Chapter 189 Integrates the title song of the new album! The Battle of the Kings takes turns bombing!!

Time goes by.

Gu Jiangning’s five songs of “Yearning”, with the song “You Were a Teenager”, were finally all recorded.

This day.

Penguin Music, Net Cloud Music… And other music manufacturer platforms, whether it is a website or an app, have begun to “bombard in turn” to warm up Gu Jiangning’s new works!

This wave!

Gu Jiangning made an album with six songs from “You Were a Teenager”, the title song is “You Were a Teenager”, and packaged this album as the promotional cover of “Zhu Kao”!



All major platforms have begun to publicize wildly!

Whether it is the home page cover push, or a variety of splash screen recommendations, each platform has given Gu Jiangning, a comprehensive arrangement!

This kind of battle, I don’t know, but also looking for the veteran King Zhou Dong’s level of singers to release a new album!


Thinking about it carefully, Gu Jiangning also has such qualifications and has such a card face.


The five songs of his “Yearning”, just incomplete live versions with murmurs, have been in the top ten of the new song charts of major platforms for so long!

One thing that is very clear to all platforms is that as long as these five songs are online, they will definitely make a steady profit!

Therefore, the authorization fees given to Gu Jiangning by various platforms are ridiculously high!

Even at the beginning of Penguin Music, it asked for exclusive licensing and gave Gu Jiangning the highest price!

At that time, some of the next door were not happy with home, and almost bombarded penguin music on Weibo, don’t be lazy!

Everyone knows that this is a piece of fat meat, a lot of oil and water is good!

Your penguin music is usually overbearing, do you really plan to swallow it alone at this time?

Seeing that things are about to ferment, these platform parties are about to do it because of themselves, in line with the idea of ‘we have no background and no one can be guilty’, Gu Jiangning chose to release the whole platform!

This has calmed down their impending ‘war’!

What makes the platforms very satisfied is that Gu Jiangning simply made several songs this time into a beautiful album, and attached a new song title song such as “You Were a Teenager”!

You can also catch up with the recent ‘college entrance examination’ heat!

It was great!

As for whether Gu Jiangning’s song has the reason for ‘whitewashing’ Bailu…

Come on!

Some time ago, what little thing and broken things between Bai Mengyan and advertisers, will these big platform dads care?

No one cares if you want to whitewash the song, they only care about how hot the song is, how big a gimmick it is, and how much income it can bring them!


It is released on the whole platform, so everyone is in full swing to publicize it, waiting for the launch to be just hot!

There’s even a thing called ‘#顾江宁新专辑即将上线!’ #’Hot Search!

Under such ‘overwhelming’ propaganda!

Countless netizens heard the news and rushed!

Comments have said: “After so long of urging, it has finally come!” ”

“Wow this wave… Is it an album? Six songs wow! ”

“Eh? Have you ever heard one? “You Were Teenagers”? ”

“Is it for college entrance examination students?”

“Wow or sing with Bai Mengyan?”

“The title song wow pro!”

“What quality must be this song when the songs ‘First Day’ and ‘The Name Engraved in My Heart’ are the title songs of the album!”

“Hurry up and get online!”

Gu Jiangning is very shrewd to take “You Were a Teenager” as the title song of the album!

This song itself is a new song, a new song Gu Jiangning’s new song that has not been heard by everyone, which is worth looking forward to.

Now, it is also used by Gu Jiangning as the title song of the album!

“The First Day”, “The Name Engraved in My Heart” These songs are the title songs of the album, please!

Even those songs can’t be the title song, this song is on!

What else needs to be said?

Moreover, the publicity of this album and this song is mainly based on ‘Zhu Kao’, so many people naturally think of the things of Bailu some time ago.

Although it is cold, some people still occasionally mention it.

So this song, what does Gu Jiangning mean, whether you want to help Bai Lu, netizens can see it at a glance!

In a word!

This song, the expectation value is simply bursting!

The provisional launch time of the whole platform is 12:00 p.m., but the number of people who booked a new album at the same time at about 1:00 p.m. has exceeded 50 million!

Looking at the album comments section, it was a ‘look forward to’ sound!

After so long of urging, it has finally come, and of course these people are looking forward to it!


12 o’clock time arrives.

When every song on the album is refreshed from being unclickable and only looking at the song title, it is refreshed to a source that can be clicked and listened to!

All the audiences on all music platforms poured in almost at the same time!

Probably the traffic is too scary, such as Kugou and other platforms, may not have experienced such a terrible traffic, there is no cloud computing support, the server was directly squeezed on the spot!

Only the staff can urgently repair it!

Otherwise this wave of losses will be great!

And it turns out…

The major music manufacturers have never misread Gu Jiangning, and his music!

Gu Jiangning’s new album was launched on all platforms in just one hour!

Over 30 million views, 12.5 million likes, 9.3 million retweets!

And this data continues to grow!

24-hour views exceeded hundreds of millions, absolutely not a problem!

The point is!

The number of retweets on this album is terrifying!

The number of retweets of an album determines its quality and word of mouth!

Someone is willing to help forward it, which shows that they really like the album and also shows that the quality of the album is good!

Gu Jiangning’s new album has more than nine million forwards in one hour, which is not enough to explain anything?

As it turns out, the quality of this album is really scary!

If nothing else…

Only to say that Gu Jiangning’s songs such as “The First Day”, “The Name Engraved in My Heart” and other songs that have a live version of the sound source, have a lot of reputation in themselves, with their own heat!

As soon as this official version is online, it is even more right about that taste!

Gu Jiangning’s official version is not only worse than the live version, but even more so!

The comments section for five songs, almost unanimously!

The four words “so good” are about to burst the comment area!

Compared to these songs that have already brought their own popularity…

Its own title song “You Were a Teenager” is somewhat insufficient.

But in the end, Gu Jiangning’s new song is a version of the chorus with Bai Lu, or a song of ‘Zhu Kao’.

So the heat is not low!


When everyone clicks in with absolute expectations to listen to the title song of Gu Jiangning’s new album…

All of a sudden, I was fascinated!

“Sometimes you miss the old days.”

“But when Naive left, you didn’t say a word.”

“You just wave your hand, like throwing away waste paper, saying that it is a must in life!”

“Drink until seven points…”

“But I feel like I’m lost.”

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