After getting up, Cao Gong went to brush his teeth and wash his face.

After it was finished, he came out and asked:”Director, what should I do with this millet?”

“Why do you ask?”Seeing Cao Gong getting up and still caring about this, the director was naturally surprised.

“Of course I have to ask, this millet must be poured out and dried, otherwise it will be put in the bag like this. If the moisture is not dried, it will easily become moldy and black, and some of it has even touched water, and the weather is so hot. , if you simmer it for a day or two, it might sprout.”

“This is several tons of millet. If it really becomes moldy, turns black, or sprouts,”

“I’m afraid these tons of millet will be wasted.”.

“Therefore, this millet needs to be dried to some extent today, and a sufficiently open place must be found to dry it.”

Cao Gong’s reminder made the director realize this problem.

The director is not from the countryside. He didn’t know that the millet was going to be dried immediately.

He thought it was dried by some means, or something like drying.

If Cao Gong hadn’t reminded him, he might have stayed here for two or three days.

“OK, I will call the landlord and ask him what to do.”

After the director answered, he immediately called and contacted

Cao Gong. However, Cao Gong’s reminder was praised by many viewers.

Although it may be a trivial thing, it seems that there is no need to remind him.

But if you remind me more, this will not matter. What’s not allowed? After all, this is several tons of grain.

If it is really messed up, several tons of grain will be lost.

Because of this, everyone has a better impression of Cao Gong.

Cao Gong looked at it , what should we make for breakfast?

In the room, Yang Mi turned around and hugged Guan Xiaotong who was beside her.

The two clothes in the room of their female guests had been pushed together and merged.

So Yang Mi rolled around You can come to Guan Xiaotong’s side.

Feeling the softness on your back, Guan Xiaotong deliberately bumped her shoulder blades against hers.

“Oh, don’t bump your shoulders.”Yang Mi blushed a little and felt embarrassed.

“Get up, I’m hungry.”Guan Xiaotong was hugged and told her to get up.

“Just be lazy for another 20 minutes. My husband got up to make breakfast. It would take 30 minutes if it was fast, and an hour if it was slow. What’s more, he didn’t know what could be made for breakfast here.”

Indeed, Yang Mi’s reminder also reminded Guan Xiaotong.

This is not home. You have to take a look at what you want to eat for breakfast.

Cao Gong, who is outside, has also found out what to eat for breakfast. If you eat in the countryside, If you want to say that he is familiar with it, he is a little familiar with it.

If you want to say that he is not familiar with it, he is indeed not familiar with it.

Her mother’s hometown is in the countryside. Cao Gong used to celebrate New Years and holidays, so of course she went back.

But in the past two years, he has been busy because of his busy schedule. , I just didn’t go back.

Otherwise, every Spring Festival, he would go back to his hometown with his grandparents, uncles and aunts to celebrate the New Year.

He searched in the kitchen and found flour

“Oh, noodles? This is difficult for me as a southerner.”

“Although it’s true that I can cook, I’m not very good at the pasta that northerners like to eat.”

“Of course, I will definitely make it, and it will also taste delicious.”

“But I really don’t know how to make noodles and ramen.”

Seeing these ramen, Cao Gong didn’t know what to say.

Audiences watching the show all posted comments:

“It’s true, it’s true that southerners can make and eat noodles, but they can’t mix them.”

“It’s not an exaggeration to say that southerners who know how to cook can’t make noodles.”

“Unlike northerners who eat dumplings, southerners have to roll out their own dumpling wrappers;”

“People in the South buy ready-made dumpling wrappers, so they really don’t know how to mix and knead the dough as much as people in the North do.”

Cao Gong was not good at this, so he searched for videos on the Internet.

He was not in a hurry. With his IQ and cooking skills, he believed that as long as he watched the videos, he should be able to learn how to do it now. If you sell now, you may lose money, but it’s better than learning.

“What are you looking at?”After washing, Yang Mi walked down and saw him looking at his mobile phone.

“Watch the tutorial.”Cao Gong answered his girlfriend’s question seriously.

“Watch…the dough making tutorial? Seeing this, Yang Mi was surprised:”You don’t know how to make friends?”!”

“Nope!”He really doesn’t know how to do this, so there’s no need to show off.

“No, no, you can cook, but you can’t make noodles?”

“Who said that if you can cook, you can make noodles?”Cao Gong couldn’t even laugh or cry.

“Haha~” Yang Mi, who knew this, felt it was very magical.

“Haha~ I didn’t mean to make fun of you, I was just surprised”

“Tell me about you, the noodles you make for us on weekdays are delicious.”

“But you don’t know how to meet?”To be honest, Yang Mi is very happy.

It’s good and happy to finally have someone that her boyfriend doesn’t know.

After all, she has discovered that her boyfriend seems to have nothing to do with her in the past two years. No, there is no way he can’t.

