Chapter 100 invested 3 million, and in a blink of an eye, he earned more than 200 million!!

The so-called [community products] are actually similar to exchange forums! Post it, comment area, barrage.

All belong to the kind of [community products].

And now, what Lin Fei got in his hands was this investment project about [Quick Hand].

They all belong to the same category of products, listen to Lin Fei’s explanation

Fat Di instantly understood what this [Quick Hand] was. In the next second, Fat Di was a little curious.

“Master, does this exchange forum also have investment value?”

Lin Fei nodded: “Not only is there any, but its share capital value is also very large!” ”

“It seems that there is no profit point, in fact, it is just that these investors have not found a suitable way to monetize.”

When he first got this investment report, Lin Fei didn’t know what this [fast hand] was.

However, after reading the investment report and understanding the specific information, Lin Fei’s whole person was stunned

Isn’t this so-called [Kuaishou Hand] the dimensional shape of [Kuaishou] in the previous life?

At this time, Lin Fei finally knew why the world investment side would give the [Quick] grade C rating.

This is because no one on the investment side of the world has yet to see where the real profit point of [Quick Hand] is!

At the beginning, when I started in the industry of ‘GIF production’, it was really miserable.

Engaging in ‘GIF production’ does not make any money at all.

Later, [Kuaiyishou] transformed and set its sights on [community products]!

What they are doing now is this so-called [GIF community]! What is GIF Community?

It is a communication software that allows users to share moving pictures.

This is also the carving of everything in the past life, [Kuaishou]!

However, engaging in [GIF Community] does not make any money

Their real flashpoint is the birth of [Short Video Community]!

The birth of [short video community] has allowed them to truly achieve soaring

It’s a pity that the [Quick Hand] in the previous life eventually declined. The reasons for the decline are 28 multifaceted

The most important point is that they did not grasp the positioning and played a good hand of cards

In the end, let the ‘shaking yin’ latecomer prevail, but overtook it.

However, even if it is overtaken, the amazing market value of [Quick Hand] is still there.

Its investment value is definitely not inferior to [Mi Xianyou], this is absolutely certain.

I saw Fat Dee looking at himself

Lin Fei handed her this [Quick Hand] investment project report: “Fat Di! ”

“Let’s pick up the leak this time, just choose it!”

“I’ll call Manager Shen now and tell him about it!”


After receiving Lin Fei’s call, Shen Huajun didn’t take long to rush over, and after seeing the project Lin Fei picked, he was slightly surprised: “Mr. Lin, are you sure you want to choose this project?” ”

Lin Fei nodded: “Manager Shen, I want this project.” ”

“You invested 3 million yuan in [Kuaiyi Hand]!”

“You got a 10% stake in the other party, right?”

“Let’s sign the contract directly!”

“3 million 1, I will hit your account property as soon as possible. Seeing that Lin Fei chose such a ‘cheap’ project, Shen Huajun didn’t know what to say. ”

In the next second, he cried and laughed: “If it is this project!” ”

“I can call the shots and give it to you directly!”

“After all, it is only 3 million, if we still look for this amount of money and ask for it, spread it out, won’t our world’s investment be laughed off by others?”

Previously, Tianxia Investment here, with the help of Lin Fei’s operation, successfully earned a lot of money in the stock market.

And at the moment, 3 million, they are indeed embarrassed to accept Lin Fei.

But what Shen Huajun didn’t expect happened, Lin Fei actually refused.

“It’s okay, I said it before, no matter what project I pick, I will spend money to buy it.”

“3 million, you investors in the world have a big business, you can really not care!”

“But an agreement is a convention!”

“So let’s sign the transfer contract directly.”

Hearing Lin Fei say this, Huajun also said more: “Okay!” ”

“In that case, then I’ll go and ask Xiao Zhang to get the transfer contract.”

“Mr. Lin, please wait a moment.”

The transfer of shares is not a troublesome matter, sign the contract, and it will be done.

Seeing Lin Fei signing his name on the transfer contract, Shen Huajun spoke: “President Lin, take a break now!” ”

“I’ll go to Wang Dong to sign.”

