People in the relevant fields were shocked, and the relevant departments were even more shocked.

They knew this 0.4 news before the public.

With the permission of Chen Yang, the auction venue directly contacted the Huaxia Calligraphy Association, the Huaxia Literature and Poetry Association,

The backbone of the Huaxia Archaeological Association asked them to immediately send someone to verify the calligraphy and painting.

In the evening, the backbone appraisal personnel of the three major associations arrived at the scene.

After arriving at the scene, they all greeted Chen Yang excitedly.

"Hello Mr. Chen Yang, I've heard the name for a long time.

"Mr. Chen Yang is really young and promising, haha."

"Hello, Mr. Chen Yang."

Many experts greeted Chen Yang, one is because Chen Yang is really famous now, and the other is because Chen Yang

But great calligraphers deserve their respect.

That night, they carefully escorted the calligraphy and painting to the Magic Capital Museum.

There are professional equipment there that can identify the painting.

Chapter 417


417. The old man kneels on the washboard

After three days of testing, the good news finally came.

"This is really the real work of Wang Xizhi!"

"It's true! It's true!"

The ecstatic sound of the staff excited the experts who had been anxiously waiting for three days!

"If it is really the real work of Mr. Wang Suizhi, then it should really be what Mr.


"In this way, the "Three Posts of Ping An" is complete! Chen Yang has made a great contribution to Chinese literature this time!"

They handed the Ping An post back to Chen Yang, and told Chen Yang that they had confirmed that it was Wang Xizhi's genuine work.

"Wow, the real work of Wang Xizhi, Chen Yang, you really made a lot of money!"

Chen He was very excited.

"Didn't you also buy your favorite?"

Chen Yang rolled his eyes at Chen He.

"Haha, isn't that all thanks to you."

Chen He turned his head a little later, and was very happy.

When he called his wife to tell her about it last night, she was also very excited.

In fact, Chen Yang can see that "Ping An Post" is not because of the system, but because of the system.

Post", and the real work has been unearthed.

It is said that it also sold for a sky-high price of [-] million!

In this life, Chen Yang just caught up with the time, and with the eyesight of his calligraphy master, he can tell at a glance.

come out.

Otherwise, if you switch to other experts, you won't be able to figure out why.

Chen Yanghui's discovery of the two collections of calligraphy and paintings has been confirmed, and the entire Internet has become a sensation.

Especially in the literary world, one by one the bigwigs in the literary world jumped out.

"I sincerely thank Chen Yang, our ancient literature research group has been studying the "Three Posts of Ping An" for a long time, and now we have finally

A major breakthrough!

"Thanks to Chen Yang, through this "Safe Post", we can do better for the social phenomenon of the Eastern Jin Dynasty

The judgment is more perfect to restore history!

"Chen Yang is simply a lucky star in the ancient literary world! The impact of this discovery on the literary world is far-reaching!

"Anyway, Brother Chen Yang has made a great contribution to the Chinese literary circle this time!"

"Wuuu, I'm uncomfortable, I found out the real work of Wang Lingzhi, that's not why we have to memorize it again in the future.

An ancient poem? High school students can't afford to hurt wow

The whole network is hotly discussing, and the media are dispatched one after another.

This is big news!

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