Chapter 70 sings the world, but every word is her!!

Only three lines of subtitles.

Lyrics, composition, and arrangement.

This is the most common subtitle information on any singing show in the past. At this moment, it made countless viewers directly cheer!

Without him. Su Chen! It’s the name. It’s the man! He really shot!

This is just the beginning, he gave all the audience an incomparably huge surprise!

Many people were watching the live broadcast casually.

After all, Zhang Jie’s performance in this season of “The Singer” has not been very bright, and he does not have many fans.

But when they saw the three-line subtitles of this song information, these people sat up straight!

Turn up the volume! Prick up your ears! Joke!

This is Teacher Su Chen’s song, missing even a moment, it is a sin! On stage.

After a short silence. Zheng Zheng Zheng ~~

The prelude to the sound of lutes and drums sounded faintly. Many viewers were stunned slightly! This is………

Ancientry?! Oh oh ~~~.

A short prelude, but I don’t know how many traditional instruments of Daxia were added. There is a piano, a kite, a drum, a flute!

Many musicians who were watching the show were shocked! Boy.

The arrangement of this prelude?

You can simply seal the gods in place!

You must know that for many years, people in the Chinese music scene have been looking for Xia Guofeng.

Thousands of songwriters have broken their heads and want to create a song that blends ancient style and modern pop.

For many years, but to no avail. But this moment?

The ten-second prelude arranged by Su Chen almost directly handed over Xia Guofeng’s full score!

And for the audience, they don’t understand the professional knowledge. They just thought the prelude was good!

To be more specific.

These traditional instruments play together.

Many people can even feel the atmosphere of the era and a strong sense of history!

Especially when the zhengzheng zither sounds.

What is battlefield conquest and what is golden iron horse? The sense of picture is directly full at this moment!

On stage. As the intro draws to a close.

Zhang Jie’s bright and magnetic voice finally sang: “Beacon smoke~”

“Finding love is like a wave~”

“Meet her~”

“Like spring water reflecting pear blossoms~”

“Swing the sword to break the world, lovesickness, please put it down~”

“In my dreams~obsessive concern~”

It’s just the first main song.

Many viewers got goosebumps! This song………

Doesn’t it have foreshadowing?

Shouldn’t ordinary songs be sung in a low lead vocal voice first, rendering a wave of emotions first?

How come this comes up, such an amazing melody and rhythm! Nice ears to get pregnant!

Su Chen wrote songs like this?

The opening game is four two-belt king fried?! But before the audience began to marvel. The next moment.

The sound of the piano rises again! The tune also jerked around.

“Regardless of the general prince~”

“Regardless of the ages~”

“Seek only courtship to resolve~”

“This red dust is chaotic and endless~~”

“Love loves more for a long time~”

“Be more gentle like water~”

“Who cares who lord Spring and Autumn~~!!”

A piece of singing.

Countless audiences, including musicians, all opened their mouths and were stunned! Rap!

This segment turned out to be rap!

After the antique intro and a main song, it is followed by a rap!

It stands to reason that the two are very incompatible and do not fit together at all. But it’s biased………

Zhang Jie’s magnetic and loud voice seemed to act as a catalyst to help the two merge at this moment.

Accompanied by the sound of the piano.

This tight and urgent rap is not only not abrupt at this moment, but even more rendering the magnificent momentum of Lingyun!


Standing on the field at this moment is not singer Zhang Jie. But a domineering king of the Warring States!

Many viewers are already holding their breath at this moment. And the breathing is subconsciously rapid and heavier! Good boys are determined to go everywhere.

Who doesn’t have an imperial dream?

Who doesn’t want to be a princely general! Today, I am an emperor. Today, I am fighting the world! The first half of the song is sung.

Countless viewers already felt that blood was rushing all over their bodies! Top, too top.

This melody and rhythm seem to inspire the deepest pride of everyone’s blood to conquer the world!

“Groove? After I listened to this song, I went straight to the throne! ”

“Still on the throne? I feel like I’ve led millions of troops and been fighting on the battlefield for ten years! ”

“I’m a girl, I was thrilled to hear it?!”

“Originally, I saw that the name of this song was ‘Tianxia’, I thought it was exaggerated, but now that I listen to it, I know that the title of the song is still conservative!”

“I never thought that listening to a song could make people feel like they were in the battlefield of ancient times, and they felt like they were fighting the world!”

In the intervals between musical interludes.

Countless spectators excitedly fired barrages.

Even when sending the barrage, they felt that they were not typing, but pointing the battlefield!


