Somewhere in the Magic City, Zhao Liying completed one of her brand activities.

I’m about to meet the production team of my next drama.

《Do you know or not? This is a project that Zhao Liying is talking about, and the producer also took the initiative to find her.

When Zhao Liying received this role, she knew it was Noon Sunshine. After reading the previous script, she felt that this role was very suitable and she took it.

After the next step, she is also going to buy this novel, read it, and study it carefully.

Today, the producer is actually going to sign a contract with him.

There were some incidents before, but Yang Tianbao didn’t know where he got it.

Zhao Liying is about to star in this drama, and she will compete with Zhao Liying for this drama.

After failing on the Running Man show, Yang Tianbao still didn’t know how to restrain himself.

However, because he knew her acting attitude and acting skills, Noon Sunshine refused without giving any face. Even if Yang Tianbao brought money to join the group, it would be useless.

“Now the other actors are basically in place, except for the male lead.”

After signing the contract, producer Hou Hongliang was relieved.

As long as Zhao Liying signed the contract, she would be half relieved.

“Is there anyone chosen for the male lead director?”This is what Zhao Liying is more concerned about.

“It is available now, and for the production of this drama, we will definitely choose carefully,”

“Don’t worry, we won’t choose actors who have no acting skills and bad acting attitude.”

“Especially the kind of young man who is feminine and has no masculinity or masculine temperament. We will not consider it because the character Gu Tingye is a young man.”

“463But this character is also a soldier, so he must be upright.”

“Physically, he also needs to be tall and straight, with a burly physique and the temperament of a young man. At the same time, his acting skills must be suitable.”As a director, Zhang Kaizhou expressed his thoughts.

When talking about this, Zhao Liying immediately thought of her man.

She hasn’t cooperated with him yet. Maybe this time is an opportunity?

“Director, how about I recommend an actor to you?”Zhao Liying took the initiative to tell the director

“oh?”Zhao Liying wanted to recommend actors to them, and directors and producers were interested.

“Cao Gong.”This name can be said to be very popular recently.

“I know this. There is a newcomer who just debuted last year. He is very versatile, handsome and talented.”

“Composing lyrics and music, screenwriting, singing, dancing, acting, everything.”

As a producer, Hou Hongliang certainly knows the most popular Cao Gong recently.

“So do you think he is suitable? Cao Gong is young, but she is not a young person.”

“The impression given to everyone by Xiaoxianrou is that he lacks masculinity and is beautiful but has no acting skills.”

“But he is not. Although he has only debuted for half a year, he has already acted in three movies.”

“In the three movies, the characters he played were all theoretically considered soldiers.”

“His physique, body shape, I think you can just search for it.”

While saying that, Zhao Liying used her tablet computer to show him some photos of her husband.

There were fitness photos with her bare upper body, and clothes full of sweat sticking to her body, outlining his eight figures. Abdominal muscles and two big chest muscles.

Not only that, but also photos of Cao Gong with a shaved head.

And when he was wearing tight short-sleeves, his arms were thicker than a girl’s calves.

“Oh ho.”Producer Hou Hongliang and director Wu Tong were surprised when they saw these photos.

“There are very few young people like this among the newcomers in the industry now, right?”Hou Hongliang said

“Yes, young people today are all chasing a youthful look. In order to feel youthful, they don’t exercise or do any exercise.”

“There is a sense of youthfulness, but the masculinity is too weak, almost nonexistent”

“There are few people like Cao Gong who stick to fitness, don’t pursue youthfulness, and adopt this tough guy style.”

“And I watched his performance in”Star You”, although it is an idol drama, yes”

“But what I have to say is that his performance in this drama is indeed very temperamental. Director Wu

Tong pinched his chin and gave his own evaluation.

He was very impressed with Cao Gong because there are too few young people like him.

“But wouldn’t it be inappropriate for him to play Gu Tingye?”

“Too young? Producer Hou Hongliang was a little worried.

Instead, the director pinched his chin and said,”No, no, no, it’s just right.””

“In the novel, Gu Tingye should have been 25 when he pursued Sheng Minglan, while Sheng Minglan was 18.”

“Cao Gong is now 21 years old, but because he does not pursue a youthful look, he does not have the childishness of other young people. Instead, he has a sense of maturity that a 21-year-old does not possess.”

“If the hair cover is worn by then, it will suit Gu Tingye who is in his mid-twenties.”

Director Wu Tong looked at the photo and made his own comments.

Hou Haoliang thought for a while and said,”How about this, Zhao Liying, can you invite him over?”

