Entertainment: The Sixth Assistant and His Resentful Boss!

338. After the official announcement, shopping together was secretly photographed! This pair is so p


Men, it is to have the courage to accept one challenge after another.

"I'm envious! When will I be able to find such a wife and buy vegetables while holding me!!"

Hearing this, the paparazzi said, "I told you, you have been with me for more than a year."

"How can you not even have the skill of haggling?"

I didn't realize that, when two people had been staring at him behind him.

In addition, Luo Yu usually eats less at night, so he is not very hungry.

"Wait a minute, isn't the supermarket nearby?"

"Okay, that's it!"

Boss Yang seems to be more immersed in the thrill of the successful bargaining.

You don't have a B number in your heart, do you? !

And now looking at it up close,

A place like the vegetable market really smells like fireworks on earth.

As for the kind of market woman who bargains at the vegetable market.

Speaking of this, Luo Yu curiously said, "I haven't asked you yet."

"You keep squeezing like this."

Except when you're nervous.

Luo Yu looked at Yang Mi who was in high spirits next to her with a funny look.

"Oh, this dish of mine is fresh, one pound for one two"

And Yang Mi is still immersed in the fun of buying vegetables and bargaining.

"Then you have to make plans to be a widow for the rest of your life."

more than an hour later.

Just a few cents, I can't be poor, I can't be rich

The news broke that the two were selling vegetables together in the vegetable market? !

At that time, the two were not together.

Luo Yu asked blankly.

Luo Yu gasped for a while: "Are you still here?!"

The battle is basically the iron fans of Luo Yu and Yang Mi.

"As a woman who is determined to be a good wife and mother."

However, for the desk micro who took the lead,

Also took the title,

The point is your figure!

In just a few months,

We don't want this habit!

It's still going viral on the Internet.

"Are you so happy?"

And here.

Whatever the little woman wants to do, follow her.

"This is a subconscious action~"

And after things got to this point,

When the two were walking on the street, they happened to be seen by the man with glasses.

Yang Mi shook her head: "I don't want it!"

Or interrupt the feeling of breaking free in time?

Such a real boss Yang,

To be honest, Yang Mi's figure is what best represents her.

Although paparazzi and stars have a mutually beneficial relationship.

Not for anything else.

Luo Yu also let her go.

The desk is micro, and in the circle of paparazzi, it is still very important.

At the moment, everyone couldn't help but click in.

This skilled bargaining action,

Luo Yu: ""

Yang Mi shook her head: "That won't work."

Everyone directly incarnates justice warriors and fights frantically.

That's right, these two are the paparazzi who secretly photographed Luo Yu and Yang Mi before.

Seeing the two leave, the vest paparazzi was about to catch up.

"And the man next to him is definitely Luo Yu!"

Luo Yuque did not understand.

Yang Mi took Luo Yu and walked forward.

Everyone is really not used to it.

Forget it, today is the anniversary anyway.

Then again, even if it's a real posing.

"Do you want to find somewhere to eat?"

"Why do I feel that these two are such a good match together! Especially when they are shopping together!!"

If it really matches the facts, so much the better.

"How did you manage to bargain so hard?"

Luo Yu pouted: "Then why don't you take out your hand quickly?"

Luo Yu opened his mouth, wanting to say something unnecessary.

He even paid attention to Yang Mi.

Luo Yu put on his coat and got up: "Let's go."

Luo Yu didn't know if he was afraid of the kitchen.

At the moment, the eyed male paparazzi took out the camera,

Yang Mi waved her hand, "Don't worry, we both have hats and masks, and we will never be recognized!"

Luo Yu shook his head.

Saying that, the eye paparazzi directly pulled the yellow vest paparazzi away.

Now, let's get this video out.

Even, he has begun to resist the unscrupulous paparazzi like Table Micro.

Yang Mi immediately blocked it.

Halfway through, a Cheng Yaojin came out!

Boss Yang was the first to speak.

Luo Yu thought again, the fear of the kitchen being dominated by this woman.

Luo Yu next to him was surprised.

But successfully counter-offered two or three cents,

Continue to drag Luo Yu to fight in the vegetable market!

Anyway, he has already earned traffic.

Boss Yang is cooking?

Luo Yu whispered.

Is it to continue at risk?

The desk micro directly started to smear Yang Mi!

In addition, this stall is now when the two just blew their romance.

Yang Mi excitedly said: "Of course! You can't understand the satisfaction brought by successful bargaining!"

Now it's a coincidence.

"I found that since Luo Yu and Boss Yang were together, even Luo Yu's dressing taste has improved."

After watching that movie, it is now 6 o'clock.

Don't even want to see other people's hair! !

"Just look at it, today I'll show you what it means to cut the king of the imperial capital."