Just when everyone was immersed in this domineering spirit that killed the world. The next moment.

Zhang Jie on the stage picked up the microphone again.

The tune of the music also turned, becoming more and more high.

“If you have love in your life, why fear the wind and flying sand~~!”

“Sad, white hair can’t keep Fanghua~~!”

“Throw away the picturesque rivers and mountains, change her smile like a flower~~”

“Bear this life’s empty worries~~!!”

This moment.

Zhang Jie’s penetrating voice shows it vividly! Under the extreme treble.

It was as if an emperor was shouting decisively! What is shouting?

It’s not about conquering the world! He doesn’t want the world!

He would rather throw away the picturesque scenery than change “her” with a smile! Love rivers and mountains, love beauty even more.

Be beautiful, not beautiful!

This is the choice made by this emperor who has fought all his life! The audience listened to this paragraph, and their brains were blank! Don’t want this world?

For the sake of beauty, you don’t even want the world? Why?

Why can even the world be abandoned? The next moment.

This song gives the answer!

“If there is no grudge, love and hate will follow her~!”

“Heaven and earth are big, love road never ends~!”

“Only for her~!”

“Hands on the world ~!!!”

The ultimate treble.

The most determined affectionate singing of the singing!

Everyone’s brains seem to be empty at the moment. They close their eyes.

What I saw was an emperor. At one time, he was an emperor.

Once, he conquered the world, the golden iron horse.

Once, he proudly declared that the whole world was his! But later.

He met a person, a woman.

A woman who makes him love himself. Three thousand beautiful harems, no one and half a point with her! But………

She is a person of an enemy country. And he is the emperor of a country!

How can an emperor of a country fall in love with the daughter of an enemy country? The prince will persuade him!

Persuade him to cut off his love, persuade him to let go of his personal affection, and persuade him to conquer the world! The emperor hesitated.

He couldn’t forget the woman. He couldn’t forget the encounter between the two.

“The smoke rises ~ Finding love is like a wave of sand~”

“Meet her ~ like spring water reflecting pear blossoms~”

Fight and kill for a lifetime, for the so-called world. Together with the smoke, there is an endless fight.

He fought for half his life.

It was as if he had lost all emotion, became ruthless, became cold. Until I met the woman.

The woman who made him obsessed with in his dreams! On one side is the world.

On one side is beauty.

The emperor finally made his choice! Swinging a sword short of the world?

Acacia please put down? No!

What he wants, it’s not that shit or something. What will be the prince?

What do you want? Don’t care who is in charge of Spring and Autumn! All he wanted was her. She is his world! This moment.

In this poetic and ancient lyrics.

Under this chivalrous and tender music and Zhang Jie’s singing voice. All the audience is no longer listening to a song.

They finished reading a complete story!

Zhang Jie on the stage was already flushed at the moment. The bruises on his neck were exposed.

But he was still singing in a high pitch. Like that emperor.

Declare your determination to the whole world!

“There is love in life, why fear the wind and flying sand~~”

“Sad, white hair can’t keep Fanghua~!”

“Just for her ~~”


Sing a song.

Zhang Jie gasped deeply.

He even bowed down, bent over with his hands on his legs.


The sound of heavy breathing sounded on the stage. Now.

But no one made even the slightest sound. Both the audience and the judges.

Or netizens watching the live broadcast. At this moment, there was a dead silence!

They are still immersed in the story of this song! It was an emperor who gave up his rivers and mountains for beauty. Is he hateful?

In the history books of later generations, he will definitely be named the Dusky King. Return………

Is he wrong?

He was tired of the red dust chaos, and he just wanted to keep the last bit of love! What’s wrong with him?!

It took a long time.

On the live broadcast screen, a barrage finally appeared.

Yes, when Zhang Jie sang this song “Tianxia” just now, almost everyone was unconsciously immersed in the story.

So much so that the barrage of the live broadcast screen almost went blank! And now.

Many people have finally eased up.

Immediately after that, all the emotional outbursts, like qi and blood rushing, rushed straight to the brain!

“This song, I specially blow up, who says that I am in a hurry with whom!”

“Sounds good! But it’s not just as simple as it sounds good, where is a song, this is a movie full of substitution! ”

“Domineering and tender! Domineering is the domineering spirit of conquering the world, and tenderness is the tenderness of abandoning the world! ”

“This melody, this arrangement, this singing voice, and this lyrics, perfection is not enough to describe!”

“The name of the song is the world, and what he sings is also the world, but… Every word is her! ”

“How did Teacher Su Chen write such a song?!”

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