Chapter 199

“Ah, it doesn’t matter if you really can’t catch it. If you lose, you will lose. Don’t force yourself. I won’t make any embarrassing demands.”

Li D’s smile was very bright at this time, with his hands behind his back, his body leaning forward slightly, his big eyes were full of smiles, and the whole person gave a feeling of great mood.

Bai Jiliang looked at Li D, um… the smile is very healing, this girl is really beautiful when she smiles, and she is a little moved.

But it’s not the time to see a girl right now, he wants to redeem his dignity!

Angrily, Dantian stared at the claw machine.

“According to my years of experience in grasping dolls, this kind of doll machine in front of me… Combination is the ultimate meaning of catching a doll!”


Listening to Bai Jiliang’s words again, he pulled a bunch of things, and Li D’s smile became more obvious, his eyes were all crescents.

“Hurry up~”

“Don’t worry!”

Bai Jiliang’s eyes condensed, his hands quickly operated, crackling frantically, his movements were very wild, which made people a little worried about the service life of this claw machine.

The hooks were put down again, mobilizing everyone’s minds.

Can it succeed?

At this moment, only the owner of the doll shop was calm, with a mysterious smile on his face, as if he had come from the rivers and lakes.

The hook accurately grasped the panda doll that Li D had fancyed, and slowly lifted it up.


Although Li D said that Bai Jiliang was bragging, but at this time he couldn’t help holding his breath and looking at the hook.

Lift it up, the claws…the claws are not loose!

“Wow! Caught! Really caught!”

Li D bounced in excitement, like a kid who got his beloved toy. Seeing Bai Jiliang’s eyes became unbelievable, “It’s amazing!”

“Low-key, this is just the beginning.” Bai Jiliang’s face at this time only has a faint smile, which is very calm, and has increased a bit of mastery.

The onlookers who didn’t know the truth around began to think……..Is it really a master?

“Come again!” Li D urged impatiently.

“Okay!” Bai Jiliang didn’t persuade at all, he basically felt it just now.

The power of the hook has been adjusted!


Bai Jiliang didn’t actually lie about the matter of catching a doll… He is really experienced.

In the past, he had never taken a girl to grab a doll, of course, it also had something to do with his age. Later, he liked to take a girl into the bar to drill.

For catching dolls, Bai Jiliang didn’t use this kind of money offensive to cheat directly at the beginning, he used another kind of money offensive.

Whether you can catch the doll is not a skill, nor is it luck, but… money!

He grabs a doll and uses hundreds of game coins to ride a horse, but he can’t catch it? !

Of course, it was later discovered that this behavior was a bit lacking, and the girls would complain afterwards that it shouldn’t be so wasteful… Then Bai Jiliang wondered if the power of this claw could be controlled by others.

In fact, you don’t have to spend a lot of money to buy a lot of game coins, but the effect is much better.

Just like Li D now…


“Wow! Hit and hit again! Gosh!”

“Also, this and this…….. great, great!”

“I want this, will it be too difficult? On the very edge~”

“Wow…you are really amazing! Can you teach me?”


With fifty game coins and twenty-five chances, Bai Jiliang caught twenty-two dolls.

In addition to the first mistake, there were two more mistakes later.

The owner of the doll shop…something.The three mistakes did not affect anything, on the contrary, it made Bai Jiliang’s identity as a claw machine master affirmative.

Li D was holding a lot of dolls, big and small, his face flushed with excitement.


“Have you been so good?!”

“That’s not the case, I actually played a bit supernormal today~” Bai Jiliang said modestly.

“Is that because of me?” Miss Li D’s face was a little expectant.

For your sake? Obviously because of the money…but Bai Jiliang certainly wouldn’t say that.

He smiled and nodded, “It feels like the claw machine likes you very much~”

“Ahhh~ so many……. How can I get it back~” The young lady fell into the trouble of happiness.

He raised his head and looked at Bai Jiliang, “You know what, I have never caught a doll before, no one! Today is really…”

“Ahem.” Bai Jiliang gave a dry cough, “Remind you, you didn’t catch it today, I caught it~”

“Ah, you are a boyfriend and classmate, they are all the same~ hee hee.” The girl’s smile is very sweet. This is the first time Bai Jiliang has seen her like this. The sweetness is more than Tang Yan’s silly white sweetness. …….A bit powerful~


“Then ~ should you?” Bai Jiliang raised his eyebrows and reminded him a little.

