Chapter 102 In front of Yang Mi, dig her into the corner of the wall!!

Lin Fei also didn’t expect that Boss Yang would recognize it so quickly, and in the next second, he said with a smile: “Sister Honey, you are changing too fast?” ”

“Why don’t you insist on it anymore?”

Looking at Lin Fei, Boss Yang snorted lightly: “My little vault has all been taken away by your routine!” ”

“What else do you want?”

“Similarly, do you think I’ll go a second time?”

“If you want to trick me, no way!”

Boss Yang is also a good learner now,

[Quick hand] This project, although she really did not find any shining points, but she has self-knowledge!

In terms of vision, Lin Fei really threw himself out of a big way!

From the very beginning to now, she hadn’t seen Lin Fei see anything bad.

So, in any case, you definitely can’t bet on this guy!

Suffer a loss, it is enough to eat once!

She Boss Yang is not a masochist, why do she have to suffer 2 losses?

Yan Yan, who was reading a magazine on the side, was obviously attracted by the conversation between Lin Fei and Boss Yang, and the next second, she raised her head and said with some curiosity: “Mimi, what are you and Lin Fei talking about there?” ”

“What is dozens of times the profit?”

“Are you doing any money-making business again?”

Hearing Yan Yan’s inquiry, Boss Yang replied, “Didn’t I tell you just now, did Lin Fei go out yesterday to talk about business?” ”

“Actually, he went to invest in the world.”

“People said they could choose a project for him to go!”

“No, he ran over to pick up the leak without stopping.”

“He said he picked a good project and came back.”

“It’s just that whether he picked a good project or not remains to be negotiated!”

At this time, Yan Yan was completely interested, she even put down the magazine, and then came to Lin Fei with a pair of long legs: “Lin Fei, you picked a good project again?” ”

“Really fake?”

“Can I take your sister Yanyan to play a wave too?”

“Your honey sister is not optimistic about pulling down!”

“Anyway, I trust you one hundred percent!”

Seeing that Yan Yan was actually ‘digging’ his own corner, Boss Yang suddenly couldn’t sit still,

“Yanyan, it’s excessive!”

“I’m not gone yet!”

“Isn’t it a little wrong to dig people in my Jiaxing so openly!?”

Seeing Boss Yang’s ‘pretentious displeased’ eyes, Yan Yan smiled very cutely, and like a little fox, she sat on the 343 hand of Lin Fei’s chair, and then put her hand on Lin Fei’s shoulder by the way: “I don’t want to dig honey honey in your corner!” ”

“But who made your little assistant so good!”

“But I heard that Jiahang has earned a lot of money during this time.”

“Gee, you don’t even know, just because of this, I don’t know how many times I’ve been envious!”

“Even the tears of envy are almost dry!”

“For the sake of our sisters, when I go back, give me Lin Fei to play for two days?”

“Don’t worry, when the time comes, I promise to send him back intact, what do you think?”


Boss Yang instantly began to ‘sneer’, saying that the sisterhood of good has become so ‘plastic’? Also sent over to play for you for two days?

Thinking of this, Boss Yang instantly spoke: “It’s not impossible to send Lin Fei to you to play for a few days.” ”

“But, I’m afraid that someone will occupy the Magpie’s Nest!”

“So in order to completely eliminate this risk, I better keep him honestly in Jiaxing!”

Speaking of this, Boss Yang set his eyes on Lin Fei: “If I do this, shouldn’t you have an opinion?” ”

Feeling that faint ‘dangerous aura’, Lin Fei hurriedly sat up straight: “I think Sister Honey is right!” ”

“The outside world is too dangerous, I just have to stay at home and be honest.”

Seeing that Boss Yang was defending sovereignty, Yan Yan couldn’t help but pout: “I still say it’s a good girlfriend, knock the door!” ”

“Honey, I haven’t seen you for a while, why are you so stingy?”

Boss Yang didn’t hold back, and directly rolled his eyes: “Okay, even if you say that I cut the door, I will admit it!” ”

“Anyway, I won’t let Lin Fei run away from you.”

After saying this, Boss Yang didn’t know what she thought, and suddenly she looked at Fat Di: “Fat Di, are you uncomfortable today?” ”


Fat Di didn’t expect that Boss Yang would ask her this, and in the next second, she hurriedly said: “No, Sister Honey!” ”

“I’m dressed… I’m very well-dressed! ”

“Why did you suddenly ask about this?”

