"Then your dad, does he know about the boyfriend you are looking for?"Yang Mi still continued to gossip.

"I definitely know. In September, Reba and I went to Pakistan Fashion Week."

"Haven't you seen it before?"Liu Yifei knew about this.

"I have no idea! Anyway, one day, people from the studio and I were going to take photos, but my husband didn’t accompany me. He said he was going to make an appointment. I thought he was going to meet the brand presidents or designers for dinner."

Dilraba said she didn't know about this situation either.

And Liu Yifei said:"On that day, he went to see my dad."

"My dad is the diplomatic secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stationed in Bagong and the director of the Confucius Institute."

"My dad called me that day and told me that I had better taste than my mother and had found a boyfriend who was better than him."

"Moreover, my dad also watched"Wolf Warrior 2" and knew that my husband was injured trying to protect me."

"But my dad is very open to these scandals between my husband and you."

"He said that as long as I know, I don’t mind and I don’t regret it; he also said that an excellent man will never have only one beautiful and excellent woman by his side; this has been the case since ancient times."

"To put it harshly, our husband is a playboy, a romantic, and a dissipator."

"To put it another way, our husband is good enough to attract so many girls around him."

"Regarding this matter, my dad didn't say anything and let me make my own decision.

Liu Yifei said this very easily, and it was also what she wanted. This made Reba ask:"Then does your father know how rich our husband is?""

"have no idea! Don't talk about my dad, we don't even know"

"Hahaha~" Liu Yifei was right, Yang Mi and Reba both laughed out loud

"I've been dating him for more than a year, and I don't even know how much money he has."

"I don’t know how many brand companies he has invested in, how many shares he holds, etc."

"Do you know this?"

The two women smiled and shook their heads, saying that they didn't know either, they just knew some small parts.

"I knew that my husband invested in Pindaodao, but I didn’t know how many shares he actually owned."

Yang Mi said what she knew, which was this e-commerce platform.

"Is this e-commerce platform invested by your husband?"Liu Yifei was very surprised

"Yes, he said he invested in 2015. It seems to be July or August 2015."

"Wasn't the Fighting Blade developed in September 2015?"

The time is right, so it's not surprising that Liu Yifei

"America’s new energy vehicle, Tesla, my husband holds shares"

"I don’t know the specific amount, but it feels like it will be no less."

"At first he said he was buying stocks, but then the founder of Tesla found him and invited him to dinner"

"After that, it was said that he became a shareholder. As for how much, I don’t know."

Liu Yifei also shared what she knew with them.

"Oh, I also know that my husband also has a stake in Douyin, a short video platform that has become popular now."

"Short video platform?"When Yang Mi and Liu Yifei found out, they were very surprised.

"Yes, my husband said, he also invested in this in 2016"

"At that time, I met the boss of ByteDance at a cocktail party."

"The two talked for more than two hours and finally decided to cooperate on this short video platform."

"It is said that this short video platform will take away some of Weibo’s resources in the future."

"From now on, Weibo will no longer be the only social platform for celebrities and everyone to have fun in their daily lives."

"He also said that in addition to short video creation, Douyin will also extend the development of live broadcast, e-commerce, takeout, etc., which is equivalent to mixing V, Mi Tuan, live broadcast, and e-commerce into one."

"If done well, this short video platform alone may have a market value of several trillions.

Liu Yifei and Yang Mi were surprised at the same time:"Is it true or false?" A market value of several trillion?"

"I don’t understand either. He told me, how could I know? Reba laughed and said she didn’t know either.

"That means Douyin belongs to us?"Liu Yifei asked if it was true.

"Yes, that’s right? My husband said that he is the majority shareholder of Douyin."

"Haven’t you seen that since last year, my husband has often posted his works in this short video?"

"I just want to attract more fans and viewers to this short video."

After the two women found out, they simply ignored it.

On the contrary, Liu Yifei smiled and said:"But I have to remind you of one thing."

"what?"It was said that he wanted to remind them of something, Yang Mi and Reba were very curious.

"That is, be mentally prepared to become the wife of the richest man"

"Pffff~" As soon as she finished speaking, Sanmei laughed at the same time.

"That being said, it's not impossible."

"According to Reba, Douyin can really achieve a market value of several trillions"

"So just using 20% ​​of the shares would be worth hundreds of billions, right?"

