walked over with a teapot.

Comrade Jiangshan... Suddenly, the door opened from the outside.

The sudden sound almost sent Jiang Shan away again.

He looked up at the visitor, pursed his lips with a look of disgust: When we open the country, can you bring back some capitalist civilization?

Yu Sigui chuckled: What do you mean?

Before you come in, knock on the door.

Knocking on the door is a traditional virtue of our country!

Jiang Shan raised his head and looked at each other: It doesn't look like a child who grew up abroad at all.

You're just a kid, Yu Sigui repeatedly emphasized: My father has been familiar with my Chinese and Japanese since I was a child. Did you see the word 福 in Mayumi's hand? That was the calligraphy written by me myself.

Bang bang bang, Jiang Shan applauded her: Say hello to your father for me.

Yu Sigui dragged a chair and sat next to Jiang Shan: What are you doing?

Jiang Shan didn't even raise his head: You came to see me for something?

Yu Sigui almost forgot about the business and took out the newspaper from his bag and put it on the table: Isn't the advertisement in your newspaper?

Jiang Shan glanced at it: That's right.

Yu Sigui: What exactly does this mean?

Jiang Shan: Business secret.

Haha, Yu Sigui didn't know, I promise not to tell anyone.

The country is as stable as Mount Tai: Want to know the business secrets? You have to change.

In fact, Jiangshan really wants to know what advertisements the other party brought back this time!

However, Yu Sigui felt that there was no secret that could be exchanged: There is no secret, but there is a trouble. Do you want to hear it?

Jiang Shan is most afraid of trouble: I don't want to!

Only then did Yu Sigui remember that he was sitting in the newspaper office: By the way, why did I forget you, Jiangshan, does your newspaper office dare to publish foreign advertisements?

Jiang Shan stopped the pen in his hand: Is this the trouble you're talking about? I remember that newspapers have already published advertisements for foreign businessmen.

The one in Yu Sigui’s hand was different: “It’s a full page, do you dare to post it?”

Dadi Newspaper, founded by Yu Qinghan, acted as an agent for advertising for many Japanese companies for a period of time after it was re-opened.

At this moment, although many newspapers have published advertisements, no one has dared to try to get involved in advertising on the entire page!

Jiang Shan knew this: Which company has a full-page advertisement?

Yu Sigui's eyes lit up: Panasonic, 100,000 per edition.

Jiang Shan was not interested in this figure at all: If you look down on the domestic market, you still look down on Oriental Metropolis Daily. I'll give you a friendly price of 200,000.

Even so, it is not worth half of the harbor and bay.

However, Jiangshan knew that Oriental Metropolis Daily was not a lion yet.

200,000? Yu Sigui thought about it and said, Okay, let me go and talk about it.

Jiang Shan hinted: Hurry up, before the charging standards are clear yet. Otherwise, I have to follow the rules.

Yu Sigui blinked: Panasonic only wants full-page advertising. If you can agree, I think the price is easy to negotiate.

Jiang Shan looked at Yu Sigui again at this moment, and found that the other party had a hint of the temperament of the God of Wealth Grandma.

So, he pointed to the advertisement in the newspaper and said: Actually, this is called a secret advertisement...

Oh~ Yu Sigui finally felt comfortable: This idea was also yours?

Jiang Shan did his part: What else?

Awesome, Yu Sigui praised without hesitation: You are still very cunning.

Jiang Shan: Haha.

There is an oil shortage happening abroad recently, Yu Sigui said in contrast, but it doesn't seem to have any impact on us domestically.

Jiang Shan knows that the Japanese have been unstable recently: The exploiting class is not having a good life now!

The oil crisis in Europe and the United States is much more severe than that in Japan, and local governments have begun to call for energy conservation.

Liu from Xiangjiang seized this opportunity, and the classical ceiling fans produced by Aimeigao became very popular in the local area.

Feng shui is changing, Yu Sigui said with deep emotion these days: It's our country's turn to enjoy the blessings.

Jiang Shan liked Yu Sigui's view very much: Are you interested in joining us...

Yu Sigui's eyes were clear: What together?

Jiang Shan thought about the policy space and felt that he had to wait a little longer: There is a big show at the Meiying Studio this afternoon. It is absolutely wonderful. Are you interested in following me to the scene?

Okay, Yu Sigui asked for more: It couldn't be better. I just happened to bring a camera.

The two of them chatted one after another.

After a while, someone else barged in without knocking: Jiang Shan, look who's here!

Jiang Shan looked around and saw Chief Editor Jiang leading a gay man into the room with a smile.

The simple and kind-hearted Factory Manager Jiang, holding a big bag in one hand, still smiled so naively!

Jiangning Toy Factory, Jiang Shan looked at the visitor and said with a smile, Director Jiang!

Director Jiang smiled even more stupidly: Editor Jiang, why did you change departments? Let me find it easier!

Jiang Shan quickly made tea: Our editor-in-chief Jiang has been promoted, so naturally we have to change places.

Editor-in-Chief Jiang Hai asked Factory Director Jiang to warm his hands on the kettle and asked, Is your toy factory doing well now?

Oh, forget it, Factory Director Jiang took the tea handed over by Jiang Shan: Ever since you helped us sell the goods, you have never dared to turn on the machine again.

Jiang Hai nodded: It's okay if you don't do it, otherwise there will be a backlog of products.

Factory Director Jiang also thought the same way: Our government there is worried about this, so they might as well shut down the factory first. As for what business to change to in the future, even I, the factory director, don't know...

Yu Sigui blinked and asked, What about the workers in the factory?

... Factory Director Jiang: What about that? My father-in-law raises old hens at home, and specially selected some of the fattest ones for you...

So Jiang Shan took the lead in chatting about chicken, which was a more relaxed topic.

In the afternoon, editor Jiang Shan led cameraman Jiang Zhuangzhuang, followed by Yu Sigui, who was taking photos, into Pujiang Art Film Factory.

As soon as I arrived at Jiangshan, I saw a group of people from the TV station walking over.

You are still interesting enough, Zhang Lu said quietly to Jiang Shan: As soon as something good happens, let me know.

That's necessary. Jiang Shan gestured with his hand: We are brothers.

Zhang Lu felt that this was indeed the case: You will be waiting for my good news in the future.

At this moment, the large-scale recording site of the American Film Studio was already in formation.

The famous guqin player Gong Yiduan sat in the center of the venue, and six painters from the Meiying Studio sat on the ground around him in a fan shape.

The cameras set up around them had already been aimed at them from different directions.

Everything was ready, Gong Yi began to play the music score of the master Jin Fuzai.

From their respective responsible perspectives, six animators sketched out every detail, expression, and fingering of Gong Yi's playing...

The camera on the side recorded the fast and slow rhythms of the master one by one.

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