“Do you want Sister Mi and Sister Liying to attend the Spring Festival Gala together? Guan Xiaotong guessed

“Uh, is it that obvious?”To be honest, he didn’t expect to be noticed.

Yang Mi and Zhao Liying have not been to the Spring Festival Gala yet. This may be an opportunity.

Moreover, Liu Yifei has not been to the Spring Festival Gala either.

If possible, he really wants to let Mi Feiying and these three 85 flowers will go to the Spring Festival Gala together.

If Mi Feiying can really be allowed to attend the Spring Festival Gala, it will definitely attract a lot of people’s attention.

Just kidding, Yang Mi and Zhao Liying collaborated, this is already the biggest collaboration of the century.

More What’s more, Yang Mi, Liu Yifei, and Zhao Liying are collaborating on the same stage.

This collaboration will definitely overturn the entire entertainment industry.

As long as it succeeds, next year’s Spring Festival Gala will definitely be the most successful one.

“Of course.”In her opinion, this was quite obvious.

She drove back to her home in the capital, which is the house Cao Gong bought in the capital.

No. 8 Xiaoyun Road, Cao Gong had never lived in this house.

Although , opposite the community is Guan Xiaotong’s house.

However, neither of them went home. Instead, they were most comfortable in their own nests.

Without family members, they could live without any worries.

There was no need to worry about being The family was embarrassed.

Guan Xiaotong’s parents also knew that their daughter lived at No. 8 Hesheng Xiaoyun Road, opposite their home.

As for why their daughter wanted to live out, their parents also knew.

First, it was because their daughter had grown up. They need to have their own private space.

Secondly, their daughter does not support their investment in business; they have also promised that as long as all the money their daughter earns every year is handed over to them, then they will not They knew how to invest in the side business, and they would not use their daughter’s popularity and identity to invest in the side business.

They had already agreed, and their daughter gave them 230 of their income, but they broke their promise.

In the end, they still invested in the side business, although not as their daughter. The registered ones did not use their daughter’s popularity to promote this side business, but they still invested.

Since they invested, they would break their promise.

Therefore, Guan Xiaotong decided not to give them all his annual income.

Only They will give some living expenses every month.

The so-called living expenses are 200,000 yuan a month.

Guan Xiaotong cannot give 1 million yuan a month for living expenses. In this way, it will be 12 million a year.

200,000 yuan a year Living expenses are 2.4 million a year, which is a lot.

No matter what they want to invest or do with this 2.4 million, that’s how much they will be given every month anyway.

Knowing that they want to invest in a side business, no matter how much they want to give, She is also invested in it.

And because of this matter, Guan Xiaotong goes home very rarely.

She will only take the initiative to go home during the New Year, holidays and her parents’ birthdays.

Otherwise, on weekdays, she would need to call her parents She was called to go back for dinner.

Because she went back, she knew that her parents wanted to tell her about investing in a side business.

The most important point is that Guan Xiaotong’s current assets are close to 10 billion.

Before Cao Gong used the money she earned to invest in stocks and earned 8.8 billion through stock trading.

But Guan Xiaotong was smart enough not to tell her parents about this money.

Because she knew very well that if her parents knew about it, they would definitely tell them. , 200,000 yuan a month for living expenses is not enough.

You may ask for 3 million yuan a month for living expenses.

In this way, your parents will be even more of a bottomless pit. When

Guan Xiaotong grows up, he will have to live with his parents The calculation is so clear.

It’s not that Guan Xiaotong wants to be on guard against her parents.

She doesn’t want to be on guard, but her parents’ current thoughts have made her have to be on guard.

Now her parents are obsessed with investing in side businesses. , now she is just investing in a milk tea shop.

If they know that her daughter is now a billionaire, she might even have crazy ideas and want to invest in a company or something.

Therefore, her real assets are not She told her parents.

Only her boyfriend and a few sisters know about her assets.

Even her agent and assistants don’t know about it.

Because Cao Gong earned her 10 billion assets by helping her trade stocks, so naturally he is helping. take care of


“Phew~” Guan Xiaotong, dripping with sweat, was wrapped in a thin blanket and half lying on the sofa.

“My throat is dry.”After exercising, Cao Gong felt that his mouth was dry.

Guan Xiaotong, who was half lying down, stretched out her long pink legs and pinched the soft flesh of her boyfriend’s waist with her toes.

“Your throat is still dry. How much did you drink just now?”She was blushing and almost dying of embarrassment.

Her boyfriend’s fascination with her always made Guan Xiaotong’s heart overflowing with sweetness.

When they were young, they really played crazy in this regard.

Cao Gong was shirtless and holding a hand with his left hand. Looking at Guan Xiaotong’s slightly wet feet.

With her boyfriend’s big hands holding her feet, Guan Xiaotong’s heart began to beat wildly again.

There were a lot of water stains on the leather sofa, which looked a bit like tea.

Because of this, Guan Xiaotong’s feet are just like that.

Of course, they just look like tea

“Drink some tea to soothe your throat.”After making tea, he brought a cup to Guan Xiaotong.

Guan Xiaotong, wrapped in a blanket, looked at her boyfriend and smiled.

“Why do you have a sense of déjà vu as Dalang drinks medicine?”