Boss Yang smiled and said, “The main thing is that before, when you were in the office, you were always in a state of constant nonsense!” ”

“And today, you uncharacteristically quieted down, which made me a little uncomfortable!”

“I thought you were in a bad mood!”

Fat Di’s heart was about to jump to his throat.

She was nervous, but she tried to keep her composure: “No! ”

“Sister Honey!”

“I am not only in good health, but also in a good mood!”

“It’s just, seeing that you are talking to Sister Yanyan, I don’t have the embarrassment to interject.”

Boss Yang didn’t doubt what Fat Di said, whether it was ‘true or not’ but while eating, Yan Yan began to chat with Fat Di: “I haven’t seen it for a while, has Fat Di become beautiful again?” ”

“Fat Di, have you used any good skin care products lately?”

“How do I feel your little face, moist?”

Fat Di was a little embarrassed, can she say that her complexion has changed for the better, is it because she was nourished by such words?

So in the next second, Fat Di hurriedly changed the topic: “Sister Yanyan!” ”

“Maybe I’ve done a lot of maintenance recently.”

“If you are interested, I can take you with you when you have time.”

“By the way, Sister Yanyan, you came to Shanghai this time, are you coming to catch up with the announcement, or are you coming to play?”

“How long do you plan to stay here?”

“How about I book a hotel later and invite you to have a meal in the evening?”

Hearing what Fat Di said, Yan Yan sighed helplessly: “Hey, when it comes to this, I’ll be angry.” ”

“Fat Di, I told you the truth.”

“I came to Shanghai this time, firstly, not to catch up with the announcement, and secondly, not to come and play!”

“I’m coming, fleeing.”


Hearing this, Fat Di was instantly stunned: “Flee? ”

“What do you mean?”

“Sister Yanyan, is something wrong with you over there?”

Yan Yan glanced at Fat Di, smiled bitterly and said, “Actually, it’s not a big deal!” ”

“Just two days ago, I attended a party!”

“And some wine!”

“Someone came to talk to me and tried to harass me!”

“I drank vigorously, one didn’t hold back, and directly spilled a glass of red wine on people.”

“Later, I learned that the person who broke the red wine by me is not small!”

“It’s a big boss’s brother!”

“Now people are talking, they want to trouble me.”

“I also ran out of ruts, so I came to you to avoid the limelight.”

“Fat Di, isn’t your sister Yanyan very pitiful?”

“Hey, being a woman is really a hard life.”

When Fat Di heard this, he immediately couldn’t sit still: “Sister Yanyan, who wants to trouble you?” ”

“Why, didn’t your company help you come forward?”

“It’s too much, obviously people came to harass you first!”

“Why do you still have the face to take the initiative to run to find trouble?”

“This kind of person also deserves to be poured with wine!”

“Let’s not be afraid of him, we’ll call the police if it’s a big deal!”

Fat Di’s words had just finished, and Boss Yang didn’t hold back and laughed.

“Fat Di, I didn’t expect you to have such a strong sense of justice!”

At this time, Fat Di was a little puzzled.

Sister Yanyan has an accident here, how can Sister Honey still laugh?

Seeing Fat Di’s cute expression of ‘dull cute’, Boss Yang couldn’t help but speak: “Fat Di, have you seen the Legend of Relying on the Sky and Slaying the Dragon?” ”

“Legend of Heaven and Dragon Slayer? I’ve seen it, what’s wrong? ”

“Then do you remember what Zhang Wuji said to him before he died? Fat Di thought about it seriously; ”

“The more beautiful a woman, the more she will deceive?”

“That’s right!”

Boss Yang glanced at Yan Yan, and then spoke: “With such a smart little head as your sister Yanyan, do you think she will be bullied by others?” ”

“It’s simply impossible! She has always been the only one who can bully others, okay? ”

Seeing Yan Yan covering her mouth and snickering on the side, now, even if Fat Di is stupid, he should understand the reason for the matter, and the next second, she cried and laughed: “Sister Yan Yan, you really are!” ”

“It’s all a joke about this kind of thing!”

“I thought you were really bullied.”

