After a while, Cao Xixin and Yang Chaoyue came in together.

“What a coincidence that you two met outside?”Cao Gong, who was holding Meng Ziyi, asked his brother with a smile

“Yes, when I arrived, I saw my sister-in-law getting out of the car, and I even asked her”

“My sister-in-law said you were here, and I knew you had come to the nightclub.”Cao Xixin’s explanation made Cao Gong smile, reach out his hand, grab Yang Chaoyue’s delicate jade hand, and help her walk in.

Holding Cao Gong’s hand, Yang Chaoyue came in, and then took advantage of the situation to sit on Wang Liuhe’s lap. superior

“ah! You are dead again.”Wang Zhuohe, who was sat down, smiled and felt disgusted..

“I’ll crush you to death, you naughty hooves.”Yang Chaoyue approached Wang Liang’s ear and teased her.

“Why are you in the Magic City? I thought you were working outside.”

Holding Yang Chaoyue’s waist, Wang Liuhe leaned close to her ear and talked.

Yang Chaoyue also turned her head and approached Wang Liuhe’s ear.”I just came back to the Magic City at noon today.”

“I will be in Shanghai during this period because I have to cooperate with the production of the album.”

“Isn’t Cao Gong finished? I will be in Shanghai during this period, and there is also a new drama starting.”

“When he is filming this drama, he will produce an album for his group and our Huo Shao”

“The two of us also collaborate on songs, and we will definitely have to rehearse them. After learning that this was the case, Wang Liang also understood.

Then she asked:”Then how did you know his cousin?””

“We had dinner together several times before. His cousin, cousin and Chen Yu all know each other.”

“So I met him just now after getting off the bus.”

While the two were chatting, Yang Chaoyue looked over.

Looking at Cao Gong beside him, the two leaned toward each other in tacit understanding.

Cao Gong held Meng Ziyi, and Yang Chaoyue sat on Wang Liang’s lap. They came closer to each other.

The moment their lips connected, Yang Chaoyue’s heart was filled with sweetness.

Of course, everyone in this booth saw it.

Just now, Cao Gong was holding Meng Ziyi and Wang Liang on the left and right, but now Kissed Yang Chaoyue again.

This shows that the relationship between Cao Gong and these three people is real.

Of course, Cao Xixin and Chen Yu also saw it.

But they have long been used to it. After all, their cousin is indeed quite promiscuous.

“If you dare to follow my cousin’s lead, see how I deal with you.”Chen Yu threatened her boyfriend.

“Come on, why not imitate your cousin? I don’t have the perseverance to keep fit like him.”

“It’s not like you haven’t seen how crazy your cousin is when he works out.”

“We both also learned from my cousin’s HIIT exercises and tried to do them”

“Can you do 20 burpees in one minute? And it’s still 200 dances in 70 minutes”

“You can’t even dance 10 times a minute. I can only dance 15 times a minute.”

“Not to mention other actions, I simply couldn’t hold on.”Cao Xixin smiled and waved her hands

“Phew~” Her boyfriend shook his head in admiration, and Chen Yu said happily:”It’s better if you can’t do it! I just like the way you can’t do it; if you can do it, I won’t be able to do anything to you.”

On the other side, Cao Gong and Yang Chaoyue had a brief discussion after kissing.

“Let’s go.”Yang Chaoyue stood up and took Cao Gong’s hand.

“Why go?”Seeing her cousin getting up, Cao Xixin asked

“There is a lot of noise on Weibo. Without some fierce news, Weibo will not be quiet anymore.”

“My sister-in-law and I went to DJ sets to entertain the patrons on the dance floor of the bar.”

After Cao Gong finished speaking, he and Yang Chaoyue left the booth.

“”Uh oh oh~” Everyone in the booth was booing.

Meng Ziyi and Wang Liang also took out their mobile phones, ready to record videos.

Cao Gong took Yang Chaoyue’s hand and came to the DJ stage on the dance floor of the bar.

Their arrival shocked the DJ.

After Cao Gong communicated with the DJ, he asked him to play the song”It Pains Like Death”.

Then he just gave them the microphone.

As the song’s When the melody starts, everyone on the dance floor looks towards the DJ booth

“Uh oh oh!”Someone saw Yang Chaoyue and Cao Gong, and they all became excited.

“The original singer is here!”This is what everyone didn’t expect. The original singers actually came.

But the moment Yang Chaoyue’s singing came out, the whole dance floor burst into excitement.

Customers who were already in high spirits now started to have fun. Dance.

After a song, the atmosphere in the audience reached its climax.

Cao Gong put on the microphone and acted as DJ:”Are you all enjoying your enthusiasm?”

“No!!!!!”Good,” everyone on the dance floor responded.

“So the next song is a new song that has not been released by our monthly payment couple.”

“At the same time, I also hope that everyone in the audience will feel the enthusiasm tonight.”

