“Are you so dear?”Cao Gong, who was kissed, still covered his face

“What are you doing? Aren’t you trying to lie to me? Didn’t I kiss you?”

Jiang Biguo is also very shy. This is the first time she has kissed a boy.

What she didn’t expect is that the person she kissed is a scumbag.

And she didn’t kiss the boy because she was in love or kissing her boyfriend. It was just for gossip?

She regrets it very much now and doesn’t know what happened to her.

Why did she accidentally kiss her? Although it was just a kiss on the face,…

Yang Na next to her had her eyes wide open.

Don’t talk about her His eyes were wide open. Even Cao Gong himself couldn’t believe it.

He hadn’t thought about it yet. Jiang Peiguang really gave him a kiss just for the sake of gossip.

“Oh~” Yang Wei reacted with a look of surprise.

“Come on, tell me, I’ve suffered a big loss.”Jiang Peiguo, who was extremely shy, asked him to speak quickly.

“Seven or eight.”This is the answer he gave, maybe seven or eight.

“What?!”After getting this answer, Jiang Peiguang and Yang Na were shocked.

“The female celebrities who have a relationship with me and those who have scandals with me are all related to me. But

Jiang Peiguo shook her head:”That’s not what I mean. I mean, how many girls have you had sex with…”

The following words were not spoken, but Cao Gong knew.

“That’s not what you asked just now.”This question is too sensitive, and he will definitely not answer it.

“That’s what I’m asking. You don’t even think of answering.”

“That’s because you didn’t make it clear yourself.”Cao Gong felt that this was not his problem.

He spread his hands and yawned again:”Oh my god, I’m so sleepy.

Seeing how sleepy he was, Yang Nai asked 15.”Were you recording all night last night?” Didn’t you go back to rest?”

“Where can I sleep? I finish work at 11 o’clock and go directly to the recording studio.

“The recording didn’t end until 5 a.m. After I got back, I cooked porridge and had breakfast. After eating, I came to the crew.”

“After all, I haven’t slept for more than 48 hours.”

It’s not that he is exaggerating, but he really hasn’t slept for two days and two nights.

If he hadn’t been in amazing physical condition, he would have been exhausted by now. How could he still be here now?”

“You are also a ruthless person.”Jiang Peiguang couldn’t help but shook his head.

Cao Gong didn’t say much more. After taking a sip of tea, he continued to read the script.

The director of the crew was very satisfied with his performance of Han Shangyan.

Even the author of the original novel came to the crew to read it. Afterwards, everyone agreed very much.

As for Tong Nian played by Yang Nai, she also brought out the soft and cute side of the original heroine.

“Really, our crew is also interesting. The younger ones don’t play the younger brothers, and the older ones don’t play the older sisters.”

“You are obviously 4 years older than me, but I want to play a mature man who is 10 years older than you.

Cao Gong’s joke made Yang Min very proud:”This shows that my sister is very young.””

“Quite true.”Cao Gong also acknowledged Yang Wei’s pride.

“I suddenly remembered a song and wanted to sing it to Zhang Yishan”

“Sing to Zhang Yishan? You don’t know him, so why would you want to sing to him?”This is what Yang Wei didn’t understand.

But Cao Gong didn’t answer, but sang this song

“Your childhood and mine, Tong Nian, seem to be the same”

“Hahaha~” It’s just a lyric, and Yang Nai instantly understood what it meant.

“Get out of here.”Yang Nai, who was affected by the connotation, said to him angrily.

“Don’t tell me, I really grew up watching your TV series”

“roll!”Yang Wei was joking with him.

In the studio, after entering the scene, when Cao Gong and Yang Wei were acting.

When they were NG, Cao Gong would sing this song to make everyone happy.

However, after two takes After the scene, Cao Gong took a break and thought of something

“Director Xiang, you are the producer, right?”

“yes.”Director Xiang looked at Cao Gong and didn’t understand why he asked this.

“That’s right, I want to ask, will this drama be a star?”

“Why do you ask?”Both directors looked at him and asked Cao Gong what he meant.

“I think there is a big gap in the content of our drama, whether it is a star or not.”

“The e-sports in the novel is the game CS. Based on my understanding of GuangD”

“TV series about game themes cannot be broadcast on stars”

“To put it bluntly, e-sports dramas cannot be broadcast on stars, only online dramas”

“If our TV series is really based on the game in the novel, it is obviously impossible to pass the review and get a star. In order to get a star, then the plot will be deleted, and then it should be another more positive competition.”

“For example, a network security competition.”

This question raised by Cao Gong caused the two directors to fall silent.

Director Xiang is also the producer.

He definitely wants this drama to be a star, and if he wants to be a star, it has to pass the review.

As Cao Gong said, it is impossible for a game-themed TV series to receive stars.

“yes.”Director Xiang also just thought of this.