After saying this, Shen Huajun directly took the contract and came to Wang Haiyang’s office A.

“Wang Dong, President Lin’s side has already selected the project!”

“Would you like to take a look?”

Hearing Shen Huajun’s report, Wang Haiyang, who was working, also raised his head in an instant: “Oh? Already selected a project? ”

“Which project was chosen?”

“Is it the project that we deliberately stuffed in before?”

Hearing Wang Haiyang’s inquiry, Shen Huajun shook his head slightly: “No!” ”

“President Lin chose not that project!”

“It’s another!”

After saying this, Shen Huajun handed the contract to Wang Haiyang

After Wang Haiyang took it, he read it carefully: “[Quick hand]? ”

“Total investment: 3 million?”

“Let’s invest in the world, when is the stock capital such a small project?”

Hearing Wang Haiyang’s inquiry, Shen Huajun spoke: “This project is invested by the project group. ”

“Because the investment amount has not reached 10 million, the branch manager can directly approve it!”

There are strict rules and regulations on the investment side of the world.

Investment × below 10 million need to be approved by the branch manager!

More than 10 million, less than 50 million, need to be approved by the department manager!

More than 50 million, less than 100 million, the vice president in charge approves! If it exceeds 100 million yuan, Wang Haiyang must personally approve it!

As for the higher, it needs to be reported to the board.

Hearing Shen Huajun explain this, Wang Haiyang instantly understood why he had no impression of this project.

After pondering for a few seconds, he raised his head and looked at Shen Huajun and said, “Lin Fei, why did you choose this project?” ”

“Is it because it’s optimistic?”

Shen Huajun nodded: “If it weren’t for the optimism about this project, it is estimated that he would definitely not choose this.” ”

“I just don’t know if President Lin can pick up the leak on us this time!”

Lin Fei thought that if he came to his side to pick up leaks, the ocean would not be unable to see it.

In fact, among the large number of projects that Lin Fei browsed today, there was one project that Wang Haiyang deliberately let people cram into.

[Youdou Video], Lin Fei saw that the rating given to the project by Tianxia Investment is [B grade]!

In fact, this is a calculated and revised rating.

Before Lin Fei came

The potential rating given by World Investment to [Youdou Video] is [A-grade! 】

Why did you deliberately stuff this [A-level] project into the document probe?

It is because the world investment here, or Wang Haiyang himself, wants to know Lin Fei better.

He wanted to see if Lin Fei had real talent!

If he can pick out [Youdou Video] from so many projects, it shows that his vision is indeed extraordinary!

But now, something that made Wang Haiyang wonder happened.

did not single out the investment project of [Youdou Video], which can only be said to be Lin Fei’s ability, which did not meet his own expectations

However, no matter what, he would not choose such a ‘rotten’ project, right?

After hearing Shen Huajun’s words, Wang Haiyang fell into deep thought slightly

A few seconds later, he raised his head to look at Shen Huajun and asked.

“Hua Jun, you said, for the [Quick Hand] project, will it be possible that we have taken a blind look?”

Hearing Wang Haiyang’s inquiry, Shen Huajun spoke, “Wang Dong! ”

“As long as it is a person, there will be mistakes, and there will be times when it looks away!”

“But for the [Quick Hand] project, whether we have looked away or not, I can’t give a judgment.”

“Because from my point of view, I’m not too optimistic about this project!”

“The main reason is the difficulty of realization!”

On the way here, Shen Huajun had already thoroughly understood the company [Quick Hand].

Previously, this company was an Internet mapping company and had no investment value at all.

That is, later, after the transformation to do the [GIF community], it attracted some traffic

It is precisely because of their popularity that Tianxia Investment has invested 3 million in them.

And just now, Shen Huajun also said the point of the problem.

The popularity is okay, but this project, or the company, simply can’t find a profit point.

Stick this thing, there are many people who use it, right?

But how much money can you make if it’s just a sticker? It is free of nature

If you are in a dedicated charging state, it is strange that others will browse you.

