After dinner, Cao Gong packed up and prepared to go out with Guan Xiaotong.

I have to fly to Hangzhou tonight, so I have to leave now.

When arriving at the airport, Guan Xiaotong’s outfit immediately attracted many passers-by.

When fans and photographers at the airport saw it, they all came over to take photos.

In fact, many bastards no longer have sex with Cao Gong

, but now a profession has emerged, that of acting as a photographer.

Agency photography is to take photos of celebrities and sell them online to make money.

Cao Gong knows this industry and understands that no matter how unhappy she is, it will be fine.

These agents will still continue to shoot because they can make money.

As long as they can make money, even if it causes discomfort to the celebrities, they will still take the photos, because if they take good photos, they can sell them for more money.

Knowing that this was the case, of course Cao Gong stopped talking.

As a star, he has been mentally prepared for this kind of thing for a long time. Even if he doesn’t want to do it, he still has to endure it.

Guan Tong is the one who takes the most photos now because she shows off her long legs in her outfit today. She wears a short dress and a mid-length dark blue colored sweater jacket.

On her feet were a pair of black straight boots, but they didn’t go over the knees, just close to the knees.

This exposed the middle part of Guan Xiaotong’s long legs.

As Guan Xiaotong, whose legs are more eye-catching than her face, her legs have always been the focus of everyone’s attention.

In fact, speaking of it, Guan Xiaotong’s legs attracted much attention because of what Cao Gong said.

Just because he said that Guan Xiaotong’s legs are longer than his life.

This made many people pay attention to Guan Xiaotong’s legs, which made her legs even more famous.

Among the female stars and actresses born in the 80s and 90s, no one has legs as big as Guan Xiaotong.

Her legs are longer than Guan Xiaotong’s, but not as slender and straight as hers.

They were as slender and straight as Guan Xiaotong’s legs, without her whiteness.

As slender, straight and white as Guan Xiaotong’s legs, but not as long as hers.

Many people compare Tang Yan’s legs with Guan Xiaotong’s.

Indeed, Tang Yan’s legs are also very long, white and straight.

However, Guan Xiaotong’s legs are longer than Tang Yan’s.

Moreover, Guan Xiaotong’s body proportions are longer than Tang Yan’s.

Although Tang Yan officially measured his leg length at 115 centimeters.

But when Tang Yan measured the length of his legs, he measured the length of his legs to the side of his waist.

In theory, this measurement is also correct.

But Guan Xiaotong’s 100-centimeter leg length only measured at the crotch, which is just below the waistline.

Tang Yan measured the waist position, and Guan Xiaotong measured the lower part of the waist.

In other words, when they measured the length of their legs, the measurement positions were different, and there was a whole difference in the length of the lower circumference. Of course, it looked like Tang Yan’s legs were longer.

Tang Yan’s official height is 172cm, which is definitely correct.

Guan Xiaotong’s official height is also 172cm, but in fact Cao Gong and others know that this is deliberately lowered.

The height of 175cm is not as easy as the height of 172cm.

If Tang Yan’s measurement method is followed, then Guan Xiaotong also measures the length of her legs, and if the position is below the waist and above the hips, then her leg length must be more than 110 centimeters.

It’s just that this data is too exaggerated and no one believes it.


At the airport, Cao Gong generously grabbed Guan Xiaotong’s delicate jade hand.

As he walked forward, the photographers also followed him.

Cao Gong couldn’t help but ask them:”How much can one of our photos sell online?”

“Well.”These agents are all embarrassed. I didn’t expect Cao Gong to ask this.

“Let’s make an exchange. I’ll take my photos for you, and you’ll answer my questions. Isn’t that too much?”

“Brother, are you really so easy to talk to?”These proxy photographers are all embarrassed.

“Otherwise, I will let the bodyguards clear the way and not let you take close-up pictures?”Cao Gong smiled and said

“All right.”These proxies can only agree.

“How much does it usually cost for you to take photos of our celebrities?”Cao Gong asked directly

“It depends on what kind of photos they are. Generally speaking, 100 photos from different angles will cost 300 when packaged..”

“For videos, it’s 200 yuan each.”

“500 yuan for 3 videos plus 100 photos.”The photography agent was also very happy.

When Cao Gong heard this, he couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows:”100 photos are only 300 yuan, which is 3 yuan each.”

“If it is sold to one fan, it is 300, if it is sold to 10 fans, it is 3,000, and if it is sold to 100 fans, it is 30,000. It says it is exclusive, but after selling it to fans, who cares about this?”

“If this is the case, no wonder you work so hard to follow our celebrities.”

After understanding this, Cao Gong couldn’t help but smile. This job is great.