“music~” After saying that, Cao Gong played the DJ himself and produced the accompaniment of the new song.

The DJ player is actually a music creation software.

Cao Gong used this DJ player to play the new song.

This This song is a song that Cao Gong and Yang Chaoyue started to learn two months ago.

And this song is very suitable for this place tonight.

When the prelude of this song sounded, all the men and women on the dance floor had already Get ready.

The brainwashing and magical melody is paired with a fairly strong sense of rhythm.

Cao Gong, who is DJing, also sways his body rhythmically to the melody.

Yang Chaoyue stands beside him, holding the microphone, and follows the song. Melody Hot Dance.

Although the movements of Hot Dance are not large, it is indeed dancing.

“Onetwothreefour…” Cao Gong looked at Yang Chaoyue beside him, preparing to start

“If you have forgotten your name, please follow me. Now let us worship happiness”

“”You who have put down your burdens, please come with me and spread the word to build a happy era.”

The monthly payment couple has a tacit understanding and sang a chorus at the beginning.

It was their tacit understanding of the chorus that made everyone on the dance floor dance to the rhythm of the song. strong song���, very suitable for them to have fun and dance.

Cao Gong was playing and singing at the same time, and he didn’t forget to look at Yang Chaoyue who was dancing beside him.

“Which era does happiness belong to? 708090 is still a new era”

“Open the history textbook, and even if you search carefully, you will not be able to find the answer, and you will not be able to memorize it well.”

Cao Gong’s super rap made the girls dancing at the scene extremely fascinated.

Yang Chaoyue, who was next to him, was also very cooperative. , because she is also very familiar with this song

“Relax, let me speak~” Yang Chaoyue on the side was very accurate.

Although the rap did not include her lyrics, she cooperated by the side, but it was not bad at all.

· ·····Asking for flowers····· ·

Especially when working with Cao Gong, she felt no pressure because they had a tacit understanding.

They have a tacit understanding, and Cao Gong will not put pressure on her at all. Instead, she will cooperate with everyone on the dance floor, listening to this super cool song, enjoying Cao Gong’s fast rap, and at the same time twisting her hot Waist, dance to your heart’s content, vent your heart to your heart’s content.

Cao Gong and Yang Chaoyue on the DJ stage were naturally very happy watching everyone on the dance floor dancing enthusiastically.

But Cao Gong’s rap is not over yet, Yang Chaoyue also cooperates from time to time

“Forget about your existence, what expectations you have, joy will definitely come if you invite it”

“Instead of longing for care, it’s better to be wonderful together. Happiness is contagious. Please be generous Comeon~”

At the climax of the song, Yang Chaoyue’s singing made all the men at the scene boo.

When Yang Chaoyue sang, she was still very confident.���He looked at Cao Gong beside him.

Originally, she had no confidence at all in singing and dancing.

It was the man beside her who got her and unspokenly followed her, who gave her enough confidence.

………. 0

She originally thought that after giving herself to him, Cao Gong would ignore her.

When necessary, I will dive with her.

Or when you need resources, make a deal with him.

But no, after Cao Gong sneaked into her, he kept occupying her.

At the same time, he also helped arrange teachers for her, and also collaborated with her on songs to help her develop self-confidence.

If you feel like you can’t sing a song well, then practice more. If it doesn’t work for one week, do it for two weeks. If it doesn’t work for two weeks, do it for a month. If it doesn’t work for one month, do it for two months. There will always be times when you can sing well.

The same goes for dancing. If it doesn’t work for three days, then 30 days. If 30 days doesn’t work, then it’s two months.

In short, if you practice more, there will always be times when you sing well, and there will always be times when you dance beautifully.

Everyone around her said that she was very good and powerful. Only Cao Gong kept picking on her problems and saying bad things about her, just to let her know that she was not capable and not to be complacent because of the praise around her.

If your ability is not good enough, learn it; if your ability is not enough, just supplement it.

In one year, she has completely transformed and is now very confident.

Even if she is good at acting, it is only because of the teacher Cao Gong found for her and his 20cm education.

Her acting skills are also growing day by day.

Yang Chaoyue automatically ignored the praise given to her by those around her.

Because by his side, she learned what it means to kill someone.

And the most praised person in the entertainment industry is Yang Tianbao.

Cao Gong used Yang Tianbao as a negative teaching material to let her know that if a female star is not capable and the people around her praise you, it is just to make you happy so that you can start your work. They are not necessarily doing it for your own good. Because these are human feelings.

If you don’t want to be like Yang Tianbao, then you have to learn to listen to some unpleasant comments.

Although it’s hard to hear, it can only be good for you.

As long as you change it, you will be stronger.

He doesn’t just get her, just play with her, he also helps her improve and makes her more valuable.

Now she is very confident, even if she sings and dances, she is confident enough.

At least by cooperating with him, I won’t be lazy, make excuses, or cry when I’m too tired.

I learned a lot from him.

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