Li D bulged his face when he heard this, and seemed a little bit embarrassed.

After struggling for a while, I closed my eyes, “Brother~”


Bai Jiliang gave a thumbs up, “Says the words, the female middle school hero!”

“No, what about these dolls now? Are we divided?” Li D asked blushing.

That elder brother…….. very embarrassing, shy~

Bai Jiliang shook his head, “Why do I want these? I don’t even have a fixed residence now. I wander around with a dog and a cat. Is it possible to bring a few dolls?”

“Ah~ Are you wandering around? What do you mean?”

“I live in a hotel, I have been staying in a hotel, I change to a different hotel, and the whole world is home.”

“Really?” Li D didn’t quite believe it.

“What did I lie to you for? You can go to my room later, take all your belongings with you, and you will be wherever you go~”


Originally wanted to continue to learn about this topic, but Li D looked at more and more onlookers and felt that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time.

“Then… I will keep this panda doll, and give it to your fans~”

“My fans?” Bai Jiliang turned around and took a look, okay, many little girls…maybe there are some children.

The movement of Bai Jiliang catching the doll just now attracted many people who are not his fans.

That guy, it’s too hard to catch the doll.

As soon as Bai Jiliang and Li D left, the crane machine they had just used was taken by others.

He’s still a little nervous, don’t worry, other people are just as accurate as possible.

I was relieved to see people playing several times and couldn’t catch one. The owner of this store responded quickly enough.

“Come on, these dolls are for you, can you let us go?” Bai Jiliang said to the fans.

“Wow! Thank you, Uncle Bai~”

“Uncle Bai is just right!”

“Uncle Bai, who is that girl?”


After a while of twittering, Li D was about to recite his smile, Uncle Bai? This title is really quite acceptable~

Bai Jiliang is a bit speechless, this group of fans are really…what’s wrong with calling something, Uncle Bai?


“You call that, it feels like I am in my forties or 50s, not so good…”

“This is a nickname~” The fans laughed into a ball, but they were still interested in Li D.

“This young lady? My girlfriend~” Bai Jiliang said naturally.

“Wow! Uncle Bai, are you looking for a girlfriend again?” The fans were surprised, but no one said anything like “You are looking for a girlfriend, your fans turned black”.

After all, Bai Jiliang has always had a girlfriend since his debut, but he always changes.

“I am his girlfriend on the show… Don’t get me wrong.”

Li D hurriedly explained, and then gave Bai Jiliang a glance.

To say such things that are so easy to misunderstand, this guy is really…

“Miss Sister looks really good-looking, she fits well with Uncle Bai~”

“Uncle Bai is very bothersome, you have to take good care of him, Miss Sister.”

“What kind of show, it feels very interesting~ Do you fall in love on the show?”


After dividing the dolls among the fans, Bai Jiliang and Li D “difficultly” get out of the siege.

During the period, some fans wanted the panda doll, but Miss Li D smiled and refused, saying that it was given to her by Bai Jiliang.

It’s a wave of hatred~


Fans of Bai Jiliang are quite talkative, mainly because they know that Bai Jiliang will curse people… His underage fans dare not come over, afraid of being scolded, so they can only stand a little farther and watch.

There are many posts in Bai Jiliang’s post bar discussing his previous underage fans’ posts. Many people have come to the conclusion: Uncle Bai doesn’t care how many fans he has…otherwise he is already very popular now, why? It may not operate at all for fans.

Wayward Uncle Bai~

Then because of this, I sucked another wave of fans.

The maverick, unlike others, is always more noticeable.


“Your fans are so enthusiastic!” Li D seemed to be a little hot, his face flushed, and he fanned himself with his hand as a fan.

“That’s a must~” Bai Jiliang chuckled a little, “It’s okay, I will form a CP with you, and you will have more fans soon.”

“I don’t want it, isn’t this rubbing your fame!”

“Hey, the little girl is quite ambitious, don’t take shortcuts?”

“Huh, that’s not it, but it seems to have rubbed it now…” The expression on his face was a bit sad, and Li D felt that he had taken a lot of Bai Jiliang’s advantage.

In this regard, Bai Jiliang is very big, “You just rub it, I have never cared about it anyway, my fans grew up brutally by myself, I wanted to add my fan skirt before, but I couldn’t add it. Do you believe it?”

