This is a double act with explosive comedy effect!

This is an impromptu cross talk that shatters all three concepts!

This is a poisonous thorn stained with crane crown red!

In the blink of an eye, he stabbed Chen Lei hard into the heart!

Surprise her!

Suffocating her!

I can’t breathe for a long time!

The audience was also dumbfounded and could only stare at the screen with blank faces.

Two extremely simple words echoed in my mind – awesome!!

Good guy, in this world where everyone wears a mask.

You will never see”pure” people like Lu Ze and Yang Mi again.

On the Yangshi stage, in front of tens of millions of viewers.

Tear down the host’s stage in public and slap the female host in the face!

How crazy and crazy do you have to be to do such an explosive thing!

In the adult world, it has always been a universally followed unspoken rule to see through but not to tell off.

But today, these two masters clearly did not take this rule into consideration.

As soon as he raised his hand, an unprecedented”spiritual trial” began!

The studio was silent.

In front of the screen, there was silence.

Lu Ze maintained the most comfortable and relaxed posture.

As if chatting with an old friend, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

Played this”revealing game””!

“What’s the first meaning?……..”

“Sister Chen is blaming us, telling us that this is the stage of Yangshi, we must be serious, and humor is courting death!”

“That should be it, right?”

He looked at Chen Lei with a smile and asked.

Chen Lei’s head was buzzing, and even the crow’s feet at the corners of her eyes were full of embarrassment.

Big Brother…..

Can this kind of question be asked in the studio while recording a program?

We are all tens of years old, and you want me to be embarrassed in front of the people of the country?

“Forehead…….That, that……..”

All the on-the-spot reaction experience accumulated in the past few years disappeared at this moment.

Her tone was choked, like a baby just learning to talk, unable to say a word.

“What’s the second meaning? Sister Chen said that the stage belongs to her. We just did that, but we didn’t take her seriously.”

“This understanding should be pretty good, so there’s no need to ask. You are a normal person, you can feel it, right?”

“As for the third level of meaning, she seems to be saying that we are self-taught and is complimenting us.”

“In fact, he is scolding us for not having the vision, not a compliment!”

“This sentence should be analyzed in conjunction with Sister Chen’s tone.”

The smile on Lu Ze’s face was indifferent, but Chen Lei’s eyes were getting darker one after another.

No more!

She felt that she really couldn’t hold on anymore.

Some revenge show, some live broadcast accident.

At this moment, she didn’t want to care.

The only thing I only have one idea!

Can there be a wave of lightning to cut off the circuit of Yangtai?

Can a Buddha come and take away these two scourges? You are an artist and a public figure!

, flouting the rules, and being desperate.

Is this what a sane adult can do?

In your eyes, are the rules of an adult game worse than a dish?

Chen Lei wants to cry, Chen Lei is desperate! Lei pulled back strands of her hair, and Lu Ze didn’t intend to let her go.

After a slight pause, he continued to explain.

“As for Sister Chen’s last words, they were a naked threat.”

“It seems like he is teasing himself, but he is actually warning us.”

“Next, if we dare to do this, she will destroy our jobs!”

“Three sentences, four meanings, now…….Do you understand?”

In a faint voice, Lu Ze adjusted his posture.

He looked at Chen Lei with a simple and honest smile.

“Sister Chen, don’t mind. I’m a straightforward person, I don’t like to mince words.”

“Yang Mi doesn’t understand, so I’ll explain it to her. Mainly because I’m afraid that she won’t understand what you mean and will cause trouble later, which will be detrimental to the recording of our program.”

“It’s okay, don’t be affected.”

“Go on, just keep recording!”


Chen Lei and Song Zude all looked at Lu Ze in shock.

No, big brother, you took off the host’s underwear in just a few words.

She was embarrassed in front of the camera.

It turned out that Can we continue so calmly? Can we not be affected ? A strong sense of dizziness comes up at this moment. , Chen Lei’s mind was full of what Yang Mi said when she called her before.


“Mom, I don’t even want my life, but I want face?” so……..

She is really shameless, right?

But I want face…….

Can you give me my face back? I’m afraid, can’t you?

A long silence spread in the live broadcast room with great embarrassment.

After listening to Lu Ze’s words, Yang Mi nodded in confusion.

He bit his lip gently and looked at Chen Lei

“Sister Lei……..I probably understand”

“Isn’t it good for you to be like this? If you have something to say, can you say it openly?”

“What’s the point of being so secretive?”

There was a bit of blame in her tone, and she looked at Lu Ze as she spoke.

“Oh, right. What’s the name of that sentence you told me before?”

“Hitting a straight ball is the highest level!”

“Oh, yes, yes!”

Yang Mi agreed with a smile.

“Sister Lei, you can’t do this. If you keep saying things that I don’t understand and keep making me guess”

“Then I’m afraid I really won’t be able to record this show…….”

Yang Mi curled her lips and stood up.

The scalps of everyone watching were numb.

Good guy!

In the live broadcast of Yangshi, you can just lift your butt and leave.

You Yang Mi are really the first! warrior!

An absolute warrior!

Chen Lei panicked!

Completely panicked!

Just a minute ago, the station director told her through the headset.

The leaders above asked me to watch the show. Even if the sky falls today, I still have to keep it going.

So, when he saw Yang Mi was leaving, he immediately smiled and spoke.

“Feel free to order, order honey as you please!”

“To be honest, maybe there’s something wrong with Sister Lei’s way of expression.”

“Maybe my understanding of straightforwardness is different from yours”

“Why don’t you explain to me what you just said?…….A straight shot, right?”

“How did it happen?”

“This is simple!”

Hearing Chen Lei’s submission and asking for advice,

Yang Mi became interested instantly.

She did not choose to leave. After looking at the other person meaningfully for a few times, she cleared her throat.

She mobilized the aura around her and recalled what Lu Ze had said. Her”lines” started an even more explosive”crazy mode”.”——

“Sister Lei, it’s hard to explain the straight shot.”

“Well, let me demonstrate it to you directly!”

She slowly stood up from the sofa, her playful face suddenly turned indifferent.

The aura of her whole body spread, and even the air carried a hint of gunpowder smell.

“Chen Lei, can you speak? You like to suggest people and threaten people, right?”

“You woman is so insidious, you actually want to ruin my job!”

“If you don’t have any skills as a host, you just have to learn to be yin and yang, right?”

“Oops, it’s so annoying. I hate talking to people who play riddles. Can you stay away from me?!”

Amidst the violent and explosive sound, Song Zude was so frightened that his body almost shrank together.

The host of the legal channel even hid aside for fear of being hurt.

As for the audience outside the screen, they were completely mute. They turned off the flames.

Their thoughts were almost the same. They were so crazy that Yang Shi started to complain……..

Will he be taken away directly later?

Countless emotions gathered at this moment.

After spraying Yang Mi with her arms akimbo, it’s like changing her face in a Sichuan opera.

While blinking, he quickly adjusted his expression.

Cute and innocent, she wiped her mouth and looked at Chen Lei with a smile.

“Sister Lei, it didn’t scare you, did it?”

“This is a straight shot, the performance should be more intuitive”

“Friends in the live broadcast room, please don’t misunderstand me. I was just demonstrating to Sister Lei.”

She said while smiling and holding Chen Lei’s arm.

“Sister Lei, would you say that communicating like this would be much simpler and more effective?”

“Of course, I’m not referring to swearing, is this the pattern?”

“Forehead…….Well, it seems…….It seems to be more effective”

“That’s good, let’s communicate like this next, okay?”

“Be good~”

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