The next morning, Cao Gong got up and cooked breakfast.

It is better to cook breakfast or drink porridge. The weather is cold, and drinking porridge is good for the body. It can warm the body and fill the stomach.

As an authentic Guangdong person, porridge is my favorite.

Moreover, as someone who barely comes from a family of traditional Chinese medicine, I pay more attention to things like health care, and three meals a day are a must.

His grandfather and uncle are both Chinese medicine doctors, but the original Cao Gong was really not interested in Chinese medicine at first. It was after Cao Gong had an accident that Cao Gong traveled through time. With the golden finger, he became interested in Chinese medicine.

In the end, I also relied on the development of technology to copy the S-level Chinese medicine abilities of several veteran Chinese medicine practitioners. ,

This also allowed Cao Gong to cheat and inherit the ability of traditional Chinese medicine in a short period of time.

Because of this, Cao Gong is relatively careful about health preservation.

So if you drink porridge in the morning, he knows best what kind of porridge is good for your health.


While he was making porridge, he did aerobics next to him.

He didn't go to play basketball yesterday, so he had to do aerobics in the morning to keep himself physically fit.

Aerobics is not the kind of morning exercises in school, but a kind of high-intensity interval training, which is actually just a few movements.

Leg raises in place for 50 seconds, jumping jacks for 45 seconds, mountain climbing for 45 seconds, squat jumps for 45 seconds, burpees for 20 seconds, and planks for 110 seconds. These six movements are a 7-minute set.

Basically, you should do at least 5 groups, and if time permits, 10 groups is the best.

For those who are relatively fat and are just planning to exercise to lose weight, 5 groups is basically the limit.

Or if time does not allow, then you can do 5 sets.

Cao 07gong himself didn't have time, so he did 7 sets, which was 49 minutes.

Then take a 10-minute break before taking a shower. After taking a shower, go out to have breakfast, and then go out to work.

He is relatively self-disciplined in this regard. After all, if he wants to be in good health, want his happy life to last longer, and be more confident, then these self-disciplined exercises still need to be done.

While he was doing aerobics, breakfast was prepared.

The breakfast I made today was also healthy wolfberry and longan porridge.

Wolfberry and longan porridge has the effects of nourishing the heart and spleen, nourishing blood and calming the nerves, strengthening the spleen and stopping diarrhea, and improving eyesight and eyesight.

For insomnia and dizziness caused by deficiency of the heart and spleen and insufficient qi and blood, as well as neurasthenia, indigestion, anemia and other diseases, drinking wolfberry and longan porridge can have certain auxiliary treatment effects.

Zhao Liying's palace was cold, so it was most appropriate for her to drink this as breakfast.

Cao Gong himself has no problem, but this health-preserving porridge can also moisten the lungs, relieve coughs, and improve eyesight, so it is still very helpful to his body. ,

Get up at 6 o'clock, then wash rice and cook porridge for about 5 minutes, and then do aerobics.

At 7:05, his body was already a little hot and he was already sweating a lot.

In fact, the most tiring part of this set of movements is the burpee.

People who have never skipped don't know how tiring this burpee is, because this action will make people's heart rate soar. Cao Gong did 7 sets, which is equivalent to 140 burpees.

If this were normal, Cao Gong would have danced 15 sets when time allowed.

15 groups, the time spent is 105 minutes, which is 1 hour and 45 minutes.

In these 15 groups, Cao Gong needs to dance 300 burpees.

It is no exaggeration to say that these 300 burpees are more tiring than running 10 kilometers.

For those who don’t believe it, try it and you will know how difficult this burpee is.

Cao Gong also started doing this kind of fitness because he was trading stocks at home after he was reborn last year. He wanted to keep fit. At the beginning, he couldn't do 300 burpees.

It was after more than a year, his gradual increase, coupled with his super physical fitness necessary for a reborn time traveler, that allowed him to adapt to these 300 burpees in such a short period of time.

After all, it’s not just these 300 burpees, there are other moves as well.

Time didn't allow it today, so he just did half of what he usually did.

He doesn't dance every day, it mainly depends on the amount of exercise he does in a day.

For example, if he goes out to play basketball for two hours, he doesn't need to do aerobics.

If you don't go out to play ball and have time, you must do aerobics.

Unless there is no time, so he doesn't do aerobics

, or he has to dance on weekdays, and dances for a few hours, or more than ten hours a day, then there is actually no need to do aerobics.

If you have done enough exercise for the day, there is no need to do it.

"Um? ?"Just when Cao Gong came out of the shower and sat down to drink porridge, Zhao Liying came down.

"Why did you get up so early?"Cao Gong was surprised and surprised.

"I have work today."Zhao Liying, who was already fully dressed, said that she also had a draft today.

"Are you in a hurry? If you're not in a hurry, have some porridge first and then go out."

