Chapter 85 The old road, are you floating, or I can’t lift the knife?!!

Lu Guide’s wife is called Liang Wei, the two met in college, why they could see Lu Dao at the beginning, because they thought he was down-to-earth, they thought that after marriage, the two could live a good life, but Liang Wei never expected that the husband she was looking for was really too capable of tossing.

At the beginning, Director Lu made several small-cost movies, and the response was quite good, but the good response and praise did not mean that this movie would definitely make money!

After tossing back and forth for so many years, Lu Dao’s money was not earned, and he basically lost his family’s base.

The old parents of both sides left a total of 3 apartments for the little couple in Shanghai, and the road guide sold 2 sets, and then took the money to make a movie.

Now that even this money has been lost, you should also collect it, right? After all, to raise a family and take care of the baby, what aspect should not use money?

Liang Wei felt that as a wife, she had done enough.

In fact, she was quite angry with Boss Yang, because before, Liang Wei deliberately found a relationship and got a good job for Director Lu.

The annual salary is hundreds of thousands, if Donu works hard, the whole small one million a year is not a problem, let’s live a stable life, we are all old, and the heart should not be so wild

As a result, Liang Wei never expected that this job had just been arranged for the road guide, and Boss Yang flickered and got him to Hengdian again.

Some time ago, the crew had no funds and never started work, and Liang Wei did not persuade Lu Dao to come back.

As a result, she never expected that Lu Dao really did not continue to make movies

But in the blink of an eye, he was sent by Boss Yang to do something ‘sharing bicycle’ and vomited blood!

Liang Wei was really about to vomit blood!

She doesn’t know what her husband’s head is, are you now a ‘business specialist’ under Cheng Jiaxing?

Because of this, sometimes Liang Wei even wanted to call Boss Yang directly

But later, she found that the road guide seemed to be doing a good job in this ‘shared bicycle’.

With an annual salary of hundreds of thousands, and her status is not low, Liang Wei also went with him, just don’t go to make movies, and she will be content with 28 if she has a stable life.

As a result, today, she feels as if she has been hit in the head by a “big surprise”.

On the other side of Jiahang, he actually wants to hire Lao Lu as the general manager of [Mo’s Bicycle]?

And yes, with an annual salary of 5 million?

To be honest, if you want to be a woman, go out and chat with friends, say that your husband is a street director, and a general manager of a large company, which will have more face?

Think with your toes, must be the latter good?

Unexpectedly, Jiaxing and Yang Mi treated Lao Lu so kindly, they really blamed them before, Liang Wei couldn’t wait to buy something and go to thank Boss Yang in person.

As a result, now, the old road came with a sentence: “I haven’t agreed yet, the main thing is that I haven’t thought about it yet!” ”

This sentence immediately blew up Liang Wei: “Old road, are you completely floating, or can’t I lift the knife?” ”

“President Yang made you the general manager, are you still here to give me a look?”

“People Yang is always willing to entrust such an important position to you, it is to trust you.”

“Are you so hesitant to be worthy of people’s trust?”

In the face of his wife’s questioning, Lu Dao was also a little numb: “I know that Yang always trusts me!” ”

“Otherwise, I wouldn’t have left my bike on hold until now.”

“Mainly, I still think I can’t do this job well! I was afraid that I would betray Mr. Yang’s trust. ”

“It doesn’t matter if my reputation stinks, if I let people lose money, I’m afraid I won’t even sleep well at night.”

“You know, I studied marketing for 1 year, and I forgot even the name of the teacher.”

“To be in such a high position this time, I really have a little bit of a bad heart.”

I don’t know if Liang Wei thought of some ‘sad things’ before, and after a few seconds, her ‘tears’ snapped and came down: “Old road, you said that you are afraid of losing money to others, and you are afraid that you will not even sleep well at night.” ”

“Have you ever thought about me then? Have you ever thought about our son? ”

“Make a movie, it’s hot, I didn’t earn money, you said that the next part will definitely earn it, I believe you!”

