Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 34: hunting

   The car has been coming to the north gate, and soldiers from the army came to check.

   Shi Lei showed his credentials, and the door was released soon.

   Zhao Liang sat in the co-pilot's seat and did not shut up.

"Tsk tsk! Every time I see this city wall, I am surprised. People who lived hundreds of years ago are really amazing. They can actually build such a big city while fighting monsters. Without this wall, I am afraid my grandfather would Will not be born in this world, let alone me."

   Lin really smiled: "This city wall is really important."

"Of course it's important. Look at the bones of the mutant beasts under the city wall, the white ash, which were burnt when the monsters attacked the city. Unfortunately, since I became a warrior, I haven't experienced a monster attack. Think about it. There are scenes of monsters all over the world, and I can't help but want to scream up to the sky!"

Lin Zhen glanced over, although the city wall was drifting away, but within a hundred meters below the city wall, the soil was white. In fact, those were not soil. They were the ashes left by the burning of monster corpses. Some larger bones are scattered among them.

Monster siege is a very terrifying thing, but in recent years, the defense of base city has become more and more perfect. In order to survive, human beings have tried everything they can think of to strengthen the defense. Although monster siege has happened countless times in the past hundreds of years. , But these big base cities have never fallen.

After the car leaves the base city, it does not immediately enter the wilderness area. When the warriors go out to hunt for a long time, it is difficult to see the traces of the monsters in the area near the base city. Going 200 kilometers north, it is the northern satellite city, Mudan. city.

   Mudan City was originally called Mudanjiang, but it is no longer where it was during the A.D. calendar period. After the disaster broke out, the people of Mudanjiang migrated on a large scale. It was only here that they gained a foothold and gradually developed into a satellite city in the north.

  From Peony City to the north, China has no large human cities.

   As the car gets closer to the northern Peony City, the surrounding scene has gradually changed.

   There is also gray dust here, the amount is not less than the ice city, because the satellite city is often the first to be attacked. Every time a monster attacks the city, the battle here is also fierce.

   and looked at the sky, and even occasionally saw mutant birds flying by.

Zhao Liang saw Lin Zhen looking at the sky and said with a smile: "Don't worry about the small mutant birds. There are no large mutant birds around here. They are usually sporadic F-class mutant birds such as sparrows and swallows. Gao Yan will Easy to solve."

   Lin really smiled: "I'm not worried, we are the last car, there are mutant beasts and the captain blocking them."

   "Haha, that's right, now the two of us are soy sauce."

   The car drove another twenty miles, and a gunshot came from the front.

   I saw a huge swallow with a wingspan of almost two feet planted from the sky.

"The shot Gao Yan fired, you can see it. A shot headshot. Although it is an F-class mutant, it is high in the sky. This kid's sniper rifle is superb. If I fight head-on, I will win him. A few hundred meters away, he can knock down three like me."

   Zhao Liang said that Lin Zhen did not respond, as if thinking of something: "Lin Zhen, you are out hunting for the first time."

   "Well, it's the first time."

"I mean, you don't know the level of mutant beasts. Brother told you that after things such as swallows, sparrows, frogs, geckos, mice, rabbits, small fishes, chickens, ducks and geese mutate, they are F-class mutants, these kinds of things are very weak in individual strength, and we can usually deal with them easily, but if they are formed on a scale, it is also terrible. For example, if there are too many things like rats, the formation of rat tides is a disaster. We must have Run as far as you can."

   "After mutations such as sheep, pigs, cats, small snakes, and small pet dogs, they will become E-class, and such things are not difficult to deal with."

   "But for example, large dogs, cows, horses, larger birds, roe deer, deer, etc., are very difficult to deal with. Those are all D-class."

   "There are also wolves, owls, leopards, wild boars and the like, even if they are C-class, this is more difficult to deal with, we usually have to work together to clean up when we encounter them."

"The giant-handed bear we went to clean up this time is a B-level mutant. Except for the human bear, tigers, lions, rhinos, crocodiles, and elephants are all B-levels, but we basically don’t see them here. When it comes to the Rhino Elephant, if we usually encounter a Class B, we will have to intervene. Only if the strength of the injury decreases, we can try our luck."

"The A-level ones are even harder to see. Those are the second-mutated guys in each population, such as the enemy of the 10,000 people in Xiaoxing'anling. It is a big tiger that has swallowed too much flesh and evolved twice. , If you want to clean up that guy, you must have a team of God of War."

   Lin really asked: "What about above A level?"

"That is the S-level, SS-level, and the highest SSS-level, but those things are basically not on land. They are all giants in the ocean. It is said that Japan was destroyed by a group of giant ocean beasts in the AD. It’s gone, whether it’s a warrior or a nuclear bomb, it’s a little weak against those monsters."

   "Well, I know this. It is said that there are giant octopuses like small hills and humpback whales comparable to warships. They can go ashore, but it can't be too long, otherwise humans will be completely wiped out."

   "You know...Ah! Look at my memory, you graduated from high school and naturally learned these things, I'm just talking too much."

   "It's pretty good, let me revisit the textbook knowledge, haha."

   During the chat between the two people, the car finally arrived in Peony City.

   The population of Peony City is about 3 million. The city wall is not as high as the Ice City, but it is also majestic. The car of the Demon Hunter squad passed through the city.

   Zhao Liang said: "Now there are very few monsters near the city, but once there are more monsters nearby, it may be a precursor to the monsters attacking the city. Martial law will be imposed then, and it will be difficult to enter the city."

Go in from the south gate, pass through the bustling streets of Peony City, and then go out from the north You can speed up when you get out of Peony City. There are more than two hundred miles to Yilan County. Humans have completely conquered, but there are many high-level monsters inside, tusk! A lot of banknotes! I'm coming! "

   Zhao Liang was joking, and Lin Zhen also smiled, but he found that there were still a lot of vehicles after leaving the city, and he had an unclear premonition in his heart.

   Gradually, Zhao Liang also discovered the difference: "How come there are so many cars in the direction of Yilan? I saw the cars of several warrior squads I know. Are they all going to Yilan?"

   With doubts, the convoy continued to move forward. When finally approaching the edge of Yilan, the nearby vehicles were almost lined up, and the cars in front also stopped.

   "Why did you stop? There is still some distance from Yilan."

Lin Zhen and Zhao Liang got out of the car and watched a lot of people from the army set up cards in the distance. There were already a lot of cars parked here, and there were even long queues of people in the distance, as if they were entering the stadium in order. .

   "Why are there people in the army? And there are so many cars here, what's the matter?" Zhao Liang's expression was a bit ugly, so many people came in the direction of Yilan, maybe it's the human bear thing that leaked.

   Shi Lei walked down, Gao Yan and Ye Tiancheng also walked down, and several people gathered together.

   "Captain, what happened before?"

   "I don't know, let's go and take a look, but I have a bad feeling." Shi Lei's face was also a little ugly.

Lin Zhen didn't speak, and followed a few people behind, but he was already very clear in his heart that the news of the giant bear bear must have been leaked. Even people like Shi Lei who are not among the strong can get the news. Others I also know it's normal.

   A few people marched all the way to the army station.

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