But today I know that he can’t even make noodles. How can Yang Mi be unhappy?

“No, the noodles I make for you on weekdays are all ready-made noodles.”

“It’s the kind of noodles that can be found everywhere in supermarkets outside.”He’s also very honest.

“But yes, you prefer eating porridge to eating noodles.”

“Although you have cooked a lot of noodles for us, you have never made porridge for us to drink.”

“The noodles you make may not be made once a month.”

“But if you make porridge, do it at least once a month”

“No wonder I always feel that the noodles you make taste good, but the texture just feels a bit strange.”

“So the noodles you used were dried noodles? I remembered.”Yang Mi said with a smile.

“So what happened? ?”He doesn’t understand. Is there anything wrong with this?”

“Did you know that for northerners, eating instant noodles is not as good as hanging noodles?”

“ah?”Cao Gong, who heard about this for the first time, was particularly surprised.

“Yes, we people in the capital are fine, but for people in northern areas such as Shanxi Province and the three northeastern provinces, the status of noodles is not even as good as instant noodles; and for them, eating noodles requires being too poor to open the pot. When it comes to eating, it can even be said that I would rather be hungry than eat noodles.”

With Yang Mi’s popularity, Cao Gong realized that the northerners were so persistent in their opposition.

“Is that so? After Cao Gong understood it, he said,”I really can’t understand this.””

“But as a Cantonese, I feel that noodles are for emergency use.”

·· ·Asking for flowers···· ········

“Or for us southerners, when we get off work in the evening, we can just eat something to cope with the situation.”

“Or maybe I’m hungry before going to bed at night and don’t want to go out to eat, so I order some noodles.”

“We eat noodles because they are clean and convenient.”

“Otherwise, just kneading the noodles would be troublesome enough, and you also have to stretch or cut the noodles.”

“In order to go through so much trouble to eat a bowl of noodles, I have the time and mood, so I might as well cook rice and stir-fry vegetables to eat. Originally eating noodles is just for convenience, but in the end, to eat noodles, you have to knead, stretch, and Cooking noodles is so troublesome, so I’d better go hungry.”

“Haha~” Yang Mi can understand her boyfriend’s mood.

At the same time, after the show was broadcast, many southern viewers expressed their approval.

Southerners eat noodles because they are really convenient.

If I have the time to knead noodles and stretch them, Noodles/cut noodles, then why don’t I stir-fry myself?

I cook the noodles myself, and the idea is that I can eat them within 10 minutes.

But it turns out that it takes at least 30 minutes to make, stretch, and cook the noodles.


I have the time, so I might as well cook something myself. Wouldn’t it be more delicious?

“So why are you thinking about learning now?”Yang Mi asked him

“Isn’t it because we can’t find noodles? If you can’t find dried noodles, you can only learn them.”

“Then you make porridge.”Yang Mi reminded him with a smile, why don’t you make porridge?

“I’m afraid that everyone won’t be used to it. After all, this is not our home.”

“If it were you and Xiao Tong, it wouldn’t matter if you make porridge and drink it.”

“But I didn’t know whether Teacher Huang and Teacher He drank porridge, so I didn’t make porridge.

Hearing this, Yang Mi smiled slightly:”Those who haven’t gotten up yet will have breakfast when they wake up. How can they be picky about this?” Some are good to eat.”

You can tell from this that Yang Mi feels very sorry for her boyfriend.

“Okay, I won’t learn this thing anymore. I’m afraid I’ll overturn later and my good cooking persona will collapse.”

“Make porridge and drink it.”Cao Gong decisively decided to make porridge.

Her boyfriend’s deliberate joke successfully made Yang Mi laugh.

When Cao Gong came to the kitchen, he quickly washed the pot, washed rice and made porridge.

He also found red dates, Longan, barley, and milk.

After putting these things in, slowly cook this pot of beauty porridge.

“Audiences watching the show can learn to cook this porridge and drink it”

“Boys have learned how to drink it for their girlfriends to beautify their skin.”

“Girls have learned how to drink it for themselves to beautify their skin.”

“Longan meat, red dates, barley, and milk are combined with this beauty porridge cooked with rice. Its functions can nourish the mind and calm the mind, improve the color and beauty, promote muscle growth and wrinkle removal, moisturize and smooth the skin, anti-aging and beautify the skin.”

“Of course, it doesn’t mean that you can achieve obvious effects after just one drink.”

“As breakfast, you can drink it for a long time, and after a while, you will be pleasantly surprised.”

Cao Gong looked at the camera and shared with all the viewers how to make this beauty and beauty porridge.

Not to mention, many viewers actually learned to make this beauty and beauty porridge after watching it.

Many people also ate it continuously. After a year, I came back and posted a barrage to prove it.

Some people succeeded, and of course some failed for a long time.

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