Cao Gong, who was writing the lyrics with a pen, carefully revised the lyrics.

I sang it silently once I had written it, and revised any lyrics I felt were not good.

“Cao Gong, are you here to watch and give me some advice?”

“I don’t know how to make duck with black bean sauce and baked chicken with oysters, so I need your guidance.”

Huang Lei, who was busy in the kitchen, asked Cao Gong to help.

Cao Gong put down his lyrics book and went over to Huang Lei to take a look.

He saw the chicken that Huang Lei had prepared and a whole duck that had not been chopped.

Cao Gong asked. He yawned:”If you want to eat this black bean duck quickly, just chop it into pieces.””

“If you don’t have to wait to eat it, just braise it whole~”Cao Gong, who had his hands behind his back, didn’t have to do anything, he just watched from the side.

But Zhang Yixing went to play the piano, and there was some music in this mushroom house.

The atmosphere is much better

“Cao Gong, please use the electronic keyboard to play the song”Daoxiang” you composed today. Let us enjoy the electronic keyboard version.”Zhang Yixing, who was playing the electronic keyboard, asked him.

Cao Gong, who was originally instructing Huang Lei to make black bean duck,���Zhang Yixing replied,”Wait a moment.”

But seeing Huang Lei dragging his feet and taking his time made him want to kill that guy.

“Oops, get out of your way, clumsy one, I’ll do it.”

Can’t stand it anymore, Cao Gong asked Teacher Huang to step aside.

Huang Lei was disliked for cooking, so He Jiong couldn’t hold it back:”Haha~”

“This is the first time I have seen Teacher Huang being disliked while cooking.”

“Teacher Huang used to cook, and everyone praised his delicious cooking.”

“But today, Teacher Huang was criticized by Cao Gong for being clumsy in cooking.”

“Haha~” Peng Yuchang on the side smiled even more devilishly.

Huang Lei didn’t feel embarrassed, but was happy and relaxed:”That’s fine, I don’t have to do it.”

“If I hadn’t seen you hungry, I wouldn’t have wanted to do anything when I saw you taking your time.”

“Just a few dishes, and it took three hours to prepare them? waste time”

“My time is precious, okay?”At this point, Cao Gong smiled sinisterly.

“After eating, I have to wash the dishes and chopsticks, and then I have to do the laundry for Yang Mi.”

“After washing the clothes, I still have to wash her hair and feet. My time is very busy.”

“Phew~” Her boyfriend started acting like a monster again. Yang Mi was amused:”Stop talking nonsense.”

“When the show airs, the audience will think I abused you.”

“Are you going to wash my hair and feet?”Yang Mi looked at her boyfriend with a smile.

“Do you dare to say that I haven’t?”Cao Gong, who was cooking, looked at Yang Mi next to her and asked her with a smile.

“……”Yang Mi did not answer this question.

Including Guan Xiaotong, they have the least say in this kind of matter.

Because, Cao Gong really washed the head, bathe and feet of any of them.

After all, she is a girl, and she will always be weak.

When you’re on your period and it’s so painful that you can’t even move, you really need your boyfriend to take care of you.

As for washing their hair, Cao Gong actually enjoyed washing their hair.

Even more so when taking a bath, which is his favorite.

As for washing their feet, Cao Gong also washed their feet when they felt uncomfortable.

“Xiao Tong, look here.”Cao Gong pointed to the air in front of him and reminded Guan Xiaotong

“What to see?”Guan Xiaotong didn’t understand what her boyfriend was referring to.

“Didn’t you see? There is a barrage here.”

After Cao Gong reminded him, he continued:”The barrage said: I also want to wash Damimi’s feet.”

“Hahaha~” At this time, everyone in the mushroom house burst out laughing.

“And here, this barrage says: Can you wash the feet of our damimi and save the galaxy in your previous life?”

“Pffff~” Yang Mi, who is sweet and happy, is very shy on the outside.

“Don’t talk nonsense.”

Yang Mi quickly raised her hand to cover her boyfriend’s mouth, telling him not to talk nonsense.

Although she is very sweet and happy, she is still shy.

After this episode was broadcast, many viewers In conjunction with posting such a barrage.

It doesn’t matter if the audience doesn’t post it. The editing teacher in the later period also added special effects to this barrage.

“Mi, is it…” Teacher He was about to ask Yang Mi, but was interrupted by Cao Gong:”Wait a minute”

“Teacher He, are you very close? honey? I don’t even have the right to call her.”

Her boyfriend’s jealousy made Yang Mi burst into laughter.

“Are you even jealous of this?”Teacher He who was asked also laughed angrily.

“It would be weird not to be jealous, right?”Cao Gong feels that he is jealous, right?

“So what do you usually call Mimi?”This time, Teacher He changed a

“depend on mood”

“Usually it’s Mimi”

“When we quarrel, just Yang Mi”

“When I need pocket money, I turn to my sister”

“My wife is my wife when I see her chatting with a man other than me.”

“She fucks her child in front of her parents.”