“Ah? Why?” Li D was curious.

Bai Jiliang touched his nose, “Because they set up questions about me…I can’t answer…”

“Haha, you are so stupid!”

“You can’t answer for you~” Bai Jiliang was a little unconvinced.

“What’s the skirt size? Tell me, I’ll try it!”

Clam? Li D and his fan skirt? What is this operation?

“It’s drunk to death and the umbrella is dead and strayed. It is called the only book friend’s skirt of Da Hippo. It has a very strange name.”


The car hasn’t started yet, and the road is blocked.

It’s not that Bai Jiliang’s fans blocked it, but some passers-by who watched the excitement… One of the Chinese people’s nature is to eat melons and watch the show.

They thought something happened here~

The staff of the program group is explaining the evacuation, otherwise the two of them will not be able to get out at all.

At this time, Li D was still holding the panda doll that Bai Jiliang caught first.

In fact, he caught other panda dolls later, this is not the most exquisite and beautiful, but Li D still kept this.

Because… this is the first one.

A creature like a girl always cares about the concept of the first time, the first one.

This is incomparable to the latter……….

But she suddenly thought of what Bai Jiliang had said before. He has been staying in the hotel.

The meeting gift Li D prepared for Bai Jiliang was a big doll with one person tall…How did he bring this thing to him?

I was tangled for a while, riding Bai Jiliang before driving, “Close your eyes~”

“Huh?” Bai Jiliang didn’t react a little.

“Close your eyes! It’s time to exchange gifts, you have given me panda dolls, mine should also be given.”

Upon hearing this, Bai Jiliang was a little disappointed.

Isn’t it all for girls to let people close their eyes to send them off~

Exchanging gifts? What’s the point of that.

“Actually, my gift hasn’t been given yet…” Bai Jiliang explained.

Give a panda as a gift? The girl seems to have misunderstood something.


“I don’t care, you close your eyes first!” Li D’s tone was a little anxious.

“Okay, okay~ I’ll see what medicine is sold in your gourd.”

After Bai Jiliang closed his eyes, Li D also stretched out his hand and dangled in front of him, making sure that he really closed his eyes.

Then… suddenly he leaned forward.

Bai Jiliang feels hot on his face~

Rich experience tells him that this is the girl kissing him.

“Pretty!” the director group cheered.

The assistant director flushed and slapped his thigh, “Finally! Finally! This horse riding is the essence of our show!”

He has already thought about it. In the later stage, he will do a full-body pink special effect in this scene, and then choose the most romantic music…

Waited for a day! Finally waited!


But think about it, the deputy director still admires Bai Jiliang a bit.

The two of them didn’t follow the script at all. The scene of catching the doll was entirely Bai Jiliang’s temporary intention, otherwise it would not be possible to be blocked here now.

After the two met, they spent a long time on the Ferris wheel, but in one day, only one day, Bai Jiliang could actually let Li D take the initiative to kiss him.

Recalling all the operations of Bai Jiliang all day today, I found that this seemed to be a gradual process.

From the beginning, the girl didn’t have a good impression of him, but slowly began to interact later, although they still choked at each other.

But since taking the bag of Mai Lisu, Li D obviously began to have less prejudice against Bai Jiliang.

Some subconscious actions later showed this point even more.

How do you say this stuff, it can be regarded as human nature.

Some girls know that some boys are scumbags, but they are still slowly attracted…Some scumbags do not hide their scum at all, but they still do not affect the pick-up girls.


After another wave of happily playing in the zoo, Bai Jiliang also used his own way to get along with the girl, which made Li D’s mood gradually improve.

And the cute panda cub makes her girly heart overflowing~

Finally, Bai Jiliang relied on the skill of cheating and grabbing the doll to completely ignite the emotions of the young lady.

I am afraid that the bet was also a foreshadowing. First, he said a condition for a kiss, and then he took the initiative to deny it.

Shows a more gentleman’s attitude, but successfully implanted the concept of a kiss to complete the bet in the young lady’s mind.

The girl will feel that the other party is not trying to take advantage, but just to find a prize for betting. She also deliberately chooses one that is not excessive, and the impression develops further positively.

In the end, my brother called out and kissed his face……..

After I figured everything out,

His deputy director would like to call Bai Jiliang the strongest!


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