The paparazzi who secretly photographed the two just now,

At that time, the purpose of the table micro will be achieved.

Seeing this, the eye paparazzi grabbed him,

The video was accompanied by this title, and once it was released, it immediately caused an uproar on the Internet!

It is because of this,

Luo Yu put his arms around Yang Mi's shoulders and asked.

"Why not?"

Although Yang Mi is not bad money,

Post what you just shot on the Internet!

The two looked very familiar,

After all, as you can see from the video,

This video of the two was posted.

The relationship between the two of them is incomparably loving.

It directly blew up all the netizens.

"I'm used to it. If I don't hold it, I'll feel bad."

Yang Mi was eager to try: "Then let's go buy some food, and then go home and I'll cook for you!"

And now, they were actually photographed shopping for food together.

The two came to the vegetable market.

Most netizens also chose to send blessings to the two.

"Now these two have just officially announced their relationship, and we have seen it!"

Xiaoshou took the initiative to take Luo Yu's hand.

Luo Yu: ""

But judging from their figures, they are definitely Luo Yu and Yang Mi!

"When you come to a place like this, you're really not afraid of being recognized."

So, after Yang Mi announced her relationship.

Although it is six o'clock.

Yang Mi pulled Luo Yu to a booth.

Yang Mi raised her head: "Husband, are you hungry?"

"Woooooo envy me to death, when will I be able to choose dishes while holding my husband!"

Immediately, he stopped the car and followed the two of them along the way.

Little did I know that the pictures of grocery shopping just now had been photographed by the paparazzi.

"You still want to haggle?"

out of the theater.


This kind of scene will appear on Boss Yang, the top player in the entertainment industry!

And he even zipped Luo Yu intimately.

Hearing this, the dog thief in the yellow vest was dazed for a while.

Did you see the star who made the scandal go to the vegetable market?

The number of retweets and comments quickly broke through the thousands.

"Brother, we've been observing all the way. Are you sure it's Yang Mi and Luo Yu?"

Yang Mi in the picture is naturally holding Luo Yu's arm,

What if you get scolded?

What should I do to get rid of this woman's idea of ​​cooking? !

Those well-known directors have not succeeded in winning,

I was a little full at noon.

Just want to have the courage to challenge yourself.

"Old rule, I take pictures, you take videos!"

However, these two people did not move at all after the official announcement.

Hearing this, Luo Yu was shocked.

However, since Boss Yang likes it so much.

Finished the movie.

"Wife, I don't think it's impossible for me to skip dinner tonight." Luo Yu said sincerely.

Some third- and fourth-tier female stars,

"What's the point of continuing to shoot?"

But now the market is still crowded with people.

"Don't tell me, the way these two buy vegetables together really looks like a couple who have lived for more than ten years!"

Just buy some clothes, bags, etc., it is hundreds of thousands of millions.

"Let's go shopping first and let you taste your wife's craftsmanship!"

Hearing Luo Yu's words,

For a while, Luo Yu was in a tangle.

I don't want to say a word of nonsense to the other party.

"You said that if you stretch your hips when you cook, you will make a fried egg."

1.2 Even in order to let the table reveal a little bit of information, he did not hesitate to use his own body to exchange with the other party.

The eye paparazzi clapped the camera on his hand,

Most people may not recognize

Yang Mi smiled and said, "What does it feel like to buy groceries in the supermarket?"

It even made Yang Mi feel happy that she earned 200,000 to 300,000 yuan!

In order to retaliate, the table Wei began to frantically black Yang Mi.

Why bother

This scene was all filmed by two paparazzi!

Yang Mi blinked and pinched her little hand again.

If these photos were posted online,

Take the food from the vegetable stall and negotiate the price with the owner of the vegetable stall

But what he never expected was,


In the status of paparazzi, the table can take a big step forward.

In the beginning, he really wanted to grab Yang Mi's traffic.

"This movie is too nervous to watch. When people are nervous, they unconsciously pinch it."

Luo Yu shook his head: "I'm not very hungry."

Luo Yu: ""

It directly changed Yang Mi from the black comments of the whole network to the distressed of the whole network.

Yang Mi took out her little hand,


The vest paparazzi said as a matter of course: "Of course, keep up and continue shooting!"

Why don't you know it yourself!

Yang Mi also got up and followed,

Although it is a little far away,

For example, foot odor and the like, this kind of nonsense is all micro-arranged on the table.

Directly looked at the table slightly dumbfounded.

"Aren't two people just shopping for groceries."

What's more, from a shooting point of view.

However, Luo Yu was really scared.

A man in a yellow vest asked the man with glasses next to him.

The uncles and aunts of the vegetable market, it is estimated that even if Yang Mi takes off her hat,

They can't even think about it,

"Fuck me! Why does Boss Yang's way of shopping for food can also poke at my point!!"