Cao Gong’s name for Yang Mi made even her smile happily.

“In front of Mimi’s family, you called the child’s mother?”Huang Lei found it unbelievable.

“yes.”Cao Gong is definitely telling lies.

“What about in front of that woman?”Yang Mi couldn’t help but asked.

“Your mortal enemy.”Cao Gong answered Damimi without hesitation and expressionlessly.

Yang Mi smiled and raised her hand to greet Cao Gong’s ears.

“What about you, Xiao Tong?”Huang Lei was also very curious and asked Cao Gong

“When drinking, come to Sister Guan and go away”

“Haha~” Guan Xiaotong, who was looking forward to it, burst into laughter in one second.

“Really, I treat her like my girlfriend and my wife”

“She treats me like a buddy”

“I suspect that when she is with me, she is either looking for a date or a drinking buddy.”

She really couldn’t listen anymore, so she covered her boyfriend’s mouth.

After covering her mouth, Guan Xiaotong said shyly:”You didn’t drink with me much, didn’t you?!”

“That’s because we don’t get together very often. We often don’t see each other for a month or two.”

“Whenever we meet, whenever we live under the same roof at night, you will drag me for a drink or two.”

“When other men hear”have a drink”, it’s their brothers who say it to them.”

“I heard you told me to drink some.”

Guan Xiaotong is shy and sweet, because she really likes to find boyfriends to drink with her.

“Does Xiao Tong like drinking so much?”Huang Bo didn’t expect that Guan Xiaotong liked drinking so much.

“Yes, isn’t red wine a beauty treatment? It’s also good for the body”

“And drinking red wine can cultivate a woman’s temperament.”

At this point, Guan Xiaotong knows more, otherwise he wouldn’t be so serious.

· ·········Asking for flowers·· ······

Cao Gong liked Guan Xiaotong, he liked drinking.

Although it is true that she likes to drink, she will not go out to drink casually.

If she wants to drink, she will keep it under control.

The people who let her drink outside are all good friends.

Guan Xiaotong would not drink if there were strangers present.

Because she was worried that strangers she didn’t know would have some special purpose for her.

You can’t blame her for having such thoughts, after all, she is a beautiful woman and a female star in the entertainment industry.

If the other party has ulterior motives and she drinks too much, something will happen and the problem will be huge; so when she goes out to drink, she basically looks for familiar people and good connections to go out to drink.

Otherwise, she would just drink it at home.

And when she goes out to drink, she must bring her assistant and bodyguard with her.

The bodyguards were arranged by Cao Gong for them. Whenever they go out, they will definitely bring bodyguards with them.

“Sing me a song.”

While Cao Gong was cooking, Guan Xiaotong held Yang Mi’s hand and acted coquettishly with her boyfriend.

……….. 0

The coquettish Guan Xiaotong said to her boyfriend:”You haven’t written a song for me for a long time.”

“The last time you wrote a song for me was in May last year. It’s been more than a year.”

“Yes.”If it weren’t for what Guan Xiaotong said, Cao Gong really wouldn’t have known that it had been so long.

“Yes, what you wrote to Reba is much older.”Of course Guan Xiaotong is envious.

Cao Gong looked at the tall and sweet Guan Xiaotong next to him and smiled. The only thing he has written for Guan Xiaotong so far is”Xiao Tong (Xiao Wei)”》、《These two songs”Everything I See Are You”

The moment Guan Xiaotong looked at her boyfriend, sweet ripples appeared in her heart.

Even though countless spectators were watching, Cao Gong, who was making black bean duck, still leaned over.

Under the gaze of millions of pairs of eyes, Cao Gong kissed Guan Xiaotong

“oops.”Seeing this scene, He Jiong, Huang Lei and others all turned around.

“”Pfft~” Guan Xiaotong hugged Yang Mi happily.

But after kissing his girlfriend, Cao Gong sang a sweet song while cooking.

“Your shallow smile is like, Umeko-chan~”

“I tasted the lipstick on the corner of your mouth, it tastes like mint~”

“It’s sweet love, it comes so surely”

“Because of your every shy reaction~~”

Guan Xiaotong, who was originally shy, was instantly sweetened when she heard these lyrics.

And these lyrics are very consistent with her current situation. I just kissed her, and the lyrics include”I tasted the lipstick on the corner of your mouth, it tastes like mint.”

You said it should be appropriate for the occasion but not the occasion. Now, Guan Xiaotong also understood why. Her boyfriend would kiss her in broad daylight.

It turned out that he kissed her because of the lyrics of this song.

Even Zhang Yixing and Huang Bo were very surprised that Cao Gong actually opened his mouth and came.

And it’s this kind of sweet love song that all girls love and can’t stop singing.

As the person involved, Guan Xiaotong is naturally sweetened by her boyfriend’s song.

What she didn’t expect was that her boyfriend would sing such a sweet love song to her after kissing her.

This is the sweet love song she wants, sweet love, paired with sweet love songs, a perfect match.

This also made her look at Cao Gong with tears in her eyes.

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