“Let’s have an interview. It just so happens that we also brought men’s clothing and wigs.”

“How about an interview first and a look at the makeup photos?”

Zhao Liying smiled and nodded, then picked up the phone and went aside to make a call.

She didn’t know if her boyfriend had time today, after all, he had also gone to the set.

After making the call, it took about ten seconds for the call to be connected..

But after the call was connected, Cao Gong was not greeting her, but discussing something with the people around her.

She did not interrupt, and just listened silently to her boyfriend discussing things with his friends.

“That’s right, that’s it. If it were shot like this, it would be smoother overall (cjbb).” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Just think about that first while I take a call. After saying that

, Cao Gong turned around and walked aside:”Hey, are you done?””

“The event is over and we are now signing a contract with the producer of the next drama.”

“That’s great, congratulations.”My girlfriend has signed a contract for her next drama. Of course Cao Gong wants to congratulate her.”

“But I haven’t cast a male lead in this movie yet, so I recommended you to the director.”

“Can you come over for an interview?”

Of course Cao Gong will not refuse the works recommended to him by his girlfriend.

Zhao Liying’s vision in selecting scripts is still very good.

As far as choosing TV drama scripts, no one in the entire 85 Flowers would choose her.

Even if it is Liu Yifei is good, but in terms of script selection, she may not be as good as Zhao Liying.

“Okay, you can send me your location and I’ll go there now”

“The scenes that are not here will be released in a few days, so I can withdraw them at this time.”

“OK, I’ll give you the address.”Zhao Liying hung up the phone happily, and then sent him the location.

After sending him the location, she also explained to him which floor she was on.

Cao Gong replied with an emoticon, and then drove off.[]

After returning, Zhao Liying told the director and producer that she was on her way over.

Subsequently, Zhao Liying continued to discuss some matters regarding this cooperation with the producer.

After waiting for about 40 minutes, Cao Gong arrived at the address given by Zhao Liying.

Looking at the illegitimate meal following behind him, Cao Gong didn’t say much, and then went up.

“Dong Dong~” Although the door was open, Cao Gong still knocked politely.

“Hello.”Cao Gong came in and greeted the director and producer in front of Zhao Liying.

When he came in front of the two of them, he stretched out his hand to shake their hands.

At the moment of shaking hands, Cao Gong knew their abilities.

“Cao Gong.”While shaking hands, he also introduced himself to the two of them.

They also introduced themselves.

The director looked at Cao Gong seriously and felt that his image was indeed quite suitable. His handsome facial features were a little bit handsome.

The figure is indeed tall and straight, and does not have the boyish look of a young man.

“Yes, it is indeed quite suitable for the male protagonist of Distance.”The director is very satisfied

“Wait, director, what kind of show is this? ?”Suddenly, he thought of a possibility

“A costume drama, but not a fairy tale drama, but a kind of house-fighting drama”

“The title of the play is, Do you know whether it should be green, fat, red, and thin?”

Good guy, why is this drama? This is a drama that is the turning point of Zhao Liying’s transformation.

I didn’t expect it just now, but now that I think about it, it seems that it’s almost done and it’s time to produce it.

“Don’t you do costume dramas?”Looking at his reaction, Zhao Liying asked him if he would not accept costume dramas.

“No.”Cao Gong said that he has never refused to accept costume dramas.

“Besides, it doesn’t mean that I can act if I want to, it also depends on whether it’s suitable or not.”

Then the director gave him the script and asked Cao Gong to audition on the spot and try out a scene.

This scene was actually the showdown between Mr. Gu and Sheng Minglan.

After watching this scene, Cao Gong carefully tried to figure it out and understand it. This role.

Not only that, but also the tone of this is ancient, not modern.

After reading it, he gave the script to Zhao Liying and asked her to help with the scene.

During the scene, Cao Gong got into the mood He acted very quickly.

Every move and every word he acted was based on what he understood from the script he saw.

Because the time was too short, he couldn’t study too deeply.

He could only interpret what he saw. , just give it a performance first and let the director see if it fits.

Director Wu Tong, who was watching next to him, became more and more satisfied with it. What he didn’t expect was that a newcomer as young as Cao Gong could figure it out so quickly. The character of the character Gu Er Ye really looks 70-80% similar.

The remaining 23% are problems with clothes and styling.

Of course, there are still some flaws, but for Director Wu Tong It seems that this is not the point.

After all, Cao Gong has only been watching for a few minutes and he can act well.

This is enough to show that his acting skills are quite good, at least he is very suitable for the role of Gu Tingye.

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