Cao Gong, who didn’t expect this at first, was amused by her.

“If it were changed, it would be true.”Cao Gong felt that this was true.

Guan Xiaotong took the tea cup and drank the tea inside.

It was not very hot, tasted very good, and was a little sweet.

Her boyfriend likes tea, and she must have tea here. She helped get these tea leaves.

Because her boyfriend asked a friend to get the tea leaves, she went to help get the tea leaves in the capital, and then brought them back here. They have been kept here. She can also drink tea herself.

Previous She doesn’t know how to drink tea. She drinks whenever she can.

But it’s different now. She also drinks tea on weekdays and learns how to make tea. She didn’t know how to make tea before because her boyfriend likes to drink tea and she is also influenced by it. Under the influence, she fell in love with drinking tea.

Drinking tea is good for the body, which made her also fascinated by tea.

Cao Gong, who put on his pants, was too lazy to get a rag to wipe the water on the sofa.

He just wiped it with his own clothes Got it

“oops! You are so dirty.”When she saw her boyfriend using his clothes to wipe the sofa, Guan Xiaotong was very anxious.

“Are they dirty? Do you still want these clothes?”The blushing Guan Xiaotong glared at him angrily.

“I’m too lazy to get a rag. Besides, these clothes need to be washed later.”

“Just wipe it off with your clothes and then put it in the washing machine to wash it off.”

“Besides, if I wipe the water on the sofa with my clothes, I can’t take my clothes?”

“Then I don’t want my mouth anymore?”Cao Gong deliberately smiled and asked Guan Xiaotong

“Oops, too lazy to tell you.”Guan Xiaotong’s pretty face was flushed, obviously she was shy.

“Ha~” This is the effect we want, otherwise why would we use clothes to wipe it?

“Tired? Can I go in and put hot water in for you to take a bath?”At this time, taking a bath is definitely the most comfortable thing.

“Um.”Now she really wants to take a bath

“After taking a bath, let’s go out to eat. We’re hungry.”Guan Xiaotong said that he was going out to eat

“good.”My girlfriend said she wanted to go out to eat, so just go out to eat with her.

After saying that, he went into the bathroom and opened the faucet in the bathtub.

Hot water came out.

The bathtub was big, and it was enough for three people. There is a space for an adult to come in and take a bath.

Therefore, it will definitely take a lot of time to put in the water and take a bath. In order to save time, Cao Gong turned on the water shower in the bathtub. It was not enough.

He also had to turn on the bathtub standing next to him. The shower head was also brought over, placed next to the bathtub, and hot water was poured into it.

Two shower heads were used to fill the water, so that the bathtub could be filled with water faster.

Cao Gong, who had completed all this, had to wait for a while. It took a while.

After coming out of the bathroom, Cao Gong came to Guan Xiaotong. After resting for a few minutes, Guan Xiaotong, who had regained some strength now, immediately came to her boyfriend’s side. She got into her boyfriend’s body.

Sitting in my arms, watching him pick up the phone

“What to eat? Let’s take a look first and reserve a location and time.”

“Otherwise, I’m afraid that if I wait outside, I won’t have a seat, which will be very embarrassing.”

Looking at the pictures on Meituan on the mobile phone, Cao Gong gave the phone to Guan Xiaotong.

He asked Guan Xiaotong to watch Meituan by herself, and then he hugged her.

His left hand went around Guan Xiaotong’s back and hugged her Delicate body.

Guan Xiaotong rests her head on her boyfriend’s shoulder and chest, holding her mobile phone in both hands to look at it.

Cao Gong’s free right hand is full of various wandering things.

“eat hot pot?”Guan Xiaotong looked at it and thought of hot pot.

“No, I feel like after eating the hot pot made by a Cantonese like you, I can’t get used to spicy hot pot and red oil hot pot. These hot pots are very spicy and refreshing to eat. That’s right.”

“But your Cantonese clear soup hotpot, with hot ingredients, tastes more tender and delicious.”

“It’s also beef. The beef cooked in the spicy hot pot tastes hard, but the clear soup hot pot tastes tender. I don’t know why.”Guan Xiaotong doesn’t know it herself, but she just likes to eat.

Guan Xiaotong, who was watching Meituan choose a place, also enjoyed her boyfriend’s wandering around.

“Eat roast duck? Guan Xiaotong thought for a while and asked her boyfriend if he wanted to eat roast duck.

“Is it tasty?”This question made Guan Xiaotong think about the new world.

“Have you ever tried our Beijing roast duck?”Don’t tell me, she really didn’t expect it.

“Never had it before. When I came to the capital before, I didn’t even have time to go out to eat.”

“Otherwise, when we go out to eat, it’s all decided by others.”

“Later I came to the capital to work, but I didn’t even have the chance to eat out.”

“Later, I wanted to eat it once, but a friend from the capital told me not to go to Quanjude to eat roast duck. It was not delicious, so don’t eat it. After hearing what he said, I never went there.”

“Indeed. Guan Xiaotong said in agreement:”Quanjude is indeed in trouble now.””

“But there is another nice place, I will take you there.”Guan Xiaotong said happily

“OK, it’s up to you.”With that said, he picked up Guan Xiaotong.

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