Finally, we asked people from the village for help and drove a harvester to harvest the rice.

After harvesting the rice, there is another problem.

After the rice is harvested with a harvester, the grains are packed bag by bag in snakeskin bags, and then people need to go over and carry the bagged grains back..

“Wow, so heavy.”Teacher He came to help, thinking of picking up a bag and trying it out.

But after picking it up for a while, he immediately put it down.

Zhang Yixing and Peng Yuchang were also there to help.

“Are you okay? Don’t wait until your back injury gets worse.”

Seeing Zhang Yixing’s actions from the side, Huang Bo, who is a good big brother, was worried about him.

The audience, or the black fans.

They may not know that Zhang Yixing has a waist injury, or they do not believe that Zhang Yixing has a waist injury.

But as Zhang Yixing I’m a good friend, but I know that he does have a back injury.

“It should be fine.”Although he has a back injury, he still has to work.

“Forget it, just don’t move, otherwise I will have to help you see a doctor later.”

“To treat you, you have to pay me for medical expenses. It doesn’t matter if I charge you, or if you don’t.”

“Haha~” Zhang Yixing laughed after being stopped.

Yang Mi and Guan Xiaotong came over to try it out and found that the bag of rice was quite heavy.

After trying it, Guan Xiaotong couldn’t hold it up and asked,”Is this right? Is it 90 pounds?”

“It felt more than enough, heavier than me.”In Yang Mi’s opinion, this is indeed very serious.

“I can hold you, but I can’t hold this bag of rice.”

Yang Mi said, squatting down again, 18 bent over and tried to pick up the bag of millet.

However, with all her strength, she could only pick up the millet. The height was about the position of her belly.

It could only be lifted off the ground. That’s all, I can’t even take a step.

“Wow!!!!”When he saw that Yang Mi could actually be picked up, Teacher He was shocked.

“……”Zhang Yixing and Peng Yuchang, who are also men, were also very surprised.

You know, as men, the two of them can only pick up and walk a few steps, and then they can’t.

Especially Teacher He, who can only pick up a bag of millet, which is about thirty or forty centimeters high.

Then he tried to take a step but couldn’t get out. In the end, he was helpless and had no choice but to let it go.

Huang Bo and Wang Xun were a little better, able to pick up a bag of millet and walk a certain distance.

This can actually be seen.

They are all from the city and don’t have to do hard work on weekdays, so of course they can’t carry them.

But if this was placed in the countryside, any woman could hold a generation of grain.

“It’s really heavy and slippery. I can hold it up, but I can’t walk.”

“I can easily pick you up in my arms, and then walk out for more than ten meters without any problem.”

With that said, Yang Mi was about to hug Guan Xiaotong and give it a try.

Guan Xiaotong stood sideways in front of Yang Mi, then put his hands around her neck, ready to be hugged by Princess Yang Mi; but Yang Mi Ask her:”How much do you weigh now?””

“97.”Guan Xiaotong felt embarrassed when he revealed his weight.

“Why are you shy? You are 172cm tall and only 97 pounds. You are very slim and thin, okay?”

“But sister, you are only 92.” Guan Xiaotong cares about this very much.

“Then I’m not 6 centimeters shorter than you, and it’s more than 6 centimeters, right?

Yang Mi’s smile made Guan Xiaotong say firmly:”It’s just 6 centimeters.””

The two sisters bickered for a while, and then Yang Mi asked the princess to pick up Guan Xiaotong.

Audiences watching the show saw the two beauties hugging the princess so intimately, and of course they liked it.

After being picked up by the princess, Guan Xiaotong also She kissed Yang Mi’s pretty face very shyly.

Yang Mi, who was kissed on the cheek by her sister, was a little shy and lowered her head.

Because she was hugged by the princess, she lowered her head, almost burying her face in Guan Xiaotong’s body. The two people were so close, and the viewers of the show certainly loved watching it.

After carrying a bag, Cao Gong came out and saw the two beauties showing off their affection.

He didn’t say anything, just bent down to pick up a 90-pound bag of He picked up rice.

After picking him up, he easily threw the bag of millet onto his shoulders.

Although Cao Gong had never done hard work after his rebirth and time travel, he had done hard work in his previous life and had carried rice. He has experience in this area.

In this life, he himself has exercised, which is why he has great strength.

It is very easy for him to hold a bag of about 90 kilograms of millet.

“Wow!”When he saw Cao Gong picking up a bag of rice so easily, Teacher He was shocked.

The key is that after Cao Gong threw the bag on his shoulder, he didn’t even use his hands to support the bag on his shoulder. The bag of millet just dropped his hands, and then turned around and walked towards the mushroom house. It was surprising that Cao Gong could easily pick up a 90-pound bag of millet.

