Chapter 880: Raise a level!

Long Xiaoyun walked down from the Sam’s ship.

Going directly to Mu Han’s room, he needs to report to Mu Han about the situation that day.

Avoid like last time, he has not had time to return.

The two of the gods of death and Shura first reported the battle.

As for being Mu Han, the boss finally gave a few more words.

After Long Xiaoyun came to Mu Han’s room, he first stood up in front of the door.

“Build the S-type stealth fighter as soon as possible! It must be fast, I am still anxious to use it!”

Long Xiaoyun heard the voice of the boss Mu Han.

“Good boss, we will produce the S-type stealth fighter as soon as possible.

If all the materials, equipment and production lines can be supplied,

Working overtime, we estimate that the first S-type stealth fighter can be produced within half a month! ”

The person who said this, Long Xiaoyun did not hear whose voice it was.

But he knew that since he should say such a thing.

After all, he was a person directly related to his research on the S-type stealth fighter.

“Half a month is too long. I want you to produce your first stealth fighter within a week.”

“The boss produced an S-type stealth fighter this week.

This situation may not be realized at all, and it will take half a month at the earliest! ”

“The day lily has been cold for half a month, what do I want you to do?!”

Mu Han’s tone sounded already showing great anger.

At this time, the dreamer was left in front of the door.

I don’t know if I should go in and report to his boss Mu Han.

Of course, Long Xiaoyun interrupted Mu Han’s conversation with the researcher now.

Then Long Xiaoyun might still cause dissatisfaction with his current boss.

After all, listening to their conversation, his boss is now discussing a very important matter with the scientific researcher.

, But if Long Xiaoyun does not report to his boss now.

Then will he be the same as last time because of delayed return.

And the same will be reprimanded by his current boss Mu Han.

, Long Xiaoyun now sees two of them. .

So I kept wandering at the door of Mu Han’s room, not knowing whether to enter or not.

In fact, Long Xiaoyun came to the door of his boss Mu Han’s house.

Standing in the room, Mu Han had heard Luo Xiaoyun’s voice.

Even the slight sound of footsteps was since Mu Han took the pill last time.

Now Mu Han’s hearing and vision have risen to another level.

This raises a notch and that is a big change.

, Originally, his previous hearing and eyesight had already surpassed that of ordinary people.

Now even if it made me make an ant sound, he Mu Han could hear that sound.

“Come in, stand at the door for a long time, what the hell is going in and talk about it, don’t sneak in there!”

Mu Han pointed at the dragon at the door in his room, Xiao Yun said aloud.

“I’m a good boss, I’m sorry!”

Mu Han’s words made the dragon standing at the door, Xiaoyun panicked.

He didn’t know his footsteps, but his boss Mu Han had already heard them.

, He thought there was surveillance here.

Let Long Xiaoyun look around, there is no monitoring at all.

So how did he know that he was standing at the door of the boss,

Such a boss is simply a superhuman existence.

Long Xiaoyun pushed open the boss Mu Han, the door of the room rose from the people, and walked in pretending to be calm.

After entering the room, Long Xiaoyun took a look in private.

There was one person in this room besides his boss Mu Han.

And this person was also seen by Long Xiaoyun one day, and that was the person in charge of the production of this type of technology.

, What’s the specific name.

, Long Xiaoyun did not remember a word when he heard the boss say last time.

But Long Xiaoyun knew this face, and Long Xiaoyun looked at this face.

Then he smiled faintly, which is also suitable for this research doctor to say hello.

“Hello boss!” Then he turned to the boss Mu Han and said.

“Have you forgotten the name of the doctor in front of you?

I told you last time that you must remember this doctor.

He is now one of the most powerful scientific research experts here.

He is not just the most powerful scientific research expert here.

And so far, in this world, I believe there is no one person’s strength.

The ability of any scientist can surpass the doctor of scientific research standing in front of me.

Now I tell you his name again, you must remember it.

The name of this great and terrific scientific research expert is Yu Ruiguang. ”

Mu Han, once introduced the name of Dr. Yu Ruiguang to Long Xiaoyun!

“Oh, yes, I remember, it turned out to be Dr. Yu Ruiguang.

Haha, I’m so embarrassed, I am a person, my memory is really too bad, Dr. Yu Ruiguang also hope you forgive me! ”

Long Xiaoyun quickly made an apologetic smile to the great Dr. Yu Ruiguang he faced.

Then walked forward and shook hands with Dr. Yu Ruiguang.

“Haha, it doesn’t matter, Captain Dragon, Long Xiaoyun, right?

I remember you and we met once, the last time we met with the boss and you two.

I know you are a very amazing blue country special team captain.

This time, the Sam State SEALs came to attack our Lekri Island,

It is you leading the Lan Guo special team members and mercenaries.

Killed all the SEALs in Sam Kingdom, right? You are really great! ”

After Dr. Yu Ruiguang finished speaking, he gave Long Xiaoyun a thumbs up again.

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