"Wolfberry and longan porridge can warm the palace, dispel cold, and replenish qi and blood."Cao Gong, who was about to have porridge, said to Zhao Liying.

After Zhao Liying learned that today's breakfast can warm the palace, dispel cold and replenish qi and blood, she understood that this was the breakfast Cao Gong made for her.

Even if He didn't ask her to get up for breakfast because he was considering that she wanted to sleep.

So he still planned to send her a WeChat message to tell her that there was breakfast after going to work as before.

It just happened to be that she also had work today, so he just got up. morning

"Don't rush! I just felt that you would make breakfast when you got up this morning, so I deliberately got up early. Anyway, I happened to have an announcement."Zhao Liying felt very happy and sweet.

After Zhao Liying sat down, she brought over the porridge that Cao Gong had eaten.

Seeing her like this, Cao Gong was helpless:"I drank it, do you mind?""

"What do you mind? Why didn't you think of this when you kissed me yesterday?" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I……"This sister's offensive made Cao Gong choked and speechless.

The audience who originally wanted to post a barrage and say something did not say anything now.

Yes, I kissed him yesterday, and now it’s appropriate to eat what he has eaten.

"Do you believe that I can get the porridge back to me with just one sentence?"Cao Gong brought another bowl and spoon over.

But Zhao Liying, who was drinking porridge, rolled her eyes at him:"Don't force me to beat you so early in the morning."

Don't say it, she really believes that this stinky brother can do it.

As long as she mentions Yang Mi, she will be very irritable, so she will definitely let Cao Gong get his wish.

Cao Gong sat down and served himself again bowl

"What's the announcement today?"Cao Gong, who was drinking porridge, asked about Zhao Liying.

"Magazine shoot, and an advertising shoot."Zhao Liying said with a smile.

These are the jobs of first-line stars. As long as they are popular and popular stars, they are available every year.

As for Cao Gong himself, there is no

"As for you, I see you are so popular and have such a good reputation. It has been a few months since you debuted. Why haven’t you done any commercials?"

"Don’t you have any endorsements? Or something else?"Zhao Liying asked casually

"Not short of money."Facing this problem, Cao Gong also told the truth.[]

""Pfft~" In fact, she also knew a little bit. Cao Gong was indeed very rich.

Zhao Liying knew it, but the audience didn't know it.

So when Cao Gong said this, many people exclaimed. But thinking about it, Cao Gong sent a The album can be divided into two to three hundred million yuan.

If you put it this way, it is indeed not short of money.

"You are not short of money, is it because your album has high dividends? Or do your movies pay well?"

Zhao Liying also wants Cao Gong to explain and let the audience and fans know

"It’s true that album dividends are high; but I work to make money, not just from albums."

"And it’s not like I’m asking my dad for money. I haven’t asked him for money since I wrote an album for him last year. After all, I’m an adult and I can make my own money and spend it myself."

"I make money from investing."He did not specify what kind of investment it was.

"Then you can make money by accepting advertisements and endorsements?"Zhao Liying said

"Yes, but I'm not short of millions or tens of millions of money. 633"

"It’s been more than two months since my debut in September. I have been approached to endorse brands ranging from 100 to 80.."

"There are dozens or hundreds of brands, large and small, in total."

"There are many high-end clothing brands, watch brands, car brands, etc."

"But I didn’t even agree to cooperate. It’s not because I despise the brand, or because I think the endorsement fees are low, but because I’m afraid of trouble and worry about my fans spending money indiscriminately."

"In endorsements and advertisements, as long as the brand makes some wrong remarks, I, the spokesperson, will be involved, and trouble will come, so I hate the trouble caused by endorsements."

"Secondly, some underage fans will spend a lot of money to buy the products I endorse; especially some high-end brands, the prices are high, and some irrational fans will ask their families for money to buy the products I endorse. , so in order to avoid this, I simply stopped accepting endorsements."

"Anyway, the endorsement fee, even for high-end luxury brands, is only 7 to 8 million a year, and the most is only 10 to 20 million. I can make money by doing other investments myself, so I won’t cause trouble for myself."

"Just sing well, write songs well, act well and work well."

After Cao Gong expressed his thoughts, the audience who watched the show also knew.

It turns out that Cao Gong has not had any endorsements or advertisements until now, just because he is afraid of trouble and fans spending money.

If you calculate it like this, this is really This is a breath of fresh air in the entertainment industry.

If other celebrities are as popular as him, they have already been crazy about making money from endorsements.

"Besides, if it really doesn’t work, the investment will fail and I won’t be able to make any money. Isn’t my wife rich?"

Cao Gong said this to Zhao Liying, and the latter also chuckled quietly:"Yes, that's good, I am rich."

"That's it, my wife can make money at work, so you can go out and make money. I'll be a housewife at home and won't go out to flirt with women. You can rest assured when you go out to work and make money, right?"

"Well, good idea, sensible, love you."Zhao Liying smiled and expressed her feelings to him.

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