But it’s much freer and more comfortable than when you go to work.

“But there is something else, right?”Cao Gong felt that there should be something else.

“Yes, if you take some out-of-circle pictures, the price can reach 1,000 yuan.”

The auction agent also mentioned the top prices in this industry.

“1,000 yuan a piece?”Even Guan Xiaotong exclaimed, this is too crazy.

“Yes.”These proxies are particularly proud of this.

Cao Gong and Guan Xiaotong will not say more. This kind of rice circle economy derived from the traffic economy is indeed a behavior that many celebrities hate.

But they don’t hate it. The solution is that today’s society is like this.

Everyone is just trying to make ends meet. Do they care whether you hate them or not?

You are a star and enjoy the following of millions of fans, so you have to bear this.

If you think you are If the filming has an impact on your behavior, then you can spend more money to hire security guards to clear the way, or you can give up your super popularity and fans.

As long as you are not popular anymore, fans will still find agents to take pictures of you. Photo?

If I’m not your fan���If I want your photos, I will definitely not hire a proxy to take your photos.

Although this is the abnormal love of fans, there is nothing we can do about it.

A fan may never see you in his lifetime, so it makes sense for him to spend hundreds of dollars to buy your photos.

These are all relative. As a popular star, you make so much money every year. How can you be so smooth and not have any troubles at all? Why

“Brother-in-law, what do you think of our industry? Do you hate it? Still against it?”

I asked Cao Gong among these proxy shoots and wanted to hear his opinion.

“It’s definitely impossible to say that I don’t hate it, right?”

“Like I ask you, do you hate me? Still support me?”

“You must say you support it, but there must be things you hate about it. This is all relative. 0… ”

“Your proxy shooting has indeed brought a lot of trouble and trouble to our stars.”

“But you don’t want to think about it. In today’s society, you have to work hard and go to work, and you don’t know when you will be able to buy a house with the salary you get.”

“And you know that proxy shooting can make money, so you got into this business. It is also because of the pressure of life, and it is also to make money so that you can have a good life.”

“Being able to make money as a proxy agent is also one of your abilities and abilities”

“I hate it, but I understand your work”

“Ask me if I object? I don’t object, but I don’t support it either”

“Because this is your choice. Whether I object or not, it should not affect your choice.”

“It’s like I’m so carefree, holding Xiao Tong’s hand today and Reba’s hand tomorrow”

“Do you hate it? Object? I definitely hate it, I definitely oppose it, but your opposition and dislike cannot influence my choice.”

Cao Gong’s words were captured on video by a proxy photographer.

Such sober words were circulated crazily on Weibo afterwards.

After seeing it, many people liked it one after another.

Some people even, I know that agency photography can make money, but I still can’t do it myself.

It seems that agency photography only needs to take photos with celebrities, but you have to have a fan channel to sell.

If you don’t have a fan channel to sell, How to make money?

Also, you need to have channels to understand the celebrities’ schedules.

Otherwise, if you don’t even know the celebrities’ schedules, how can you take photos of celebrities?

Unless you are squatting in Hengdian, you will definitely meet It’s time to become a star

“Brother-in-law, are you and all your sisters really dating?”

“That’s right, brother-in-law, are you dating all the female celebrities you have been rumored to have affairs with?

Facing these questions, Cao Gong just smiled and said,”We don’t have any relationship, it’s just a good relationship.””

This answer gives me a lot of understanding.

If the relationship is good, how good is it? If it is good enough to have children, then it is also a good relationship.

It is true that we are not dating, but we live together 1.4 years ago

“Hey, you are not dating, why are you still living together?”Some proxy photographers expressed their disbelief.

“How do you know we are living together or not living together?”Cao Gong laughed and asked the agent.

“”Pfft~” This boyfriend’s explanation made Guan Xiaotong cover her mouth and smile.

“What are you renting together? Are you still renting together when you are so rich?”The agent said angrily.

“It’s true that I have money, but I hate living alone”

“Living with a roommate makes you feel less lonely and cold.”

Cao Gong, this is serious nonsense like a textbook.

But it happens. You know he is talking nonsense, but there is nothing you can do about it.

Yes, we are living together, but how do you know we are not living together? What?

Anyway, after we get home, you don’t know what we will do, right?

“Okay, we’re already at the boarding gate, don’t follow us.”Cao Gong smiled and said to these agents.

After checking the boarding pass, Cao Gong, Guan Xiaotong and their staff all boarded the plane together.

Come to your place and do it, Xiao The two of them stayed together chatting and talking about love.

Guan Xiaotong held her boyfriend’s arm and her pretty face turned red because of her boyfriend’s dirty talk.

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