"If this is really hundreds of billions of assets, he must be the richest man in Zhongguo."

"However, the richest man in Zhongguo is indeed worthy of us serving him together."

Yang Mi's arrogance made Reba and Liu Yifei roll their eyes.

Even if they are not the richest man now, wouldn't they still serve together now?

"What I say now can make you angry, do you believe it?"Liu Yifei is a sinister person. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But smart Yang Mi, how could she not know

"Do you dare to mention her and give it a try?"Yang Mi is a little angry now.

"Hahaha~" This made Liu Yifei even happier. Sure enough, Zhao Liying was her weakness.

"Should I say it or not? Didn’t I come back to Hangzhou last November to promote the TV series?"

"I also visited the set of"Do You Know"?"

"When I saw her acting performance, I felt that I was really not as good as her."

Liu Yifei didn't say Zhao Liying's name, but they all knew it.

Reba, who turned her back to Yang Mi and faced Liu Yifei, also nodded:"Yes, I also went to visit the class to see it."

"In this regard, this sister is not crushing us, but she is indeed ahead of us."

"In my husband’s words, if acting skills were divided into levels"

"Sister Mi, my acting skills and yours are now B+, Sister Yifei is A-"

"And she is either A or A+"Reba's evaluation was very pertinent.

Even Liu Yifei herself said:"It's true, I can't beat her acting skills in the TV industry.""

"But in terms of acting skills in the film industry, she may not be as good as me."[]

"Because acting in TV series and acting in movies require different acting skills."

Liu Yifei expressed her opinion and shared it with the two of them.

Take movie actors as an example. It takes several months to shoot a movie, but when it is released, it is only two hours long.

Movie director They will strive for excellence in every shot to the best of their ability.

They will find a shot that best suits their needs from a few, a dozen, or dozens of shots.

This requires that the lower limit of performance of movie actors can be low, but the upper limit of performance must be certain. It should be high.

As long as one of the dozen or so filmings is outstanding and good, and even if the rest are 0 points, then his acting skills are still a good actor.

Looking at the TV series, it also takes a few months. It takes dozens of hours of filming, but it has to be broadcast for dozens of hours.

TV drama directors don’t have so many strict requirements anymore, and they can just use their last names if they feel like it.

Many actors feel that this aspect of acting is not good, and some directors don’t ask for reshoots.

This requires TV drama actors You need to have excellent stability. You don't have to be outstanding, but you can't be ruined.

This is why many movie actors who are best actors and actresses refuse to appear in TV series. Most of them are not because of price reduction, but because they really can't act.

And some of them refuse to appear in TV series. They gritted their teeth and acted in TV dramas, only to be ridiculed by the audience.

Similarly, most TV drama actors cannot handle movies because their acting skills are too stable and rarely stand out.

"To put it bluntly, in fact, the acting skills of movie actors are just like the lines on an electrocardiogram, which rise and fall, but the highest point is the scene where the actor's performance is outstanding and will be cut into it."

"As for TV drama actors, they are just straight lines in the electrocardiogram, and there are no big changes. What matters is stability. Stability over a long period of time. You won’t say that your performance is brilliant one day, but it will be a failure tomorrow; rather, it’s almost every day. That's it, maintain the status"

"These are all things I came to realize after acting in movies for ten years, and after starring in"Chicken Feathers Flying to the Sky" last year."

"It was only after I realized this that my acting skills seemed to have improved a bit."

Liu Yifei felt that her understanding was quite good.

Yang Mi and Reba just listened without speaking and listened carefully.

"As for her, she is too stable and her acting skills are really stable."

"Her acting skills are not like the lines on an electrocardiogram, which fluctuate up and down."

"It's not like a straight line, it's very gentle and stable, neither falling nor rising."

"Her acting skills are more like the lines in a trend chart. After walking forward in a steady straight line for a while, it then starts to go uphill. When it reaches a certain level, it starts to run steadily parallel for a certain distance or time, and then starts to go uphill again. , just like this over and over again, very stable, the kind that progresses when it is stable to a certain extent."

"It’s just a matter of accumulation, and when you’ve accumulated enough, you’ll explode and then make progress."

"After progress, it begins to settle down again and continues to accumulate. When it accumulates enough, it can explode."

"Another outbreak, another improvement, and then another…"

"She is not like us, who is always up and down. She is so stable that it makes people’s scalp numb."

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