In the end, he threw the millet onto his shoulders. He didn’t hold it with his hands, and he wasn’t afraid of his shoulders. The millet will fall.

Seeing how skilled he was, many viewers were shocked.

You have to say that Cao Gong is very strong and can easily pick up a 90-pound bag of millet. This is really not surprising

, but he is carrying a bag of millet. The millet was not even supported. This was not surprising, it was obviously impossible.

This was the second bag that Cao Gong carried in.

When he came out again, it was the third bag, and he still did the same thing.

“No, Cao Gong, if you don’t help me, the millet will fall off your shoulders later.”

Wang Xun, who was passing by, was very worried when he saw this scene.

“Well no.”Cao Gong didn’t explain much.

Zhang Yixing and Peng Yuchang carried one bag together, and the speed was still very slow.

Cao Gong carried the third bag, and they hadn’t moved in the first bag yet.

“Brother, I feel like we are going to be scolded to death by the audience.”

“It’s true, Cao Gong is younger than us, but they all carried three bags up, and the two of us carried one bag and haven’t moved in yet. In such a comparison, we are really nothing, haha~”

Peng Yuchang is still very He is self-aware and knows that he will be scolded when the show airs.

But Zhang Yixing said helplessly:”I want to do it too, but I’m too old to do it.

After putting a bag away, Cao Gong passed by and said,”It’s not surprising. You all grew up in the city. You have never done this kind of hard work. It’s natural that you are not strong enough.””

“I’m different. I’ve been working part-time since middle school and I work out regularly.”

“I am stronger than you, so it is easy for me to carry it, which is not surprising.”

Cao Gong’s explanation for the two of them also prevented them from being criticized by everyone.

It was with Cao Gong’s help in explaining that the audience understood that they had never done it before.

And why Cao Gong could do it well, because he himself I went to Jianjian and did a lot of hard work

“What should I do? We both can’t move it together.”Seeing that her husband came out again,

Yang Mi complained to him, saying that she and her sister had moved together and could not move.

“What else are you moving? Just stand here and be responsible for beauty.”

“I work so hard just to do my part to help you.”

Yang Mi, who is doted on by her boyfriend, has sweetness on her pretty face.

Indeed, he is the one who does this kind of dirty work, and none of them can do it.

“But it’s not good just to look at it. You have to do something.”Guan Xiaotong said sweetly

“Need not! If you guys move too, then I won’t be able to carry it so quickly.”

“Look at everyone, Yi Xing, Peng Peng, and Teacher He are all so slow.”

“I’m so fast, do you really think I want to be in the limelight?”

“It’s not just that they just have to do their part.”

“I have to fuck three people, so I have to be quick”

“I’ve done it all, you can just watch from the side.”Cao Gong’s answer made Guan Xiaotong even sweeter.

“Love you.”Yang Mi is even more concerned about her boyfriend now.

“167 Just say you love me?”Cao Gong, who was carrying a bag of millet, teased Yang Mi.

Yang Mi was also very bold. She came over with a smile, approached her boyfriend who was carrying a bag of millet on his shoulders, weighed his feet, and pouted under the gaze of countless spectators. Stamp the corner of the boyfriend’s mouth.

The reason for not kissing on the face is because they are lovers themselves, and kissing on the face is too trivial. The reason for not kissing directly is because it is a slow variety show.

Kissing the corner of the mouth, relatively speaking, should be It’s the most suitable.

But even so, the audience watching the show still screamed and made comments.

Although Cao Gong and Yang Mi kissed on the show, it’s not just once or twice.

In”Let’s Fall in Love” On the show, the supporting couple did not know how many times they kissed.

Since the episode when Cao Gong came back from filming a movie in South Africa, they would kiss each other in every episode, and they were not shy in kissing each other and then breaking up.

Really. It’s the kind of relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend, old husband and wife.

“I feel like I can carry another ten or eight bags.”

“”Pfft~” Yang Mi was amused by her boyfriend’s sweet mouth.

Even Guan Xiaotong next to her saw it and couldn’t help but slap Yang Mi on the butt.

However, the fans watching the show were heartbroken. He knew what to say.

Cao Gong went in carrying a bag and saw that several of them were resting here.

After putting it down, he laughed angrily:”Is this the time to rest? There are many more down there”

“No, I just took a breath.”Huang Bo pretended that he was very tired.

“Is that so? Then I will breathe too”

“Ho~ho~” Cao Gong sat down and pretended, looking like he was panting.

“Do you want to be shameless? We are older and our bodies are not as good as yours as a young man.”

“Oh, now you are saying that you are in poor health as you get older. Why don’t you say that you are getting older and can’t eat that much when the time comes to eat Buddha and jump over the wall?”Cao Gong immediately shouted back.

“Haha~” Huang Bo laughed and stood up after being criticized.

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