Boss Yang glanced at Fat Di, forced a smile and said, “However, your sister Yanyan is not completely fooling you!” ”

“Your sister Yanyan has a junior who was drunk by others!”

“And then I happened to be seen by her passing by.”

“Your sister Yanyan couldn’t be angry, so she splashed each other with a glass of wine.”

“That person is indeed a rich second generation, and he is not small.”

“However, the agent behind her is not at anyone’s disposal.”

“I took the initiative to block this matter.”

“They always told the people that they would invite each other to a meal, and then let Yan Yan come forward to apologize, and this matter would be over!”

“However, your sister Yanyan must not only be strong, but also have a strong personality!”

“Tell Mr. Zhao directly, she won’t apologize.”

“Then he came to us directly on a plane, and came to us to relax.”

Boss Yang’s words had just finished speaking, and Yan Yan spoke directly: “It was originally!” ”

“I didn’t do anything wrong, why should I apologize?”

“It’s clear that they didn’t have good intentions first, and now it’s as if I did something wrong!”

“I’ll be angry when I talk about this!”

“And President Zhao, originally I thought he was quite responsible.”

“But just because of this, I just hehe!”

“In the end, it’s still prodded!”

“I really feel now that the men in our circle are all bullies and afraid of hard goods!”

“There is no one that can really get up steel!”

After saying these words, Yan Yan suddenly felt as if she had missed someone

In the next second, she looked at Lin Fei with a smile: “I take back that sentence just now!” ”

“In our circle, there are real men!”

“Honey, your little assistant is quite strong!”

“Before, in order to protect you, he almost overturned the entire entertainment industry!”

“Gee, there are often people in the circle praising Lin Fei until now!”

“Say he has blood, he is a real man!”

“Chong Guan was angry and red, and even such a big business world was completely dumbfounded.”

“I’m really envying you more and more.”

“Mimi, can’t you really give Lin Fei to me?”

Boss Yang gave Yan Yan a blank look, and then spoke: “This is an office, not a place for dreams!” ”

“If you want to sleep, go home and sleep!”

“For the sake of our sisters, I can help arrange a driver for you.”

Yan Yan pouted, she really didn’t want to continue chatting with Boss Yang.

Can’t talk about it, Boss Yang, this woman is no less shrewd than herself! It seems that if you want to dig the foot of the wall from her hands, or one word, difficult!

Boss Yang looked at Fat Di and spoke, “Now you know what happened, right?” ”

“To put it bluntly, it’s that your sister Yanyan can’t stand this grievance!”

“Then let’s run here to relax.”

And at this time, Lin Fei suddenly spoke: “Sister Yanyan!” ”

“What is the origin of the person who was splashed with red wine by you?”

“Wasn’t your President Zhao quite capable before?”

“If he can force him to bow his head, the other party should not be a small person, right?”

Hearing Lin Fei’s inquiry, Yan Yan raised her head and looked at him: “It’s okay!” ”

“It’s not a small person, but it’s not that powerful!”

“The second son of the Blue Sky Group family!”

“But even if it’s not a big person, it’s not something that a small female star of mine can afford to mess with.”

“Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been forced to come here to distract myself.”

Blue Sky Group, Lin Fei has heard of it.

It started as an ocean trader, and in Guangzhou Province, it is a behemoth! The market value is nearly 100 billion or so, don’t look at them and the market value of Shang Shi is similar, but you know, the people Blue Sky Group is a serious industrial start, whether it is influence and status, but it is far more powerful than Shang Shi, now, Lin Fei can also be regarded as knowing why the brokerage company behind Yan Yan bowed its head.

I can’t afford to mess with it, what can I do if I don’t lower my head?

I don’t know what came to mind, Boss Yang suddenly raised his head and looked at Yan Yan: “Yan Yan, if you don’t go back!” ”

“Will President Zhao be angry over there?”

“Don’t make things bigger!”

Yan Yan pouted and spoke, “If you make it big, make it big!” ”

“I’m still that sentence anyway!”

“If you want me to apologize, that’s impossible.”

“I splashed him with wine, and I admit I was impulsive.”

“But what, he bullied my junior sister, I have to endure it?”

“I’m not a, why am I used to him?”

“Anyway, I’ve already thought about it, so I’ll stay here in Shanghai for a while first.”

“When the limelight has passed, I’ll go back!”

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