“After pounced for so long, you don’t die, I still believe you!”

“I begged someone to arrange a job for you, but you didn’t go directly, and ran to make a movie again, although I said a few words to you, but I didn’t really stop you, right?”

“Parents-in-law and my parents left a total of 3 suites for us!”

“Now both sets are gone.”

“How come all this money is gone, you have a better number than me in your heart, right?”

“Actually, I didn’t ask you how much you could earn, let’s just try to be stable.”

“Now I finally have a chance to be stable!”

“You’re still pushing and pushing here, what do you want me to say?”

“I know your idea is good, but since President Yang said, I believe you can do a good job.”

“Can’t you just try to try hard?”

Director Lu obviously also knew that he had indeed been wronged by his family over the years, and sighed helplessly, and Director Lu smiled bitterly: “Wife, don’t say it!” ”

“President Yang’s side, I promised her.”

“You’re right, although no, I can also work hard.”

“In the future, I will definitely not let you suffer again, you can rest assured.”

Hearing this, Liang Wei instantly broke into a smile: “If you have this heart, then I will be satisfied.” ”


Jiaxing, in the office, Boss Yang soon received a call from Lu Dao, and after chatting with Lu Dao, she immediately raised her head and looked at Lin Fei: “Lin Fei, Lu Dao told me that he agreed!” ”

“However, I still haven’t figured it out, why would you let Lu Dao be the general manager of Mo’s bicycle?”

“Could it be that he really has talent in this area?”

Whether Lu Dao is talented or not, Lin Fei doesn’t know!

However, his rate of return: 3000%, is really awesome.

Don’t say it’s to invite someone, even if it is ‘tied’, he has to put the road guide in this position, and whoever others will speak, it is definitely not good.

Looking at Boss Yang, Lin Fei smiled and said, “Let’s not underestimate the road guide.” ”

“Haven’t you seen that he has been doing something on the motorcycle’s bicycle side in recent months?”

“I believe in him to be in this position!”

“Let’s just wait at ease, the road guide will bring us a surprise.” Since the matter on the road guide’s side has been handled, then the next thing is to deal with Zheng Xiong’s side, but before that, he has to talk to Fengxing Investment first, thinking of this, Lin Fei Yingma called Shen Huajun. ”

“Mr. Lin, is there something wrong?”

On the other end of the phone, Shen Huajun seems to be working, Lin Fei can clearly hear a series of crackling sounds hitting the keyboard, hear Shen Huajun’s inquiry, because they are all old acquaintances, Lin Fei did not grind, as soon as he came up, he directly entered the subject: “Manager Shen, the situation is like this!” ”

“I’m calling you for the motorcycle over there!”

“Zheng Xiong and his management team, I don’t think they can continue to be very qualified for their current job now.”

“I want to buy their shares, what do you think about this?”

Shen Huajun is also an old fried stick in the business world, as soon as he heard this, he instantly understood Lin Fei’s intention to call, the sound of tapping on the keyboard stopped, Shen Huajun asked: “Lin always wants to be the actual controller of motorcycles?” ”

Lin Fei nodded: “I do have such an idea. ”

“Now that motorcycles are getting bigger and bigger, I find that there are many small omissions in the company in the actual management.”

“Zheng Xiong, they were only college students before, and they didn’t have good management experience!”

“Internal problems are not handled well, and competitors from outside are also rising!”

“If this matter is not completely resolved, it is also likely to affect the efficiency of both you and me!”

“So I made this call to ask, you guys invest there.”


Hearing what Lin Fei said, Shen Huajun pondered for a moment, and then spoke: “Regarding this matter, I am not qualified to be the master!” ”

“In this way, I’ll report to Wang Dong!”

“As soon as the results are available, how about I call you back immediately?”

“No problem!”

After ending the call with Lin Fei, Shen Huajun stood up directly and went to Wang Haiyang’s office.

After reporting the content of the call between himself and Lin Fei just now to Wang Haiyang, Wang Haiyang also fell into deep thought for the first time.

Lin Fei, is this planning to put Zheng Xiong and them, strikeout?

