Chapter 207

The young lady in the yellow dress said: “Can you take another photo! I have watched every episode of your show!”

Su Ye said: “It’s okay to sign, but you don’t need to take a group photo. Where do you want to sign?”

The little girls were extremely excited! “Sign the package, okay?” The little girl was a little shy.

Su Ye’s smile has always been so gentle: “Yes, but don’t tell others that we are here!”

These little girls didn’t know where they got the pens, and they lined up cleverly waiting for their signatures!

Su Ye’s words are the same as his people, clean, strong, soft and strong! Even if it was signed on the bag, it did not affect his performance in the slightest.

Sister Zifeng’s words are more delicate.

After signing, these fans also politely expressed their gratitude to the four!

“Thanks for your hard work! We will always support you!”

“Thank you for your love and support!” Peng Peng smiled and waved goodbye to the fans.

Saying goodbye to these little girls, Su Ye and his group plan to go play the merry-go-round!

The two boys don’t want to like to play. The key is that the two girls like it, so of course they are going!

Peng Peng was a super playful person, and didn’t think it was naive to play a merry-go-round, so he went up with the two girls.

Su Ye stayed down and took pictures for them!

Music sounded and the merry-go-round slowly turned. The white pony under Sister Zifeng shook. The scenes around the merry-go-round are very dreamy. Sitting on the merry-go-round, the whole person is like being in a fairy tale.

Su Ye pressed the shutter button and left the smile of his princess in the album.

A group of people walked aimlessly in the playground, playing wherever they went.

Halfway through the fun, Peng Yuchang was a little thirsty and went to buy water. Sister Zifeng went to the bathroom. Su Ye and Sun Linxue stayed where they were waiting.

“Why don’t we sit by the side for a while!” Sun Linxue pointed her finger not far away. “There are just two places over there, and they are more conspicuous. They can see us at a glance!”

Su Ye nodded, preparing to pass.

Somehow, Sun Linxue just rushed into his arms.

Su Ye was startled, and immediately took a step back to stabilize her!

Sun Linxue didn’t move, she stopped for ten seconds before she stood up.

“Sorry, my feet were a bit numb just now!”

“It’s okay!” Su Ye’s tone was cold.

He didn’t like girls other than Zifeng’s sister being close to him.

Sister Zifeng came out of the bathroom and just saw the scene of the two hugging each other. Although she felt a little uncomfortable, she didn’t think much. She believes in her boyfriend. She pretended to be nonchalant and walked up to the two of them.

At this time Peng Yuchang also returned. I brought mineral water, juice, milk tea, cola, and a whole package of drinks. By visual inspection, there are nearly ten bottles.

I don’t know if he is idle or not.

“Where shall we go to play next?”

“Why… go and see the haunted house?”

Su Ye: “It’s better to ride the Ferris wheel! You must play this in the amusement park!”

Haunted house, not suitable for girls to play!

Even if they knew it, the staff pretended to be. Sometimes I am afraid! Although I don’t know if Zifeng’s sister is afraid of ghosts, but subconsciously, Su Ye doesn’t want to take Zifeng to play this.

“Alright! Then go ride the Ferris wheel!”

After buying the tickets, Su Ye directly took sister Zifeng and went in. Leave Peng Peng and Sun Linxue behind!

Zifeng: “Xiaoye, why don’t you wait for my brother and them?”

Su Ye knocked her head.

“You are stupid, with a boyfriend, of course you can only sit with your boyfriend.”

Because there is a legend about the Ferris wheel.

Legend has it that lovers who ride the Ferris wheel together will eventually end up breaking up, but when the Ferris wheel reaches its highest point, if they kiss their lovers, they will go on forever.

Legend has it that every box of the Ferris wheel is filled with happiness. When we look up at the Ferris wheel, we are looking at happiness.

The height of happiness is as high as the Ferris wheel.

When we long for happiness but happiness has not come, try to sit on the Ferris wheel and wait for it to rise slowly until it reaches the top, looking down at everything we see. In fact, the happiness we want is very simple. From there Looking down, people are very small.

I believe that although the world is big, there is always a simple happiness that belongs to us.

What Su Ye wants is simple happiness.

After talking about this legend, the Ferris wheel just reached the highest point of 300. Su Ye kissed her gently.

They snuggled together, overlooking the city.

They meet and love each other here. Know each other and stay together.

Sister Zifeng, what I want is just the same as Su Ye.

Hold your hand and grow old with you.

In this life, it is enough to have you alone!

Each grid of the Ferris wheel is a lock, and he will lock the pair of lovers in the grid forever.

Every time the Ferris wheel rotates, it is a cycle of love. The first reincarnation was a wonderful encounter.

The Ferris wheel gradually descended.

Sister Zifeng happily pulled Su Ye out of it, and then the four went to play the pirate ship again!

Skip the projects that are too exciting like a roller coaster.

There are many sellers of hydrogen balloons in the amusement park. The children passing by are all handed. It’s the old-fashioned style of hellokitty and mickeymouse. Said to be old-fashioned, in fact it is a classic, timeless style. Those are actually childhood memories of countless people. .

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