That’s why

In the eyes of the world’s investment, this project is only worth a [C grade] at most! It may even be that [C-grade] is not even counted.

“You’re right!”

“I just looked at this project!”

“I also don’t think it has much investment potential.”

“But now comes the crux of the matter.”

“Lin Fei, he also chose this project!”

“Previously, investing in motorcycles and rice balls was enough to prove that he was a discerning investor.”

“So in my heart, I am still a little uncertain!”

“Is this [Quick Hand] misassessed by us!”

After saying these words, Wang Haiyang didn’t know what he thought, and suddenly spoke: “So be it!” ”

“You put the people of the investment department, all blocked the Yang Yang and poured the conference room law!”

“Let’s have a simple meeting to discuss this matter!”

Hearing Wang Haiyang’s order, Shen Huajun nodded: “Okay, I’ll go and inform the investment department!” ”

On the investment side of Tianxia, there are a total of 3 investment departments.

Under each investment department, there are B investment groups.

From groups 1 to 9, each group has nearly dozens of people!

It can be said that the nearly trillion assets of Tianxia Investment are all these hundreds

The elite of the investment world is in charge of supervision!

Wang Haiyang did not say, specifically which group to call, but only said a word to notify the investment department

The meaning of this is that Shen Huajun also understood that he called everyone to come!

It took less than 5 minutes after receiving the notice from the company

Hundreds of investment elites from all over the world gathered in the conference room.

Shen Huajun asked people to distribute all the information about [Kuaiyihand] that had just been printed to these people.

Sitting in the front row of the conference room, Wang Haiyang spoke.

“The information just distributed to you is an introduction to an investment within our group!”

“For the investment project of [Kuaiyishou], our group internally gave 897 its rating [C grade]!”

“I called everyone over to brainstorm it.”

“Does anyone dispute this assessment?”

“If you have anything you want to say, you can stand up and say it!”

Why did the ocean make the scene so big?

It’s not that he wants to pay the bill

Instead, he still wanted to judge Lin Fei’s vision through this [Quick Hand].

If you don’t even see any investment business in so many elites in the industry

But he saw something

Then the future of this young man is really limitless

This is also further related to the decision of whether they should continue to deepen their friendship with Lin Fei in the future!

After hearing Wang Haiyang’s orders

Soon, hundreds of investment elites began to seriously analyze on the investment side of the world.

In the blink of an eye, ten minutes passed.

Seeing that no one spoke, Wang Haiyang directly began to name names: “Chen Yong, what do you think about this?” ”

Chen Yong, the leader of the investment team, is a veteran employee of the world’s investment, and is quite famous in the investment industry! is a typical investment-oriented talent, he alone has brought no less than 10 billion yuan of profits to the world’s investment side over the years.

Therefore, Wang Haiyang has always valued him.

Hearing Wang Haiyang’s inquiry, Chen Yong quickly answered: “Wang Dong, I think that the rating given by our group to this project should be fine. ”

“It’s just a [community project], no matter how big it is, no matter how successful it is, it will be used.”

“Can’t find profit points, can’t monetize traffic, this is the biggest shackle that restricts the development of [community projects]!”

Hearing Chen Yong’s answer, Wang Haiyang set his gaze on another person: “Professor Qiu, what do you think over there?” ”

Professor Qiu is an investment consultant at World Investment

After hearing Wang Haiyang’s inquiry, Professor Qiu’s answer was similar to Chen Yong’s:

“It is appropriate to give this project a [C grade] rating!”

“My thoughts are the same as Xiao Chen!”

“Even if it has great development potential and can’t make money, it’s useless.”

After asking several people in a row, and their statements were the same, Shen Huajun opened his mouth to Wang Haiyang.

“In this way, the person who looks away this time is likely to be President Lin.”

If Lin Fei knew what these people thought, he would probably die of laughter.

I looked away?

You’re just looking away.

That’s 72 times the profit!

With an investment of 3 million, you can earn more than 200 million in a blink of an eye

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