Thinking of this, Wang Haiyang looked at Shen Huajun and asked: “Is the problem on the motorcycle’s bicycle really that serious?” ”

The docking work with the motorcycle’s bicycle side has always been Shen Huajun in charge, so Shen Huajun also knows some of the situation over there, and now, hearing Wang Haiyang’s inquiry, he did not hide it, and directly said it all: “On the motorcycle side, the problem is indeed quite serious.” ”

“The other day, one person in the management team left and one person was poached by a competitor.”

“Universal Investment has also set up a shared bicycle company!”

“Wholly-owned shareholding, 1 billion funds invested in it at one time.”

“It’s clear that it’s a bicycle that follows the wind.”

“And this is only external!”

“Internally, motorcycles have a serious problem of meritocracy.”

“The top management ability is seriously insufficient, resulting in a black miasma below!”

“Even if Mr. Lin doesn’t call me, I am ready to report this matter to you in the next two days.”

“If we don’t set up a motorcycle management model, sooner or later they will go downhill.”

For Tianxia Investment, the problem of motorcycles at this time has become a ‘red flag’!

In this case, they have two choices, one is to withdraw the capital and leave, according to the proportion of investment, if they cash out all of them, they should also be able to earn hundreds of millions.

Another option is to keep gambling!

But since you want to choose to gamble, you must put forward a rectification appeal for the management mode of motorcycles!

Otherwise, if they let them go on like this, the risk of gambling is really too great.

After pondering for a moment, Wang Haiyang raised his head and looked at Shen Huajun: “What do you think about this!” ”

“Do you think it’s better for us to withdraw investment and leave, or do you support Lin Fei to make changes?”

Heard Wang Haiyang’s inquiry

Asked, Shen Huajun thought about it seriously: “I have calculated the result of divestment, then 180 things, our investment, almost 300 million!” ”

“This money, not much!”

“On the contrary, continuing to gamble may bring us greater profits!”

“And now, whether to continue to gamble, this depends on whether the management team of Mo’s bicycle can have a qualitative transformation!”

“I am still familiar with Mr. Lin.”

“To be honest, no matter how I say it, I think he will be more reliable than Zheng Xiong.”

Hearing Shen Huajun’s answer, Wang Haiyang also smiled instantly: “You are right!” ”

“Lin Fei doesn’t care if he is reliable or not, at least he will definitely be more reliable than Zheng Xiong!”

“In that case, let’s support him.”

“In the past in shorting Shangshi stocks, we also more or less accepted their love affection!”

“Call Lin Fei later, and show them our attitude of investing in the world!”

“No matter what, in the management of motorcycles, we invest in the world and will definitely support him.”

With Wang Haiyang’s words, Shen Huajun also knew it in his heart.

“Cheng, then Wang Dong, I’ll call President Lin later!”

With the support of Tianxia Investment, Lin Fei can also be regarded as having no worries about the ‘seizure of power’.

The next day, early in the morning, he asked Zheng Xiong to a café!

“Mr. Lin, did you call me here early in the morning?”

Hearing Zheng Xiong’s inquiry, Lin Fei directly spoke: “Zheng Xiong, this time I asked you to come out, there is an important matter I want to discuss with you.” ”

“I want to buy your motorcycle shares!”

“And the shares on your team’s side!”

“I don’t know about this, would you like to think about it?”

As soon as these words came out, Zheng Xiong’s face suddenly became ugly, he was not a fool, how could he not hear what Lin Fei meant? Now he is the actual controller of Mo’s bicycle, and he bought his shares, doesn’t this mean that he wants to buy Mo’s bicycle completely?

Zheng Xiong didn’t know why Lin Fei suddenly had such a thought, he forced himself to endure the uneasiness in his heart, and asked a little cautiously: “President Lin, are you dissatisfied with me?” ”

“If you have anything you don’t like about me, just say so.”

“We have been working together quite happily until now, and now, you suddenly say such things!”

“This makes me suddenly a little, overwhelmed!”

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