"Whatever you want to eat at night!"

Together with it, the world of Jiaxing has become a giant in the circle.

But with some special purpose.

"I'll make money, and of course I'll save money."

And what the hell is the Imperial Capital Chopping King? ?

Not only that, but also helped Yang Mi win many high-quality resources.

"Hmph, find a daughter-in-law like me who can make a living, you can have fun."

At the moment, Yang Mi, who is in high spirits,

At the moment, the two left the cinema.

You know, the news of the two getting married,

The two have just made their relationship public.

The small owner of the vegetable stall is selling enthusiastically,


The paparazzi said excitedly.

"I've finished watching the movie, where do you want to go next?"

Seeing Yang Mi's proud look,

From Yang Mi buying the vegetables and bargaining, and finally taking the vegetables and leaving with Luo Yu.

"Boss, how do you sell this dish~"

"Wuwuwu Boss Yang's dress can really kill a lot of people casually!"

Starting from Yang Mi holding Luo Yu to buy vegetables!

The appearance of Luo Yu directly cut off all the delusions on the table.

in the video.

"This is first-hand information, hahaha, we posted it this time!!"

"Why is this business level still so high?"

After buying so many vegetables, Luo Yu also witnessed Boss Yang's level of grocery shopping with his own eyes.

"Look at this figure, there is a second one in the entire entertainment industry?"

Yang Mi took it, "One yuan or two? Let's be cheaper, it's almost closed."

Even more certain, these two are Yang Mi and Luo Yu!


It hit everyone's heart directly!

And Luo Yu and Yang Mi.

It's this that makes the table slightly start to float.

The two were walking on the street.

However, there is a small person like the desk micro.

What's with your inexplicable confidence?

"We can't bargain, let's go to the vegetable market in front of us to buy vegetables!"

Help! !

"Hahahaha, God helped me!"

Therefore, the table slightly asked,

To be fair, the impression the stars give to everyone,

Luo Yu really wanted to say something.

Picking the dish with one hand and holding Luo Yu's arm with the other.

I didn't wait for Luo Yu to react.

Regarding the matter of Hei Yang Mi, the table micro is very good.

One side of the table was already losing ground.

"Why are you going?"

And it's so skilled, it's completely impossible to make it out of posing.

Yang Mi looked at Luo Yu blankly.

Hats and masks are not the point.

And when the two were shopping for food.

Luo Yu: "???"

Yang Mi said proudly: "I don't know, this is talent!"

The yellow vest paparazzi also immediately said: "Okay brother!"

It is no exaggeration to say that if you buy half a winter melon, the stall owner will also add two heads of garlic.

Most of the time, it is quite comfortable.

"Stupid, of course now I'm going back and editing the copy and posting it online!"

Of course, it is also necessary to be a die-hard fan or someone who is often in the entertainment industry to see it.

Yang Mi smiled: "You can't blame me."

But Yang Mi, that figure is definitely a sight to behold.

For the table micro, this shameless behavior of rushing traffic.

Luo Yu opened his mouth and was about to say something,

Moreover, the front foot table Wei is still questioning the authenticity of the relationship between the two.

The better Yang Mi lived, the more unbalanced his heart became!

After all, the little things can only be seen by Yang Mi herself!

However, he was not bought by the listed film industry.

From the two out of the cinema, to the vegetable market.

On the back foot, there is a picture of the two going to the vegetable market together to buy vegetables.

This traffic is definitely coming!

Originally in the support of friends in the circle,

In the entire entertainment industry, other actresses cover their faces and may not be able to guess who they are.

This familiar look,

Not to mention the paparazzi like desk micro.

Luo Yu looked at Yang Mi seriously and said.

Hearing Yang Mi's words, Luo Yu couldn't help but ask, "You?"

Obviously it was a candid filming, and the two people in the video were not found to be candidly filmed by the paparazzi.

The paparazzi with glasses said in a determined tone.

Luo Yu thought about it and decided to choose the former.

Who is Boss Yang?

All the gossip, everything is self-defeating.

However, that is also after the star, and then the paparazzi!

Has always been not bad money, high above,

When Yang Mi is desperate, she will naturally seek her own help.

The design of the table is also very good,

【Yang Mi and Luo Yu market together to buy vegetables! Intimate demeanor, Yang Mi is skilled at bargaining! 】

No matter what, he can benefit

Yang Mi said confidently, "Of course!"

He took the plastic bag from the side and handed it to Yang Mi.

In addition to being the top streamer in the entertainment industry, he is also the boss of Jiaxing World!

Then, the two of them took the cameras and took pictures of them wildly.

"And look at your cucumber, it's a little wilted."

It has attracted a lot of attention on the Internet.

Also because of this video,

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