: Gossip between Ye Mo and Chen Jiaman

Not only Ye Mo and Di Lieba attended the opening ceremony.

At the same time, Mo Ding Entertainment also invited some guests from the entertainment industry.


Comparing the movie premiere and the celebration banquet.

The number of guests at the opening ceremony was very small.

There are only dozens of people.

Many celebrities really want to come.

But Mo Ding Entertainment invited such a small number of guests.

I heard it was what Ye Mo meant.

There is no doubt about this.

Because only Ye Mo would do this.

If it was Chen Jiaman, he would definitely invite more guests.

Ye Mo, Di Lieba, and Chen Jiaman cut the ribbon together.

Except for Ye Mo, who is a man, all the others are women.

In the eyes of the outside world.

717 Di Lieba and the others must all be Ye Mo’s women.

It’s just that Chen Jiaman is not sure.

Chen Jiaman’s appearance and figure are all top-level actresses.

If she debuts, she will definitely become a big star.


The current status of Chen Jiaman is higher than that of any actress.

No matter what kind of queen she is, she can’t compare with Chen Jiaman.

Chen Jiaman is the No. 2 person in Mo Ding Entertainment.The ruler of Ding Entertainment.

Handle almost all affairs of Mo Ding Entertainment.

The power is boundless.

In fact, this point is also suspected by many people in the novel group ⑧5⑥⒈0⒐78⒉. Ye Mo and Chen Jiaman have a key point

Because Ye Mo trusted Chen Jiaman too much.

Although Ye Mo doesn’t like to manage specific affairs, he likes to be a hands-off shopkeeper.

But the trust in Chen Jiaman is still too much.

So many people think that Chen Jiaman has already been accepted by Ye Mo.

Let Ye Mo hand over the power of Mo Ding Entertainment to Chen Jiaman with peace of mind.

About the relationship between Ye Mo and Chen Jiaman.

The Chinese media will naturally not report it.

Basically, it’s all netizens discussing.

Everyone likes this kind of gossip.

Although Chen Jiaman is not a star.

But Chen Jiaman is more famous than many celebrities, and more beautiful than many actresses.

The heat has also been very high.

Just like Huayi’s Wang family brothers, they are not celebrities, but many netizens know them

Chen Jiaman is now more famous than the two brothers of the Wang family.

Not only because Chen Jiaman is a beautiful woman.

It’s also because Mo Ding Entertainment is much, much stronger than Hua Yi.

It is a dominating entertainment company that has never appeared in Huaxia.

And also gained a firm foothold in Hollywood, quickly running towards the overlord level.

For such a company, its face figures will naturally receive great attention.

Huaxia’s media does not report on the relationship between Ye Mo and Chen Jiaman.

However, the foreign media reported it vigorously.

When it comes to gossip, foreign media are stronger.

For example, the famous Sun, and tmz, these media have completely exploded the Chinese media in terms of gossip.

Now they are happily reporting about Ye Mo, Chen Jiaman, and Di Lieba and the others.

In fact, these media reported these things as early as Ye Mo and Quentin’s bet.

But this time because it was Ye Mo and Chen Jiaman, Di Lieba and the others stood in a row for the first time to attend the event.

So this time the report was very enthusiastic.

European and American netizens are naturally very interested in these gossips.

If they were not interested in gossip, then these gossip media would not exist.

Now Ye Mo has a great reputation in Europe and America.

Of course I’m interested.

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