“No, didn’t you ask before?”Director Li was also very anxious and asked Director Xiang

“I asked the people at Guang D before, but they didn’t give me an answer. They just said, write first, take photos first.”

“I didn’t say that TV series about games can’t be star-studded, and I didn’t say that they can’t be filmed this way.”

“As you also know, our Guangdong Bureau has no standards for review.”

“Just because it’s okay now doesn’t mean it’ll be okay when it’s broadcast.”

What Director Xiang said is not wrong. In this aspect, everyone is indeed aggrieved.

Director Li is also the same now, very irritable.

After Cao Gong reminded them, they realized a very troublesome problem

“According to what Cao Gong said, I think it makes sense”

“According to the nature of advertising, TV series about games will definitely not be on the stars.”

“Not even for eSports competitions.”

The producer is also confused now.

Yang Wei on the other side asked him:”When you saw the script before, why didn’t you say anything?”

“I do not know! When I saw that the crew had game content, I thought it was going to be a web series.”

“But after taking pictures for so long, I thought it would be better to ask.”

“Otherwise, if the filming is completed by then and it is not broadcast as a web drama, but is going to be a star, then the plot of this drama will be deleted. At least all the plots related to CS games will be deleted, and then re-filmed, otherwise it will be forced. The footage of playing the game and dubbing it later”

“But if this is the case, the footage used is of playing a game, and the lines spoken by our actors’ characters are related to the game, but the later dubbing of the TV series does not match the game.”

“This seems very inconsistent, and will also lead to the actor being criticized for his poor acting skills and poor line skills.”

“That’s all I thought about, so I just asked”

“It’s not too late to change the settings before I take too many pictures yet.”

“At the same time, there is no need to delete scenes or anything like that. The scenes and lines can also be played in original voices.”

Under his patient explanation, the two directors applauded one after another.

They applauded for Cao Gong’s thoughtfulness and for his reminder.

Because if Cao Gong hadn’t reminded him, then he would have really said it. This situation

“So we just have to make sure now, can we reach the stars?”

“If it is not broadcast on the star, the content of the game does not need to be deleted, and photography and production will continue as usual.”

“If the game is broadcast on the star, there is no need to film the content of the game. It will be replaced by another game that can be broadcast on the star. If it is changed now, it is still too late.”

Director Li put his hands on his waist and discussed with the producers and screenwriters in front of him.

Now it was their production team’s problem. Cao Gong stood aside.

However, when he took out the cigarette, he asked Yang Min if he could smoke it. Is it?

Because if he wants to smoke, he will smoke people, and he still has to say hello to the people around him.

Yang Nai nodded and said it didn’t matter, and Cao Gong lit it.

Not only him, but Director Xiang also took out his cigarettes.

Then he put them on the table Sit down and discuss with the screenwriter and Director Li next to me

“Go to the stars, go to the stars, definitely go to the stars.”Director Xiang said with certainty that this is going to be a star.

“In this case, there is no need to shoot the CS game content, but instead shoot the content of the competition. As soon as Director

Li finished speaking, he added:”But this disrespects the original work.””

The author of the original novel was at the scene. He was also one of the 600 screenwriters. Even the author of the novel asked Cao Gong:”Cao Shuai, you are also a screenwriter and a producer.”

“What would you do if it were you?”

Facing this problem, Cao Gong, who was smoking, also thought about it.

“If it were me, I would have three options”

“The first one is to give up being on the stars and broadcast it in the form of a web drama, restore the original work and respect the original work.”

“The second one is to strive for stars, delete the game e-sports scenes, and change them to network security competition scenes; but this really disrespects the original author.”

“The third one is to restore the original work even if you want to go to the stars.

As soon as Cao Gong finished speaking, Director Xiang asked:”How can Shangxing restore the original work?” I want it too, but there is no solution”

“Let’s just say, can this be done?”Cao Gong held a cigarette and discussed with them the script.

“Two versions were produced, and the one that won the star was the version that deleted the game plot, that is, changed it to a network security competition to replace e-sports.”

“And now, aren’t all the dramas updated simultaneously on TV stations’ online platforms?”

“After the TV station has finished broadcasting, the online platform will be updated”

“Then the online version is updated to restore the original version for broadcast.”

“In this way, it can not only achieve stardom, but also satisfy the need to restore the original work.”

Cao Gong’s plan made the director, screenwriter, and producer fall into silence.

There has never been a drama like this in this model.

“In this case, will the cost be very high?”The screenwriter took the cost into consideration

“Won’t.”The two directors and Cao Gong answered together that the shooting cost will not increase.

Cao Gong continued:”But this plan has an unstable factor.”

“Even when it is broadcast, more people may choose to watch the web drama version, because the web drama version restores the original work and also contains real e-sports content; in this case, it may affect the ratings of the drama version.”

“Let me tell you first, it is possible that it will impact the TV station’s ratings, but it is only possible.”

“I’m not sure.” Cao Gongxian added this point.

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