Saturday morning.

Bright sunlight poured into the room from the window.

It was a very warm scene.

But by the way!

This is a ward, an ICU intensive care unit!

All kinds of medical instruments are placed in almost every corner of the room.

What came over was the smell of disinfectant.

And in the middle of the ward…

On the hospital bed, a figure lay quietly.

He wore a heavy ventilator cover on his face.

I can’t see the specific appearance from a distance, but I can vaguely tell that it is a young boy.

This should be the age of Xianyi’s angry horse.


He was full of infusion tubes all over his body.

Various potions dripped into his thin body, maintaining his vitality.

Yes, stay alive!

Just at first glance.

It doesn’t even need the explanation and narration of Deng Ziqi and others.

Liu Huan and the others didn’t know what kind of illness Su Chen had, but the scene in front of them could almost show that this was a person whose life was as fragile as a candle in the cold wind!

Musical genius?

A dying man!

The ticking of instruments echoed in the ward.

Liu Huan and the others were still standing there in a daze.

No one spoke.

For a long time.

Or Wang Xinling broke the silence:

“It’s not good to be standing at the door all the time.”

“Several teachers come first.”



Standing there are six silent voice singers.

Deng Ziqi and Sun Nan were still silent when they saw Su Chen again.

Although Xiao Jingteng was mentally prepared, he still gritted his teeth and was speechless.

As for Liu Huan, Zhang Jie, and Hu Yanbin, their bodies were trembling slightly at the moment!

“Mr. Su Chen…”

“What’s wrong with him?”

Liu Huan, a veteran of the music scene, took a deep breath and asked in a hoarse voice.

“Bone Cancer.”

“Advanced bone cancer.”

Wang Xinling’s voice was very soft.

It fell into the hearts of Liu Huan and the others, but it was as heavy as a hammer!

Chest tightness!


Can’t breathe!

“This morning, Dr. Steve examined Su Chen.”

“Su Chen is very strong, and his condition has improved a lot.”

Wang Xinling said softly.

The voice fell.

Hu Yanbin bit his cheeks, tried to control his emotions, and asked in a low voice:

“How much better?”

Wang Xinling was silent for a while.

After a long while, just now he said quietly:

“Before, Su Chen could only live for three or four days.”

“It was a life-and-death test, but fortunately Su Chen survived.”

“Now, he may have a month left.”

“If … the condition does not continue to deteriorate.”

Although, Liu Huan and others have already made psychological preparations.

But at this moment, it was still almost a gaffe on the spot.

Three or four days!

Only three or four days to live?

Isn’t that almost the level of standing on the edge of death?

Now the condition is ‘a lot better’, but it’s only a month at most!

Moreover, it has to be the premise that the condition does not worsen!

Liu Huan and the others were a little breathless.

lying in front of them now.

Is a person whose life is counted in days!

“Can this disease be cured?”

Hu Yanbin even asked a question that almost lost his mind.

No one laughed at him at the moment.

Wang Xinling pursed her lips and said in a low voice:

“Bone cancer is at an advanced stage and cannot be cured.”

“The cancer cells have spread to the whole body, even if… even if the bones in Su Chen’s body are replaced, it cannot be cured.”

The voice fell.

Hu Yanbin almost blurted out:

“Then what? Is there no other way to save it?”

“Medicine is so advanced now!”

“Can’t you find a way to save Teacher Su Chen?”

He almost lost his temper.

Hu Yanbin is a well-known person who is obsessed with music.

And the purer the musician, the more worried and deplored Su Chen’s situation!

Wang Xinling was silent for a while.

“It can’t be cured.”

Just three words.

But it seemed that he had exhausted all Wang Xinling’s strength.

She is a medical student.

Know more about cancer than ordinary people.

And because of Su Chen, she is also crazy about bone cancer these days.

And the more she understood, the more desperate she became.

Bone cancer just means that the canceration starts from the periosteum part.

But the end point of cancer is not just bones, but every organ and every corner of the body!

Many times, people are desperate because they know the truth.

in the ward.

The atmosphere at the moment was heavy.

Everyone’s eyes fell on Su Chen’s delicate and young face.

But his eyes were closed, and there was no sign of waking up.

“Can Teacher Su Chen still wake up?”

Liu Huan was silent for a long time and asked in a low voice.

Wang Xinling nodded:

“Yes, but you won’t be awake for too long a day, at most, only two hours.”


in the ward.

There were heavy exhales and inhales.

The faces of Liu Huan and the others were extremely complicated at the moment!


With a heavy heart, Hu Yanbin realized something.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at Deng Ziqi and Sun Nan.

“Yes, but Teacher Su Chen is like this…”

“How did your previous songs come from?!”

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